【BT电影】图兰朵 Turandot 1988
【NewMov BT】图兰朵 Turandot 1988【中文 名】 图兰朵
【片 名】 Turandot
【年 代】 1988
【国 家】 美国
【类 别】 音乐
【语 言】 意大利语
【字 幕】 内置中文
【IMDB评分】 8.6/10 (15 votes)
【IMDB链接】 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0220822
【文件格式】 XviD + AC3
【视频尺寸】 512x384
【文件大小】 2CD 2 x 50 x 15MB
【片 长】 133 Min
【导 演】 Kirk Browning
【主 演】 Eva Marton .... Turandot
Plácido Domingo .... Calaf
Leona Mitchell .... Liù
Paul Plishka .... Timur
Hugues Cuenod .... Altoum
Briang Schexnayder .... Ping
Allan Glassman .... Pang
Anthony Laciura .... Pong
Arthur Thompson .... A Mandarin
【简 介】
這是由李汶指揮,大都會歌劇管絃樂團演奏。 杜蘭朵由Eva Marton飾演,卡拉富為Domingo,柳兒是Leona Mitchell所飾,編舞由台灣旅美舞蹈家江青負責。 由已故義籍導演FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI所執導(梅爾吉柏遜主演哈姆雷特)
這個版本全部服裝道具均由大陸北京戲劇院提供!相當亮眼華麗。舞台設計也相當具有巧思。不過由中國人 眼中看此版杜蘭朵實在有些錯愕!因為服裝出現了太多朝代的錯亂,皇帝所戴的帽子是縣太爺的,文武百官的配飾 卻為秦朝時期皇帝所佩戴之頂冠,杜蘭朵更像平劇中的樊梨花插滿旌旗!呵呵~~~~~
第一幕劊子手搭配舞獅跳滿全場熱鬧非凡,第二幕宮廷大殿相當具有排場,第三幕的後宮花園很有氣氛。總括來說 整齣佈景變化多端,令人眼花撩亂!哈!
Eva Marton 飾演的杜蘭朵無人可及,是當今唱杜蘭朵的第一把交椅,唱腔豐富,中氣十足!那種高八度的音階聽了令人頭皮發麻! 表現的可圈可點!相當精彩。相對地飾演柳兒的Leona Mitchell她的中音相當柔婉,一曲「先生!請聽我說」的詠嘆調,令人如痴如醉, 好聽極了!Domingo飾演的卡拉富扮相俊美,歌聲渾厚且嘹亮!不過在第二幕的終場與Eva Marton飆歌時卻唱破嗓子啦!實在可惜! 不過能聽到世界男高音唱啞嗓子的機會亦數難得。呵呵 ~~~~~~~~李汶所指揮的速度不疾不徐,很是耐聽,樂團表現的實在不錯。 由FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI掌鏡下的杜蘭朵比起張藝謀紫禁城版要好太多太多啦!近景與遠景的調配及現場氣氛掌控的恰到好處。值得讚賞!
前不久《杜蘭朵》因為在北京「故事背景發生地」上演而引起了一陣話題,這張DVD當然不是這場劃世紀演出的實況(還沒那麼快),不過卡司也相當強,這是1987年四月份在紐約大都會歌劇院的演出,主要的聲樂家包括多明哥(Domingo)、Eva Marton、Leona Mitchell與Paul Plishka,由James Levine指揮 Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra。影像部份,第一幕與第三幕的前段是比較暗的場面,其餘部份則相當明亮,較暗場景的畫質可說不太理想,至於明亮的宮殿場景服裝與布景的色調算是很豐富的,不過細節解析的刻畫則不是很好。聲音部份呢?遠比畫面為佳,雖然是有壓縮的Dolby Digital 2ch,但是動態卻毫不含糊,且音場表現絕佳。本張DVD不僅很難得有中文字幕,並且還有厚達252頁線裝的中英德義劇本,絕對不會有「有看沒有懂」的遺憾出現。
Torrent 信息
giggs-11- 发布于2005-10-23 18:18
文件大小: 1.4GB
文件/目录名: Turandot.1988.SUBBED.DVDRip.XviD-SuchWorld/CD1
Tracker: http://bt.newmov.com:6868/announce
Turandot (1988)
Turandot (1988)Directed by Kirk Browning
Writing credits
Giuseppe Adami (libretto) &
Renato Simoni (libretto)
Genre: Music
User Rating: *********_ 8.6/10 (15 votes)
Credited cast:
Eva Marton .... Turandot
Plácido Domingo .... Calaf
Leona Mitchell .... Liù
Paul Plishka .... Timur
Hugues Cuenod .... Altoum
Briang Schexnayder .... Ping
Allan Glassman .... Pang
Anthony Laciura .... Pong
Arthur Thompson .... A Mandarin
Runtime: 134 min
Country: USA
Language: Italian
Color: Color
Sound Mix: Stereo
Awards: Won Emmy.
Spectacular version that will make you love the opera of Puc
Spectacular version that will make you love the opera of PucciniTurandot is better heard and seen rather that just being heard alone. This 1988 version of the Opera is by far the best version on video at this time. I have seen all versions of Turandot in video but this stands to be the best. For the following reasons,
It showcases the most versatile tenor in history, Placido Domingo who does not only have the voice quality but a very good acting ability as well. There is a continuous argument as who is the better tenor, Domingo or Pavarotti? All I can say is this, Pavarotti may have the better vocal version of Nessun Dorma, but Domingo when on stage is not Domingo singing Nessun Dorma but he is Calaf proclaiming victory in the night.
Eva Marton on stage is the coldest Turandot I have ever seen. She is untouchable. Although her voice may not be the best compared to the other great supranos like Sutherland (who has a recording of Turandot but never performed on stage) Callas (No stage performance of Turandot preserved on video) and Tebaldi. She compensates it well with great stage acting. Which is a very vital part in watching opera because most of the time you get cues on what they mean thru the actors acting ability rather than meaning of liberretto because very few of us understand Italian anyway.
Franco Z is the stage director of this version. His stunning set can make you feel as if you are in mainland China witnessing a story unfolding.
Leontyne Price is another great voice with superb stage performance. Her role as Lui is one of the most convincing one.
Bottom line this is the best version of Turandot in the acting department and stage design. This version will make you love the great Opera of Puccini Turandot.