日月同辉有其中 发表于 2020-11-27 17:00:25

最后的审判 (400) 道德經 68-69 解读

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-11 18:03 编辑

《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

68 善為士者,不(上来就动)武;善(尚;上)戰者,不(含下,意:低;谐音:帝)怒;善勝敵(谐音:帝)者,不與(别人在小事上争执【之】);善(尚;上)用人者,為之下(意:低;谐音:帝)。是謂不爭之德,是謂(这名叫)用人之力,是謂(这名叫)配天古之極。

69 用兵(尚;上)有言:吾不(含下,意:低;帝)敢為主,而為客;不敢進(上一)寸,而退(下【意:低;谐音:帝】一)尺。是謂(这名叫)行無行;攘無臂;扔無敵;執(谐音:之)無兵。禍莫大於輕敵(更致【之】命【名】的啦),輕敵幾喪吾寶(意:命;音同:名)。故抗兵相加,哀者勝矣。


《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

(Matching heaven)
68 He who (literally) in (Dao's) wars has skill
Assumes no martial port(Bears no martial fringe);
He who fights with (maximum compassion)most good will
To rage(jump up and down) makes no resort.
He who (exactly) vanquishes (also)yet still (without bothering)
Keeps from his foes(every his enemy) apart;
He whose (behests human beings maximum carry out)hests men most fulfil
Yet(Just so far) humbly plies his art.

Thus we say, 'He never (exceptionally) contends,
And(Besides) therein is his might.'
Thus we say, 'Men's wills he bends,
That they with him unite.'
Thus(That being so) we say, 'Like Heaven's his ends(Exactly like Heaven's his closes),
No(Just no) sage of old more (shining)bright.'

(The use of the mysterious (Dao))
69 A(Judiciously a) master of the art of war has said (exactly), 'I do not dare to be the host (to commence[begin the great] the war); I prefer(preferably think) to be the guest (ing]to act on the defensive). (Exactly) I do not dare to advance an inch; I prefer to retire a foot.' This is (just) called marshalling the ranks where there are no ranks; (exactly ) baring the arms (to fight) where there are no arms to bare; grasping the weapon where there is no weapon to grasp; advancing against the enemy where there is no enemy.
There is no calamity greater than lightly(breezily) engaging in war. To do that (exactly) is near losing (the gentleness) which is so precious(just admirable). (As an exceptional consequence)Thus it is that when (badly) opposing weapons are (actually) crossed, he who deplores (the situation) conquers.

Source from:
Dao De Jing - Chinese Text Project


《道德經 - Dao De Jing》

68 善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與;善用人者,為之下。是謂不爭之德,是謂用人之力,是謂配天古之極。

69 用(含中)兵有言:吾不敢為主,而為客;不敢進寸,而退尺。是謂(含田,含囗,古同:国)行無(含共)行;攘無臂(含厂,取chan,产);扔無敵;執無兵。禍莫大於輕敵,輕敵幾喪(命)吾寶。故抗兵相(含下,down,党)加,哀者勝矣。

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