日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-1-11 13:20:08

最后的审判 (680) 易經•彖傳•益 是谁溺死了墙内王

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-1-24 11:56 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Yi      

In Yi we see the upper (trigram) diminished, and the lower added to. The satisfaction of the people (in consequence of this) is without limit. What descends from above reaches to all below, so great and brilliant is the course (of its operation). That 'there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken' appears from the central and correct (positions of the second and fifth lines), and the (general) blessing (the dispensing of which they imply). That 'it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream' appears from the action of wood (shown in the figure). Yi is made up of (the trigrams expressive of) movement and docility, (through which) there is daily advancement to an unlimited extent. We have (also) in it heaven dispensing and earth producing, leading to an increase without restriction of place. Everything in the method of this increase proceeds according to the requirements of the time.

Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
42 Augmenting YI | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背圖第三七象 庚子 ䷩ 震下巽上 益         

   漢水茫茫 不統繼統
   南北不分 和衷與共
   水清終有竭 倒戈逢八月
   海內竟無王 半凶還半吉




Tuan Zhuan: Yi      

In Yi we see the upper (trigram) diminished, and the lower added toy in Sun (we observe) the diminishment in upper trigram, the extra in addition in upper]. The satisfaction of the people (in consequence of this) is without limit. What descends from above reaches to all below, so great and brilliant is the course (of its operation)joy and comfort of the society (in auxiliary of this) is beyond comparison. What goes down from above reaches to everything below, so brilliant and great is the course (of its exceptional operation)]. That 'there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken' appears from the central and correct (positions of the second and fifth lines), and the (general) blessing (the dispensing of which they imply)justifiable preeminence amidst every movement which shall be executed' displays from the central and befitting (position of the second line accompanying fifth line), and the general blessing (the exposition of which they allude to)]. That 'it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream' appears from the action of wood (shown in the figure)[That 'it will be just as well most desirable to cross【X】 the big stream' shows from the going of wood boat (exhibited in the figure)]. Yi is made up of (the trigrams expressive of) movement and docility, (through which) there is daily advancement to an unlimited extent. We have (also) in it heaven dispensing and earth producing, leading to an increase without restriction of place[Yi is in fact being made up of (the trigrams expressive of) translocation in conjunction with tameness, (through which) there exists advancement to an abounding extent daily. In addition we have in it heaven distributing and earth producing, leading to an extra increase without restriction of place]. Everything in the method of this increase proceeds according to the requirements of the timethe method of this increase goes according to the justifiable requirements of the time].


推背圖第三七象 庚子 ䷩ 震下巽上 益         

   漢水茫茫 不統(照样)繼統
   南北不分 和衷(含来自内部的中)與共
   水清終有竭 倒戈逢八月
   海內竟無王(因为王被溺死了;杀王者罕见地正站在水中奇怪的头顶像竖立了一座“山”的样子、似乎在狞笑、乐在其中) 半凶還半吉(这里说的可是墙内的事情)



Tuan Zhuan: Yi (Extracted)

What descends from above reaChes to all below, so great and brilliant is the Course (of its oPeration). That 'there will be advantage in every movement which ought to be undertaken' appears from the central and correct (positions of the second and fifth lines), and the (general) blessing (the dispensing of which they imply). Still that 'it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream' appears from the action of wood (shown in the figure).

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