日月同辉有其中 发表于 2021-6-24 08:40:46

最后的审判 (529) 易經•彖傳•隨

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-6-28 08:23 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Sui      

In Sui we see the strong (trigram) come and place itself under the weak; we see (in the two) the attributes of movement and pleasure: - this gives (the idea of) Sui. 'There will be great progress and success; and through firm correctness no error:' - all under heaven will be found following at such a time. Great indeed are the time and significance indicated in Sui.

来源:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
I Ching Interpretation & Meaning Hexagram 17 - Sui

推背圖 第三五象 戊戌 ䷐ 震下兌上 隨      

   西方有人 足踏神京
   帝出不還 三台扶傾
   黑雲黯黯自西來 帝子臨河築金台
   南有兵戎北有火 中興曾見有奇才




Tuan Zhuan: Sui      

In Sui we see the strong (trigram) come and place itself under the weak; we see (in the two) the attributes of movement and pleasure: - this gives (the idea of) Suiy in Sui we are able to sight the strong (above the central axis of the trigram totally) join and measure itself under the weak; we examine (in the pair of lines) the attributes of motion along with joy: - this indeed brings into existence (the idea of) Sui]. 'There will be great progress and success; and through firm correctness no error:'['There will be major achievement as well as extraordinary and praiseworthy boosting; and by unmoving infallibility no oversight:'] - all under heaven will be found following at such a time[- all existed under heaven will be found following just at a time sequentially]. Great indeed are the time and significance indicated in Suixceptional undoubtedly are the time and significance displayed in Sui].


Tuan Zhuan: Sui      

In Sui we see the strong (trigram) come and place itself under the weak; we see (in the two) the characteristics of movement and pleasure: - this gives (the idea of) Sui. 'There will be great progress and success; and through firm correctness no error:' - all under heaven will be found following at such a time. Great indeed are the time and significance indicated in Sui.

《石濤聚焦》「中共國實驗室有更可怕的東西正在醞釀下一場 ...

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