FRANKSTON 发表于 2021-2-17 05:18:59


来自: 乱翻书的清风
最后当老川律师团列出301个传唤证人名单后,民主党立刻老实了,直接把传唤证人这个关键步骤取消掉。因为据悉,传唤名单上的第一个就是南希.佩洛西(NANCY PELOSI)。佩洛西当然不敢出来,因为那天有太多的事是她难以回答的,那本就是她和麦康奈尔一起策划的阴谋。据前WH幕僚长马克·梅多斯称,大统领曾经在1月6日之前要求向锅灰提供10000名国民警卫队,但被佩洛西阻止。显然,如果佩洛西听从大统领的安排,锅灰暴乱将不会发生,也不会发生那么多的命案。她为什么不肯接受10000名国民警卫队?她是否事先知道1月6日会有骚乱?为什么暴民"没有没阻挡在门外? 她丢失的笔记本上有没有和1月6日相关的"计划"内容?这些事情她躲是躲不掉的。近日,已有四名共和党议员,包括 吉姆·乔丹(Jim Jordan)和德文·努恩斯(Devin Nunes)向佩洛西议长致了信,希望她回答一些问题。
几个议员在信中提了5个犀利的问题:What conversations and what guidance did you and your staff give the Sergeant at Arms leading up to January 6th specific to the security posture of the campus?
[*]When then-Chief Sund made a request for national guard support on January 4th, why was that request denied?

[*]Did Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving get permission or instruction from your staff on January 4th prior to denying Chief Sund’s request for the national guard?

(1月4日,在拒绝Sund院长提出的要求国民警卫队的请求之前,Armans Paul Irving军士长是否得到了您工作人员的许可或指示?")
[*]What conversations and what guidance did you and your staff give the Sergeant at Arms leading up to January 6th specific to the security posture of the campus?

[*]What conversations with the SAA and Capitol Police did you have during the attack on the Capitol and what response did you give security officials on January 6th when Chief Sund requested National Guard support that required your approval?

[*]Why are your House Officers refusing to comply with preservation and production requests to turn over materials relevant to the events surrounding the 6th?

(为什么您的内务干事拒绝遵守保存和生产要求,以移交与6号事件相关的材料?)这几个问题相当犀利。1月6日锅灰发生骚乱后,佩洛西把警察局长和军士长当作替罪羊解僱,而真正应该承担责任的正是佩洛西自己。议员们在信中提到:当桑德警长要求在1月6日的国会联席会议之前启动国民警卫队时,军士长代表您做出的回应是"国民警卫队的现场状况不佳,情报部门不支持这一举动",该请求未获批准。此外,1月6日,在持续的国会大厦袭击中,桑德酋长再次将其批准授权国民警卫队的请求通知了军士长。他的批准请求整整花了一个多小时,因为军士长必须按规定程序进行处理,而这程序中无疑包括您和您的指定人员。随后,共和党议员Jason Chaffetz也通过福克斯新闻继续向佩洛西发难。Jason Chaffetz毫不客气地指出,1月6日锅灰遭到破坏后,佩洛西解僱了锅灰警卫长和警察局长,但作为众议院的做高权力者,佩洛西才是最该被问责的。他向佩洛西提出了13个问题要求她回答:1.What was your role in authorizing or denying National Guard support before and after Jan. 6?在1月6日前后,您在授权或拒绝国民警卫队的支持中扮演什么角色?
[*]Reps. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and James Comer R-Ky., on Feb. 15 asked you five pointed questions about your role in Jan. 6 and your preservation and compliance with document requests. Will you answer them?

2月15日,伊利诺伊州罗德尼·戴维斯,吉姆·乔丹,俄亥俄和詹姆斯·科默R-Ky代表问您五个尖锐的问题,涉及您在1月6日的角色以及您对文件的保存和遵守情况要求。你会回答吗?3.After the 2011 shooting of now former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., what changed with regard to security?在2011年对现任前民主党众议员盖比·吉福德斯(D.Arizona)的枪击事件之后,安全守卫方面发生了什么变化?4.After the shooting of Republican House Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., were any changes made to security?共和党众议院鞭子史蒂夫·斯卡利塞(R-La。)枪击事件发生后,是否对安全做出了任何更改?5.What happens when a member of Congress’ life is threatened? How are they expected to protect themselves?当国会议员的生命受到威胁时会发生什么?他们应该如何保护自己?In 2018, $25,000 was allocated to each Member’s Reimbursement Allowance (MRA) for security. Did that work?2018年,为每个会员的安保报销津贴(MRA)分配了25,000美元,起作用了吗?7.Do you have enough cameras in the public spaces inside and outside the Capitol?国会大厦内外的公共场所是否有足够的相机?8.Why can』t law enforcement secure doors in the Capitol and why isn』t there bulletproof glass?为什么执法机构未能严守大门,为什么没有防弹玻璃?(这个问题犀利!1月6日的一个视频显示,有人向人群招手让他们进来的)9.Why were known COVID-infected members allowed on the grounds of the Capitol? This is especially relevant given the disparate treatment of Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney’s son. A Naval Academy graduate, he was denied floor access (in the plexiglass COVID box you created so COVID-positive members could vote for you for speaker) to see his mother sworn in when every other member was allowed a guest.为什么已被确诊的新冠病毒患者被允许出现在锅灰大厦?鉴于共和党众议员克劳迪娅·特尼的儿子受到不同的对待,这一点尤其重要,他是海军学院的一名毕业生,被拒绝参加母亲的宣誓就职(而新冠病毒阳性成员却可以在您创建的有机玻璃框中为帮您投票而发言?)10.You insisted members should be fined $5,000 if they failed to pass through metal detectors. Should you be fined for not passing through the metal detector?您坚持要求成员如果未能通过金属探测器,应被罚款$ 5,000。您是否应因未通过金属探测器而被罚款?You said the enemy is within. What did you mean and who specifically are you afraid of in Congress?你说敌人在里面。您的意思是什么?在国会中您最害怕谁?How do you respond to the Feb. 1 letter from former Capitol Police Chief Sund?您如何回应2月1日前国会大厦警察局长桑德的来信?13.Your own home was vandalized this year on Jan.y 1. Yet nobody was arrested. The San Francisco Police Department was quoted saying, “Unidentified suspect(s) had painted graffiti on the garage door and left a pig’s head on the sidewalk.” How does this happen to the speaker of the House?今年1月1日,您自己的房屋遭到破坏。然而,没有人被捕。引述旧金山警察局的话说:"身分不明的嫌疑人在车库门上涂了涂鸦,并将猪头留在人行道上。" 众议院议长如何处理?
还有更狠的格雷厄姆在14日的《福克斯新闻》中强调,这次冲击锅灰大厦是有预谋的,要调查佩洛西和参议院是否1月6日前知晓暴乱计划,还要调查参议院在事前知不知道会发生骚乱。当然,也包括大统领前后都做了什么,还说要组成专门委员会调查这些问题。这话已经很明白了,格雷厄姆认为1月6日是个阴谋,现在是该说说清楚的时候了。这个调查想必不难进行,只要把佩洛西的笔记本内容晒一下就好了。我有种感觉,弹劾案将是一个重大的转折点,很快会有更多的好消息传来。共和党议员吊打佩洛西是一个开始,也是一个徵兆。昨天是美国的总统日。这一天出尽风头的不是假总统败灯,而是我们的大统领。看这欢迎队伍!总统日佛州华人挺川的飞机横幅:WE LOVE TRUMP! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!当大统领的车经过爱国者挺川游行中的那一刻,人群拥向大统领,表达他们对大统领的感谢和爱戴。总感觉我们的大统领快要回来了!

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查看完整版本: 弹劾川普失败后,共和党议员开始吊打佩洛西