日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-9-30 18:06:52

最后的审判 (846) 古埃及亡灵书 PLATES XXXV.

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The Papyrus of Ani
Translated by E. A. WALLIS BUDGE (1895)


Vignette (小插图): A hall, within which, on the left, Ani stands before two tables of offerings bearing libation water and lotus-flowers, with hands raised, adoring Ra, hawk-headed. Next are ranged seven cows, each one couchant before a table of offerings, and each having a menat attached to the neck; and a bull standing before a table of offerings. Behind them are four rudders; and on the extreme right are four triads of gods, each triad having a table of offerings bearing a libation vase and a lotus-flower (?).

Text: . (i) Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "Homage to thee, (2) O thou lord, thou lord of right and truth, the One, the lord of eternity and creator (3) of everlastingness, I have come unto thee, O my lord Ra. I have made (4) meat offerings unto the seven kine and unto their bull. O ye who give (5) cakes and ale to the shining ones, grant ye to my soul to be with you. (6) May Osiris Ani, triumphant, be born upon your thighs; may he be like unto one (7) Of you for ever and for ever; and may he become a glorious being (8) in the beautiful Amenta."

: "(1) Hail, thou beautiful Power, thou beautiful it rudder of the northern heaven."

"(2) Hail, thou who goest round about heaven, thou pilot of the world, thou beautiful rudder of the western heaven."

"(3) Hail, thou shining one, who livest in the temple wherein are the gods in visible forms, thou beautiful rudder of the eastern heaven."

"(4) Hail, thou who dwellest in the temple of the bright-faced ones, thou it beautiful rudder of the southern heaven."

]: "(5) Hail, ye gods who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."*

"(6) Hail, ye mother-gods who are above the earth, who are in the underworld, and who are in the House of Osiris."

"(7) Hail, ye gods, ye pilots of Tasert, ye who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."

"(8) Hail, ye followers of Ra, who are in the train of Osiris."

Source: The Egyptian Book of the Dead Index - Sacred Texts

要好好琢磨这句话:Address to the four Triads: "Hail, ye gods who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld." 因为这里underworld=above the earth. 并且gods are pilots.

Book of the Dead - Wikipedia
Egypt, Ancient Abydos - YouTube
死者之書- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《亡灵书》:通往来世的密码-新华网 - Xinhua
埃及地下迷宫:304乘244米巨大遗迹 - 新闻- 腾讯
不应翻译的资料集——《埃及亡灵书》 - 知乎专栏
从3000年前的《亡灵书》看古埃及人对死亡的想象_死者 - 搜狐
埃及發現地下迷宮,規模比金字塔還宏大,卻不允許挖掘 - 壹讀



我又聽到天上、地上、地底下和海洋中一切被造之物同聲說:「願頌讚、尊貴、榮耀和權柄都歸於坐在寶座上的那位和羔羊,直到永永遠遠!啟示錄5:13 我又聽到天上、地上、地底下和海洋中一切被造之 ...




(In other words)
Address to the first, second, third and fourth big name triad, saying: "Glorify, ye gods who are blissfully on top of the earth, ye agreeable and excellent pilots of the underworld."

Address to the first, second, and third, and fourth big name triad, saying: "Glorify, ye gods who are on top of the globe, ye paradisiac and likeable pilots of the blurred underworld."

Address to the first, second, third, fourth (i.e., the last) big name triad, saying: "Glorify, ye gods who are blissfully on top of the globe, ye pilots of the blurred underworld."
(Gathering the shaded letters)
The first name of God is green. The second and third names of God are brick red. The fourth (i.e., the last) name is blue.




Vignette (小插图): A hall, within which, on the left, Ani stands before two tables of offerings bearing libation water and lotus-flowers, with hands raised, adoring Ra, hawk-headed. Next are ranged seven cows, each one couchant before a table of offerings, and each having a menat attached to the neck; and a bull standing before a table of offerings. Behind them are four rudders; and on the extreme right are four triads of gods, each triad having a table of offerings bearing a libation vase and a lotus-flower.

Text: . Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "Homage to thee, O thou lord, thou lord of right and truth, the One, the lord of eternity and creator of everlastingness, I have come unto thee, O my lord Ra. I have made meat offerings unto the seven kine and unto their bull. O ye who give cakes and ale to the shining ones, grant ye to my soul to be with you. May Osiris Ani, triumphant, be born upon your thighs; may he be like unto one Of you for ever and for ever; and may he become a glorious being in the beautiful Amenta."th satisfyingly, Osiris, the big name scribe Ani: "Homage to thee, O thou lofty lord, thou lofty lord of saintly and impeccability, the lofty One, the lord of indefinitely long period as well as extraordinary Creator of enjoyable timelessness, I have come toward the front of thee, O my extraordinary lord Ra. And I have made notable meat offerings toward the seven young kine and notable meat offerings toward their bull. O lofty ye, ye who exceptionally give out all kinds of cakes, ale and jam to the shining ones, and grant ye to my immortal and amenable soul to be in the company of you. May Osiris Ani, exhilarated, be nobly born lying on your thighs; and may he be like unto one of you lastingly or deathlessly; may he become a lofty being existed among the majestic Amenta lastingly or endlessly."]

: "Hail, thou beautiful Power, thou beautiful it rudder of the northern heaven."the Rudders: "Express admiration for thou, thou beautiful strength, thou indeed eye-catching and mesmerising it rudder of the single northward heaven."]

"Hail, thou who goest round about heaven, thou pilot of the world, thou beautiful rudder of the western heaven."["Make lofty, thou who goest almost around Sion, thou big name pilot of the strange world, thou beautiful and also delightsome rudder of the westwardly otherworld."]

"Hail, thou shining one, who livest in the temple wherein are the gods in visible forms, thou beautiful rudder of the eastern heaven."["Express admiration for thou, thou shining one, who sojourn amid the sacred temple by virtue of what are the gods in visible profiles or modes, thou exquisite and handsome rudder of the eastwardly otherworld."]

"Hail, thou who dwellest in the temple of the bright-faced ones, thou it beautiful rudder of the southern heaven."["Hail, thou who dwellest within the confines of the famed temple of the bright-faced ones, and genuinely thou it refined as well as mesmerising rudder of the southwardly otherworld."]

: "Hail, ye gods who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."the four big name Triads, saying: "Glorify, ye gods who are on top of the globe, assuredly ye superb and famed pilots of the big underworld."]

"Hail, ye mother-gods who are above the earth, who are in the underworld, and who are in the House of Osiris."["Express admiration ye, and ye mother-gods who are on top of the globe, and who are in the majestic Amenta lastingtingly, and who exist among the House of Osiris."]

"Hail, ye gods, ye pilots of Tasert, ye who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."["Celebrate and heap praise on, ye gods, ye big name pilots of Tasert, ye gods who are above the earth, ye upstanding pilots of the underworld."]

"Hail, ye followers of Ra, who are in the train of Osiris."["Hail, ye divine followers of Ra, who are inside the train of Osiris."]



Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "Homage to thee, O thou lord, thou lord of truth and disinterested, the One, the lord of eternity and creator of everlastingness, I have Come imperCePtibly unto thee, O my lord Ra.
(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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