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发表于 2008-12-7 22:36:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大家好,不知道大家有没有读过《千福年天书》(Starseed The Third Millennium)。


To the students who so powerfully expressed our
hope and vision in Tiananmen Square, to the
people of Tibet, to those in Eastern Europe and
Southern Africa who have succeeded in bringing
new awareness into the lives of their nations, and
to you, the activists at the frontiers of human
consciousness without whose courage, love,
determination, and dreams this book--and the
many positive developments of recent years--could
not have come into being.


     It was December 27. I was in bed with a fever, yet I felt
more elated than ill. Something about the consciousness I
was swimming in, living, being in, seemed strangely familiar,
as if my vision were coming into focus after a lifetime of
double images. Without the calm reasoning guidance of the
voice I heard speaking to me, I am not sure I would have
made it through this stage. But someone--or something--
was helping me along, identifying itself as a part of me that
I had forgotten, an eternal part.
     "I am a spirit being in the eternal fields of light," it said.
"I am you as you remain beyond material illusion, as you
were, will be, and are now, before and after the spell of matter."
     My handwriting being quite illegible my only method
of recording anything of the amazing stream of consciousness
I had somehow stumbled upon was to type what I
could of it on an old Royal portable typewriter that my
brother-in-law found sitting on the curbside one day as he
made his rounds as a garbage collector in Darien, Connecticut.
But it was a strange sort of communication, unsettling
at first.
     I found myself experiencing a consciousness radically
different from anything I had ever before encountered. And
it was too close for comfort. I felt as if something enormous
were looking through my eyes, seeing the same room I saw
every day but interpreting it so differently--mathematically,
it seemed--that I hardly recognized even the most familiar of
my daily objects. The thoughts, the ideas, the scope of the
images--I was not used to thinking in such terms. I was
unprepared, and not always able to follow. I balked in outright
disbelief when the voice first suggested that this was
some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence I was encountering--
an explanation that even now I do not accept without
qualification. But despite the fact that my mind
frequently lagged behind, on an emotional level my heart
and soul were experiencing a blissful, almost sexual, feeling
of fulfillment.
     I felt a peace that I could not account for, a sense of
well-being deeper than I had ever known. When I understood
what was being said, it was so wonderful that I felt
like a child on Christmas morning. In a strange way it was
almost as if I were remembering things rather than being
told them. It was all I could do to keep my fingers in the
vicinity of the ancient machine that, thanks to a generous
dose of WD-40, was continuously tapping out some partial
account of the thoughts that were rippling wavelike through
my awareness, Several times I forgot to put wood in the
stove until my numb feet reminded me of the winter creeping
in under the door.
     When this experience continued into a second day, I
told my wife, Sherry, that although I did not understand
what was going on, I felt a need to follow through with it
and see where it was leading. I asked her to make sure that
I was not disturbed for the next few days. "If out friends or
neighbors come over," I said, "ask them to come back another
time, I need to be isolated until this process, whatever
it is, is complete."
     That night, six inches of wet snow blanketed the forest
around our home.
     By morning all the younger pine trees along both sides
of the one-mile dirt road that ends in our yard had bent over
under the snow's weight. There must have been a hundred
of them bowing protectively across the road when I looked
out the window the next morning.
     Since we had no electricity, television, or radio in those
days, the snow-laden trees effectively cut off all access to the
outside world--and they remained that way until the transmissions
were complete.
     The fact that I had not previously known how to type
must have been overlooked in the swirl of heightened
consciousness, for when I awoke on the morning of January 6,
1979, there were 350 double-spaced typewritten pages
stacked upon my desk--and my life had forever and irreversibly

     Throughout those eleven days, as I was typing the notes
that would later be published as The Starseed Transmissions, I
was told again and again by the entities who were blending
with me that a much stronger surge of telepathic awareness
was to be pulsed into the collective field of human consciousness
between the years 1987 and 1989. It was emphasized
that this would be far more powerful than the thought signals
I was then receiving.
     This prediction turned out to be as precise as if it had
been drawn from a moon calendar or a table of the tides. Ten
years later, during the same period, telepathic messages began
coming in, like subtle music in the background of my
thought at first, then stronger. and finally with such power
that I decided to stop everything and begin recording them.
Since what I had captured on paper in the earlier Starseed
Transmissions was such a small percentage of the overall
information flow I had received, I had resolved by this time to
be better prepared.
     By speaking aloud into a tape recorder while receiving
this present material, I was able to bypass the manual distractions
of the typewriter and translate much more of the
awareness into the spoken word. Afterward, precise word-for-word
transcription on a word processor brought into
printed form a far more detailed and substantive account of
the consciousness flow than had been possible ten years earlier.
Admittedly, my process was not perfect. I still had to
stop now and then to put a log in the stove or adjust the
window, but my distractions were kept to a minimum, and
I am very happy with the result, which I am pleased to share
with you in the form of this book.
     It was written during a season of global miracles. No
local snow storm this time In the 1970s I needed the validation
of that dramatically timed snow cover to remind me
that I lived in an intelligent and benevolent universe. Now I
wonder how I could have ever forgotten.
     But what exactly is this process?
     I have yet to find a single word that adequately describes
     After a decade of hearing the term channeling bantered
about, I am convinced that it does not apply to the process
through which I access this information. (I know many people
who regularly tap into this awareness and I expect they
would agree.) There is no trance involved in my reception of
these thoughts, no loss of consciousness, no voice change or
foreign accent. I am fully present throughout the experience.
During the months that followed the recording of those first
Starseed Transmissions, I began to realize that accessing
higher-frequency awareness is actually an organic process, a
natural ability with which every child is born. I have since
devoted several years to studying preschool children, and
though my work is not scientific and far from conclusive, I
am personally convinced that this inborn ability usually
atrophies with the acquisition of language.
     As children develop language skills, they acquire the
prevalent cultural belief that if it cannot be put into words, it is
not real, or at least has no value or relevance. Since higher-
frequency thought, or what is sometimes called metapersonal
thought, is entirely nonverbal, as children are inculcated
with cultural values they gradually stop noticing that they
are living in a veritable ocean of nonverbal awareness. Can
you imagine something so prevalent that it is entirely forgotten?
As in the joke in which the student fish asks the
philosopher fish, "What is this ocean you keep talking about?"
     But perhaps atrophy is too strong a word. The ability to
access higher-frequency thought can, of course, be reactivated.
In a few cases, like my own, that reactivation occurs
by accident, but--as thousands of letters bundled in our
storeroom attest--it can also be reactivated intentionally.
     The central chapters of this book take a closer look at
this. They are sufficiently detailed to provide those interested
with the basic tools of understanding required to regain
their spirit-world sensitivity. Once you know what to
look for, it is not difficult. It is essentially a matter of listening,
of sensing. of feeling more fully, of opening to frequencies
of thought that are normally filtered out of awareness.
     I experience it as a process of relaxing into a more generalized
and generous definition of self, a sort of spreading
out, as it were, into a larger field of awareness. That larger
field of awareness includes my center of human individuality,
but it includes other centers of individuality as well. I
experience these as aspects of myself--not my human self,
but that deeper eternal self that all creatures share.
     Call the process what you will--channeling, creative
thinking, visioning, or simply perceiving more fully--it has
opened me up to ways of considering reality that I am certain
would not otherwise have occurred to me. In practical
realms such as relationships, child rearing, gardening, and
finance, it has introduced ingenious perspectives and creative
interpretations that have proven themselves again and
again. I sometimes wonder how different the course of my
life might have been had I learned to listen earlier to these
inner frequencies. So much has changed since those eleven
magical winter days.
     When I recorded the original Starseed Transmissions, I
was a rural carpenter who had been supporting a family for
the past six years on an income of less than one-third of
what was then officially defined as the U.S. poverty level.
Our garden and milk cow ensured that we always had
plenty of wholesome food, and though Sherry and I put in
long hours, we were both relatively content. I enjoyed my
work and anticipated a future along similar lines.
     Today my life is so different, so radically altered, that at
times I flash back to those pre-Starseed days and recall them
with the black-and-white associations usually reserved for
old photographs. Even now I can hardly explain the change,
It was like suddenly poking my head up through the clouds
to see the sunlight for the first time, or discovering a vast,
new world beyond the cultural stage props that had previously
defined my reality.
     Something happens to you when you begin to think
about this planet as a single living organism. And when you
begin to live in that awareness, nothing is ever again quite the
same. Nothing can be the same after that. Nations began to
look like people to me, like familiar friends. The distinctions
between religion, biology, and politics began to blur. I began
to wonder why I had always assumed that human thought
was the only kind of thought--as if nature would be content
with a single species of flower, or just one kind of tree.
     Whether or not you accept my own premise that the
current of consciousness recorded in the following chapters
is of angelic or extraterrestrial origin should in no way affect
your experience of this book. The perspectives presented
here are designed to stimulate your own processes of
thought and understanding. Their purpose is catalytic--to
trigger memory and awaken higher-dimensional sensitivity.
I recommend taking your time before drawing too many conclusions
about this material. Many of my own early assumptions
proved invalid as I became more immersed in the
consciousness behind the words.
     As you read on, you will see what I mean. For example.
it was some time before I realized that this information was
actually coming from a number of different speakers who
would enter whenever their specialized emphasis was helpful.
Unlike humans, who would make a point to introduce
successive speakers by name, those who give voice to this
eternal community of awareness intentionally blur the beginnings
and endings of their individual contributions, Over
time I came to realize that this was a subliminal aspect of
their communication, designed to help me relax my own
rigid and overly literal assumptions regarding the nature of
     "You take identity too seriously," I was told at one
point. "It isn't a fixed commodity like a table or a chair.
Healthy individuality is a fluid, flowing focus of awareness,
adjusting naturally to the ever-changing contours of time. It
knows itself as one of many eyes of eternity, coalescing in an
infinite sea of shared being. Individuals come and go like the
waves of the sea, but at their core each one is first and foremost
the sea, and only secondly the wave. Cultural programming
prevents you from realizing this. It discourages true
individuality. There have been a few genuine individuals
during historical times, but not many, and those, of course,
were individual because they knew the eternal Being at their
     Some of the views and principles presented here may be
new to you, others more familiar. But experiment with them.
Apply them. See if they work. Let your own experience determine
their degree of relevance. None of them are presented
as absolute statements of truth. Truth does not lend
itself to absolutes, linguistic or otherwise. The world has
seen enough dogmatism. This book is about spirit. It is written
for people of spirit.
     If these words help even just a few of us to become
more aware, they will have served their purpose.

                               Ken Carey
                               Greenwood Forest, Missouri
                               Spring 1990

Reading out of doors
in a quiet natural setting,
perhaps under a tree,
alongside a brook,
or near the seashore,
will greatly enhance
your experience
of what follows...
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