bluecloud17 发表于 2007-9-6 15:29:25


I have heard one sad story of a hitchhiker who went into a shop and saw the sign "Lift" but found it too heavy, then saw the sign "Pet Supplies" so he did, this wasn't too bad but then he went outside and saw the sign "Compact Cars" and went to prison for ten years.

A:一个搭车者,走进一家商店,看见Lift(千斤顶)的标签,看见Pet Supplies(宠物用品)的标签,看见Compact Cars(小轿车)的标签,最后却被关进监狱,判刑十年。

B:我曾听说过一个倒霉的故事,有一个搭车者,走进一家商店,看见Lift标签,想抢一个千斤顶,但千斤顶太重,所以没抢;看见Pet Supplies标签,抢了一些宠物用品,不过宠物用品并不值几个钱,所以罪行并不严重;但当他走出商店时,看见Compact Cars标签,他又抢了一辆小轿车,所以最后他被警察逮住,坐牢十年。

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