日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-3-31 16:09:30

最后的审判 (737) 易經•彖傳•巽

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-4-1 13:07 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Xun
The double Xun shows how, in accordance with it, (governmental) orders are reiterated. (We see that) the strong (fifth line) has penetrated into the central and correct place, and the will (of its subject) is being carried into effect; (we see also) the weak (first and fourth lines) both obedient to the strong lines (above them). It is hence said, 'There will be some little attainment and progress. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction. It will be advantageous also to see the great man.'

Source:Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

57. 巽卦(巽為風) - 易學網
巽卦卦辞,巽:小亨,利有攸往,利见大人。 - 国易堂
57 Subtle Penetration/Matchmaker SUN - I Ching: Mothering ...


Tuan Zhuan: Xun

(In other words)
(We see that) the strong (fifth line) has penetrated into the central and correct place, and the will (of its subject) is being carried into effect; (we see also) the weak (first and fourth lines) amenable both to the strong lines (above them). It is hence said, 'There will be some little attainment and progress. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction.

(we figure out also) the weak (first and fourth lines) also amenable to the hard lines (above first and fourth line). It is in that case mentioned, 'There will be some little accomplishment and progress. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction. It will be also favourable to see the great man.'

(Gathering the shades letters)
The first name is green. The forth also and last name is blue.

Tuan Zhuan: Xun
The double Xun shows how, in accordance with it, (governmental) orders are reiteratedy the twin Xun exhibits how, in agreement with, (executive) orders are done over]. (We see that) the strong (fifth line) has penetrated into the central and correct place, and the will (of its subject) is being carried into effect; (we see also) the weak (first and fourth lines) both obedient to the strong lines (above them). It is hence said, 'There will be some little attainment and progressjustly catch a glimpse of the strong (fifth line) has transfixed into the central and correct place, and the will (of its subject) is being carried into effect; (we identify in addition) the flabby (first and fourth lines from ground) both exceedingly tractable to the strong lines (just above them). Because of that it exactly is said, 'There should be some little attainment and progress]. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction. It will be advantageous also to see the great man.'y in mobility along in whatever direction. It will be exceedingly advantageous also to just catch a glimpse of the superb man.']


Tuan Zhuan: Xun

The double Xun shows how, in accordance with it, (governmental) orders are reiterated. (We see that) the strong (fifth line) has run through into the Central and Correct Place, and the will (of its subject) is being carried into effect;

(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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