日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-2-17 14:43:58

最后的审判 (711) 易經•彖傳•艮

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-2-18 20:15 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Gen
Gen denotes stopping or resting; - resting when it is the time to rest, and acting when it is the time to act. When one's movements and restings all take place at the proper time for them, his way (of proceeding) is brilliant and intelligent. Resting in one's resting-point is resting in one's proper place. The upper and lower (lines of the hexagram) exactly correspond to each other, but are without any interaction; hence it is said that '(the subject of the hexagram) has no consciousness of self; that when he walks in his courtyard, he does not see (any of) the persons in it; and that there will be no error.'

Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

52. 艮卦| 易程傳(伊川易傳) | 易學網
【易經】艮卦——時止則止,時行則行 - 別眨眼網
52 Bound/Gatekeeper GEN | I Ching: Mothering Change




Tuan Zhuan: Gen
Gen denotes stopping or resting; - resting when it is the time to rest, and acting when it is the time to act. When one's movements and restings all take place at the proper time for them, his way (of proceeding) is brilliant and intelligent; hence it is said that '(the subject of the hexagram) has no consciousness of self; that when he walks in his courtyard, he does not see (any of) the persons in it; and that there will be no error.'ypically denotes breaking off or relaxing; - (that is to say) resting just at the time to easily relax, and acting at the moment that to act. By the time one's restings in company with movements all bring into existence at the proper juncture as a means to them, his exclusive way of behaving is very brilliant combined with intelligent]. Resting in one's resting-point is resting in one's proper placexing among one's resting-point is just relaxing amid one's exact situation]. The upper and lower (lines of the hexagram) exactly correspond to each other, but are without any interaction; hence it is said that '(the subject of the hexagram) has no consciousness of self; that when he walks in his courtyard, he does not see (any of) the persons in it; and that there will be no error.'bservient (lines of the hexagram) rightly accord with one another, but are without any synergy nor exchange; for this reason it is said that '(the subject of the hexagram) has none self existence; at the moment that he begins to walk along his courtyard, in reality he does not observe (any single one of) the persons existed among it; and that there will be just not any mistakes.']

易经相当于“翠玉录Emerald Tablet of Hermes”或者其他真正的圣书。如果有谁能将其本人的姓名以等同数量放入原文里面,而不改变其本意,那就试一试吧。

一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,没有人知道子;除了子和子所愿意指示的,没有人知道父(马太福音 11:27)
All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. (Matthew 11:27)

從 來 沒 有 人 看 見 神 , 只 有 在 父 懷 裡 的 獨 生 子 將 他 表 明 出 來 。(約 翰 福 音 1:18)
What does John 1:18 mean? | BibleRef.com

Revelation 19:12 - Bible Gateway



艮,止也。時止則止,時行則行,動(中)靜不失其(含共)時,其(之)道光明。艮其止,止其所也。上下敵(一【e, 恶】一相对)應,不相與也。是以不獲其身,行其庭不見其人,无咎也。

Tuan Zhuan: Gen (Extracted)
Gen denotes stopping or Comfortably resting; - Comfortably resting when it is the time to Peacefully rest, and acting when it is the time to act.
When one's any behaviours and restings all take place at the proper time for them, his way (of proceeding) is brilliant and intelligent.

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