日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-2-21 11:29:07

最后的审判 (714) 易經•彖傳•漸

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-3-8 18:04 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Jian
The advance indicated by Jian is (like) the marrying of a young lady which is attended by good fortune. (The lines) as they advance get into their correct places: - this indicates the achievements of a successful progress. The advance is made according to correctness: - (the subject of the hexagram) might rectify his country. Among the places (of the hexagram) we see the strong undivided line in the centre. 'In (the attributes of) restfulness and flexible penetration we have (the assurance of) an (onward) movement that is inexhaustible.

Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

53. 漸卦(風山漸) - 易學網
【易經】艮卦——時止則止,時行則行 - 別眨眼網
53 Gradual Advance JIAN | I Ching: Mothering Change

推背圖   第二五象 戊子 ䷴ 艮下巽上 漸         

   北帝南臣 一兀自立
   斡難河水 燕巢捕䴰
   鼎足爭雄事本奇 一狼二鼠判須臾
   北關鎖鑰雖牢固 子子孫孫五五宜




Tuan Zhuan: Jian
The advance indicated by Jian is (like) the marrying of a young lady which is attended by good fortune[The trajection indicated by means of Jian is (approximately close to or resembling) the marrying of a brilliant young lady which is attended by exceptionally good fortune]. (The lines) as they advance get into their correct places: - this indicates the achievements of a successful progress[(The trajections) at the same time as they advance get into their six infallible positions: - this exhibits the fulfillings of an extraordinary developing]. The advance is made according to correctness: - (the subject of the hexagram) might rectify his countrybuilt according to exactitude and rigorousness: - (the subject of the hexagram) may perhaps fix up his nation]. Among the places (of the hexagram) we see the strong undivided line in the centre[Between the settings and trajections (of the hexagram) we espy indeed the bigunabridged line existed among the centre]. 'In (the attributes of) restfulness and flexible penetration we have (the assurance of) an (onward) movement that is inexhaustiblejects of harmony as well as flexible penetration we have the belief that such ongoing deed is actually inexhaustible].

Churches sing 'The Blessing' over the UK - YouTube


Tuan Zhuan: Jian
The advance indicated by Jian is (like) the marrying of a young lady which is attended by good fortune. (The lines) as they advance get into their correct places: - this indicates the achievements of a successful progress. The advance is made aCCording to correctness: - (the subject of the hexagram) might rectify his country. Among the Places (of the hexagram) we see the strong undivided line in the centre. 'In (the attributes of) restfulness and flexible penetration we have (the assurance of) an (onward) movement that is inexhaustible.

推背圖   第二五象 戊子 ䷴ 艮下巽上 漸(含斬)   

   北帝南臣 一兀自立
   斡難河水 燕巢捕䴰
   鼎足爭雄事本奇 一狼二鼠判須臾
   北關鎖鑰雖牢固 子子孫孫五五宜


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