日月同辉有其中 发表于 2022-11-25 17:13:36

最后的审判 (884) 尼羅河頌 第十二章

本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-11-26 17:43 编辑

Hymn to the Nile
Translated by Paul Guieysse
Chapter XII
When thou shinest in the royal city,
the rich man is sated with good things,
the poor man even disdains the lotus;
all that is produced is of the choicest;
all the plants exist for thy children.
If thou hast refused (to grant) nourishment,
the dwelling is silent, devoid of all that is good
the country falls exhausted.

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. III: Hymn to the Nile: Text

Ancient History Sourcebook: Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE

古埃及人- 快懂百科
NILE | David Mitcham
【周五读诗】尼罗河颂- 搜狐
Hymn to the Nile - Wikipedia
Hymn to the Nile Part 1 - YouTube
尼罗河- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HYMN TO THE NILE / Ancient Egyptian Prayer in ... - YouTube
4.1 I can explain the importance of the Nile River. - Google Sites





詩歌選【尼羅河頌】 - 讀書人's 收藏- 痞客邦

尼羅河頌:漢語譯文,亡靈書簡介 - 中文百科全書


Hymn to the Nile
Chapter XII
When thou shinest in the royal city[Just at the same time as thou sparklingly gleamest in of a king city],
the rich man is sated with good things[the moneymaking human being is exhilaratingly overfilled surrounded by kind of good stuff],
the poor man even disdains the lotus[the financially disadvantaged human being to the max disdains or feels disgust for the lotus];
all that is produced is of the choicestl in order that is unobjectionably completed is of the admirable or distinctive];
all the plants exist for thy childrenof the good plants (that is, ornamentals) exist in preparation for thy gorgeous children].
nd imagine thou hast refused to furthermore bring off good nourishment and aliment,]If thou hast refused (to grant) nourishment,
the dwelling is silent, devoid of all that is good[then the extended families are very silent, clamlike and uncomfortable, devoid of all that is good,]
the country falls exhaustedgdom falls no doubt fatigued or dead].


Hymn to the Nile
Chapter XII

And imagine thou hast refused to bring nourishment and aliment,
the place of residence is silent, deprived of all that is good,
the country falls exhausted.

(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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