日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-4-27 11:15:59

最后的审判 (499) 埃及考古Min-Nakht石碑铭文

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-7-13 09:07 编辑

The Stela of Min-Nakht
(Zagreb Archaeological Museum)

Left column:
I greet thee, blessed Min. I greet thee, blessed, just Horus. I greet thee, Horus the Elder, blessed avenger of thy sire. (You) who rise up and bind the evil-doer. (You) who forcefully rein in the one who engenders chaos.

Right column:Oh all scribes, all lector priests, all wab-priests, all mankind who shall pass by this stela!
If you desire that your gods would favor you, (and) would pass on your functions to your children, you say as follows (lit. according as your saying):
A royal offering of Osiris for the ka of the lector priest of Min from Akhmim, Min-Nakht, the justified.
Hail to you, Min, in peace! Hail to you, Horus, in peace! Hail to you Horus the Elder!
Guard the father in safety! Fly, rising up on the ladder of Seth! Fly! Seize power! Speak goodness!

The Stela of Min-Nakht - Middle Egyptian Grammar
Stelae | Archaeological Museum in Zagreb

Nakhtmin - Wikipedia
Osiris - Wikipedia
Akhmim - Wikipedia

Minnakht (also Nakhtmin)
Horus - Wikipedia
Set (deity) - Wikipedia

世界唯一完整記錄的長生不老方法!法老的終極夢想!地球 ...


The Stela of Min-Nakht
(Zagreb Archaeological Museum)

Left column:
I greet thee, blessed Min. I greet thee, blessed, just Horus. I greet thee, Horus the Elder, blessed avenger of thy sire. (You) who rise up and bind the evil-doer. (You) who forcefully rein in the one who engenders chaos.

Right column:
Oh all scribes, all lector priests, all wab-priests, all mankind who shall pass by this stelajournos, all spokesman priests, maximum of wab-monks, all human beings who shall pass by this inscribed stela]!
[If you want that your gods would exceedingly favor you, and would pass on your jobs to your families and children, you explain as follows (basically according as your saying]If you desire that your gods would favor you, (and) would pass on your functions to your children, you say as follows (lit. according as your saying):
A royal offering of Osiris for the ka of the lector priest of Min from Akhmim, Min-Nakht, the justifiedble offering of exceptional Osiris for the ka of the lector priest of Min from Akhmim, Min-Nakht, the justified].
ail to you, Min, in ease! Exclaim in admiration to you, brilliant Horus, in great peace! Hail to you Horus the elder generation!]Hail to you, Min, in peace! Hail to you, Horus, in peace! Hail to you Horus the Elder!
[Guard the father in well-being! Fly, excellently rising up on the ladder of Seth! Fly! Seize jurisdiction! All time speak goodness!]Guard the father in safety! Fly, rising up on the ladder of Seth! Fly! Seize power! Speak goodness!


The Stela of Min-Nakht
(Zagreb Archaeological Museum)

Oh all scribes, all lector priests, all wab-priests, all mankind who shall pass by this stela!
If you desire that your gods would favor you, (and) would pass on your functions to your children, you say as follows (lit. according as your saying):
A royal offering of Osiris for the ka of the lector priest of Min from Akhmim, Min-Nakht, the justified.
Hail to you, Min, in peace! Hail to you, Horus, in peace! Hail to you Horus the Elder!
Guard the father in safety! Fly, rising up on the ladder of Seth! Fly! Seize power! Speak goodness!


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