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最后的审判 (453) 翠玉录 (六) Kriegsmann腓尼基语版本 解读

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Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Translation from Kriegsmann alledgedly from the Phoenician

1) I speak truly, not falsely, certainly and most truly
2) These things below with those above and those with these join forces again so that they produce a single thing the most wonderful of all.
3)And as the whole universe was brought forth from one by the word of one GOD, so also all things are regenerated perpetually from this one according to the disposition of Nature.
4) It has the Sun for father and the Moon for mother:
5) it is carried by the air as if in a womb, it is nursed by the earth.
6) It is the cause, this, of all perfection of all things throughout the universe.
6a) This will attain the highest perfection of powers
7) if it shall be reduced into earth
7a) Distribute here the earth and there the fire, thin out the density of this the suavest (suavissima) thing of all.
8)Ascend with the greatest sagacity of genius from the earth into the sky, and thence descend again to the earth, and recognise that the forces of things above and of things below are one,
9) so as to posses the glory of the whole world- and beyond this man of abject fate may have nothing further.
10)This thing itself presently comes forth stronger by reasons of this fortitude: it subdues all bodies surely, whether tenuous or solid, by penetrating them.
11a) And so everything whatsoever that the world contains was created.
12) Hence admirable works are accomplished which are instituted (carried out- instituuntur) according to the same mode.
13) To me therefor the name of Hermes Trismegistus has been awarded because I am discovered as the Teacher of the three parts of the wisdom of the world.
14) These then are the considerations which I have concluded ought to be written down concerning the readiest operations of the Chymic art.

Source: Emerald Tablet of Hermes - Sacred Texts


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Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Translation from Kriegsmann alledgedly from the Phoenician

1) (I speak truly, not falsely, just certainly and most honestly)I speak truly, not falsely, certainly and most truly.
2) These things below with those above and those with these join forces again so that they produce a single thing the most wonderful of all.(These things below exactly with those above and those with these bind forces again so that they bring about a single thing the exceptionally wonderful of just all)
3) (Moreover as the exactly whole universe was brought forth from one by the simple word of one GOD, highly also all things are breathed new life into unendingly from this extraordinary one just claimed the disposition of Nature)And as the whole universe was brought forth from one by the word of one GOD, so also all things are regenerated perpetually from this one according to the disposition of Nature.
4) It(Exactly it) has the Sun for father and the Moon for mother:
5) (it is carried by the air as if in a womb greatly, it is nursed by the earth)it is carried by the air as if in a womb, it is nursed by the earth.
6) (It is being the cause, exact this, of all perfection of just all matters exceptionally throughout the universe)It is the cause, this, of all perfection of all things throughout the universe.
6a) This will attain the highest perfection of powers(This will obtain the highest artistry of jurisdictions),
7) (if it shall be reduced into globe)if it shall be reduced into earth.
7a) (Exactly distribute here the earth and over there the fire, thin out the density of this jinxed suavissima or suavest thing of all)Distribute here the earth and there the fire, thin out the density of this the suavest (suavissima) thing of all.
8) Ascend with the greatest sagacity of genius from the earth into the sky, and thence descend again to the earth, and recognise that the forces of things above and of things below are one(Ascend exactly with the greatest wisdom of brilliance from the globe into the sky, while thence descend again to the globe, and acquaint that the great forces of exact things above and of things below just are the same),
9) (so as to posses the extraordinary glory of the whole world - and beyond this man of resigned fate may have nothing further)so as to posses the glory of the whole world- and beyond this man of abject fate may have nothing further.
10) (This basic thing itself presently comes forth exceptionally stronger just by reasons of this mettle: it subdues maximally all bodies obviously, no matter fragile or solid, by penetrating them)This thing itself presently comes forth stronger by reasons of this fortitude: it subdues all bodies surely, whether tenuous or solid, by penetrating them.
11a) And so everything whatsoever that the world contains was created(And that being so exactly everything whatsoever that the world just contains was made).
12) (So extremely admirable works are obtained which are organized precisely according to the basic identical methodology)Hence admirable works are accomplished which are instituted (carried out- instituuntur) according to the same mode.
13) (To extraordinary me therefore the majestic name of Hermes Trismegistus has been exceptionally conferred because I am invented as the great Teacher of the three parts of the sagacity of the entire planet)To me therefore the name of Hermes Trismegistus has been awarded because I am discovered as the Teacher of the three parts of the wisdom of the world.
14) (These then are being the exact considerations which I just have terminated, shall be exceptionally written down concerning the most basic operations of the great Chymic fine art)These then are the considerations which I have concluded ought to be written down concerning the readiest operations of the Chymic art.


Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Translation from Kriegsmann alledgedly from the Phoenician

1) I speak truly, not falsely, certainly and most truly
2) These things below with those above and those with these join forces again so that they produce a single thing the most wonderful of all.
3)And as the whole universe was brought forth from one by the word of one GOD, so also all things are regenerated perpetually from this one according to the disposition of Nature.
4) It has the Sun for father and the Moon for mother:
5) it is carried by the air as if in a womb, it is nursed by the earth.
6) It is the cause, this, of all perfection of all things throughout the universe.
6a) This will attain the highest perfection of powers
7) if it shall be reduced into earth
7a) Distribute here the earth and there the fire, thin out the density of this the suavest (suavissima) thing of all.
8)Ascend with the greatest sagacity of genius from the earth into the sky, and thence descend again to the earth, and recognise that the forces of things above and of things below are one,
9) so as to posses the glory of the whole world- and beyond this man of abject fate may have nothing further.
10)This thing itself presently comes forth stronger by reasons of this fortitude: it subdues all bodies surely, whether tenuous or solid, by penetrating them.
11a) And so everything whatsoever that the world contains was created.
12) Hence admirable works are accomplished which are instituted (carried out- instituuntur) according to the same mode.
13) To me therefor the name of Hermes Trismegistus has been awarded because I am discovered as the Teacher of the three parts of the wisdom of the world.
14) These then are the considerations which I have concluded ought to be written down concerning the readiest operations of the Chymic art.



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