bluecloud17 发表于 2006-3-19 21:56:49

在国外生病时 如何找医生看诊呢?

I've got such a headache. 我头痛
I need something for this headache. 我需要一些东西来治头痛.
I feel sick. 我觉得不太舒服.
I have a bit of a fever. 我有一点发烧.
I have chills/feel chilly. 我觉得好冷喔.
I have diarrhea. 我在拉肚子
I hurt my left arm. 我的左臂受伤.
I sprained my left leg. 我的左脚扭伤了.
Where is the pharmacy? 请问药房在哪里?
I'm allergic to medicine. 我对药物过敏.
would you call me an ambulance, please? 请帮我叫救护车好吗?

A:I'd like to see the doctor. 我想看病
B:Are you one of dr. Casey's patients? 你是凯斯医生的病人吗?
A:No, I'm a tourist. I have a terrible cold. 不是,我是游客,得了重感冒
B:All right. would you like to come at 4:30 this after-noon? 好吧你在下午4:30来行不行
A:Yes, I would. thank you. 行‧谢谢你
A:I made an appointment to see the doctor at 4:30 我约好4:30见医生的
B:What's your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?
B:O.K. fill out this medical history form, please 好,请你先填好这张病历表
A:What seems to be the trouble? 什么地方不舒服呢?
B:I think I have a bad cold. I also have a cough. 我想我是患了感冒,我也咳嗽
A:Let me's just a cold. 让我看看,只是感冒了
       I'll write a prescription for some cold and cough medi-cine.我会给你开一张感冒药和咳嗽药的药方。

headache头痛    stomachache腹痛    constipation便秘    vomiting呕吐    dizzy头昏眼花
allergic过敏      sore throat喉咙痛   surgeon外科   physician内科   pain killer止痛剂
ointment软膏   dull pain隐隐作痛    feel chill恶寒    rash发疹    cough咳嗽    dentist齿科
injection打针    antibiotics抗生素    an upset stomach胃不舒服
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