qiaojie 发表于 2007-3-8 23:06:05



  第十名 日落中的孤寂(1491)quiet loneliness in sunset

  Photographer’s Comments j’adore la calme et la solitude au coucher de soleil... Visit My Portfolio


  第九名 (1612)最后一滴The ultimate drop

  Photographer’s Comments...............‚ there is no Photoshop work on this picture beside recrop. I used a combination of daylight‚ flash and +4 close up lens to acheive this one.

  The extra colors are from the bowl I used to receive the droplet. It is an Italian Pasta Bowl with plenty of colors. Since I’m a freak of colors‚ I want to know others opinion. PS: Please‚ if you like it‚ vote for it ... THX



  第八名(1743) 天使之光 Angel Light

  Photographer’s Comments

  Sunlight comes thru the opening creates angel-like shape. The shot is taken atGrand Palace‚ Bangkok.



  第七名 Morgana(1809)

  Great‚ perfect lighting and color tone and a beautiful model and a talented photographer combined into one picture.

  观众评议: 光线色彩完美,模特漂亮作者的才华一起打造了这副作品。


  第六名 (1818)孤舟 lonesome boat

  ...well here we have a typical "magic moment" captured by Aslan. This is his picture‚ his observation and his fascination with the scenery. WELL DONE !



  第五名 (1822)归家的路 Trail to home (Taken in Morroco)

  I think it’s fantastic... if not your best‚ certainly among them. BRAVO! Great

  color and lighting and detail... might stand a bit more sharpness‚ but certainly NOT a distraction.

  观众评议:真是不可思议,杰作!颜色 光线 以及细节都棒极了


  第四名 (1851) 白玫瑰 White Rose

  ...Simply BEAUTIFUL...Perfect lighting and clarity....the detail is outstanding....Beautiful work here to say the least.

  观众评议: 简捷的美感‚ 光线优雅、清晰, 细节突出,美~~


  第3名 (1854)蝇头 The fly

  Great color‚ contrast‚ composition‚ tonality and balance. Those are the first

  things that seem to catch my eye and I feel this has it all. Regards and HAVE A GREAT DAY! ~ Ergo

  观众评议: 色彩 对比度 层次 色调 以及协调上都是无与伦比的‚ 这些是最先抓住我眼光的因素‚这些足以构成完美了.


  第2名 (2464) 孤山 the rock

  Photographer’s Comments One of the smaller landmasses in the Galapagos chain‚ popularly called "Kicker Rock" just after sunrise.

  作者评议: Galapagos链岛最小的陆地之一‚ 人们都叫它日落中被踢出的山岩.


  第一名 (2938) 薄霭中的风车 Windmill near Schermerhorn

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