日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-2-3 07:58:20

最后的审判 (700) 易經•彖傳•革

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-2-18 10:24 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Ge      

In Ge (we see) water and fire extinguishing each other; (we see also) two daughters dwelling together, but with their minds directed to different objects: - (on account of these things) it is called (the hexagram of) Change. 'It is believed in (only) after it has been accomplished:' - when the change has been made, faith is accorded to it. (We have) cultivated intelligence (as the basis of) pleased satisfaction, (suggesting) 'great progress and success,' coming from what is correct. When change thus takes place in the proper way, 'occasion for repentance disappears.' Heaven and earth undergo their changes, and the four seasons complete their functions. Thang changed the appointment (of the line of Hsi? to the throne), and Wu (that of the line of Shang), in accordance with (the will of) Heaven, and in response to (the wishes of) men. Great indeed is what takes place in a time of change.

Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

49. 革卦(澤火革) - 易學網
周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
49 Skinning/Revolution GE | I Ching: Mothering Change
商汤- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
周武王- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Praise to Our God 5 Concert - Hinneni Kan(Here I Am)
The Signature of God THE MOVIE (by BeEzrat HaShem Inc)

推背圖   第十四象 丁丑 ䷰ 離下兌上 革         

   李樹得根芽 石榴漫放花
   枯木逢春衹一瞬 讓他天下競榮華
   金木水火土已終 十三童子五王公
   英明重見太平日 五十三參運不通




推背圖   第十四象 丁丑 ䷰ 離下兌上 革         

   李樹得根芽 石榴(树上)漫放花
   枯木逢春衹一瞬 讓他天下競榮華
   金木水火土(地)已終 十三(岁之)童子五王公
   英明(名)重見太平日 五十三參運不通



Tuan Zhuan: Ge
Thang changed the appointment (of the line of Hsi? to the throne), and Wu (that of the line of Shang), in accordance with (the will of) Heaven, and in response to (the wishes of) men. Great indeed is what takes place in a time of change.

(In other words)
Thang (the first emperor of Shang Dynasty) changed the appointment (of the line of Xia Dynasty to the throne), and King Wu reorganised (that of the line of Shang), in accordance with (the will of) Heaven, and in response to (the wishes of) humanity at last. Great is what takes place absolutely in a time of change.

(By collecting the shade letters)
The first name is green and the last is blue.

Tuan Zhuan: Ge      

In Ge (we see) water and fire extinguishing each other; (we see also) two daughters dwelling together, but with their minds directed to different objects: - (on account of these things) it is called (the hexagram of) Changey in Ge (we observe) fire and water extinguishing each other; (we examine also) two daughters dwelling jointly, accompanied by distinct minds - (on account of these things) it exactly is called (the hexagram of) Change]. 'It is believed in (only) after it has been accomplished:' - when the change has been made, faith is accorded to it['It is believed in (altogether) after it has been finely finished off:' - by the time the change has been made, faith expressly is accorded to it]. (We have) cultivated intelligence (as the basis of) pleased satisfaction, (suggesting) 'great progress and success,' coming from what is correct[(We have) cultivated judgment (as the fundamentalness of) exuberant satisfaction, (exhibiting) 'mighty progression and well being,' coming into existence from what is correct]. When change thus takes place in the proper way, 'occasion for repentance disappears.'[Just at time sea change thus extends in the proper way, 'occasion for repentance brings to an end.'] Heaven and earth undergo their changes, and the four seasons complete their functions. Thang changed the appointment (of the line of Hsi? to the throne), and Wu (that of the line of Shang), in accordance with (the will of) Heaven, and in response to (the wishes of) men. Great indeed is what takes place in a time of changeying earth get by with their changes, and the four seasons exert their apt functions and jobs. Thang reformed the designation (of the line of Xia Dynasty to the throne), besides, King Wu changed (the royal designation of the inbred line of Shang Dynasty), exactly in accordance with (the will of) Heaven, and in response to (the wishes of) humanity. Great is just what comes to pass in a time of change].




Tuan Zhuan: Ge (Extracted)

When change thus makes an appearance in the proper way, 'oCCasion for rePentance disappears.'

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