曾铮 发表于 2018-7-10 22:45:08

人心在變 People Are Awakening

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9DyDiQPvzns/W0TFgvqFNDI/AAAAAAAAgGc/3EXv7Cu0i8I74qRzUnCrKEmE3FKCBdYJQCLcBGAs/s400/31958173_612298242471229_7196407146865491968_n.jpgFalun Gong practitioner and martial arts masterLongfei Yangmeditating. 法輪功學員、武術大師、心武門創始者楊龍飛在打坐。

Today I heard this sad and yet encouraging news from a Falun Gong practitioner in China:今天又聽到以下既令人悲哀,又令人鼓舞人心的消息,來自一位大陸法輪功學員:"Several weeks ago, a fellow practitioner, who stopped practicing after the crackdown happened in 1999, chose to resume his practice. (He gave up in 1999 because his family opposed him.) When his wife found his Falun Gong booksat home, she became so furious that she called the police to report upon her husband. However, the police refused to deal with this issue. She then personally went to the police station, and asked them to arrest her husband. Again, nobody listened to her. She became so angry again that she made quite a scene there."「前幾週吧,有個在九九年後掉隊的同修又走回來了,(他家庭關過不了)後來他妻子發現了他的大法書,鬧得不可開交,打電話報警,人家不管,她又跑去派出所,要他們抓人,也沒人管,氣得她大罵派出所的人。」Sad, because this wife treated her husband this way as she had been incited by the Communist Party to hate all Falun Gong practitioners including her husband.悲哀,是因爲這位妻子受共產黨反法輪功的仇恨宣傳,居然會「喪心病狂」到要求警察抓捕自己丈夫的地步。Encouraging, because the police are refusing to persecute Falun Gong practitioners anymore, after 19 long years!鼓舞,是因爲在迫害持續了十九年之久之後,終於有警察開始覺醒,並拒絕再迫害好人了!People in China are awakening, after the remarkable efforts of Falun Gong practitioners around the world to raise the awareness of the persecution!感謝全世界法輪功學員反迫害講真相的努力,人心在變,連迫害者都在覺醒。

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