seikeiok 发表于 2011-8-6 19:57:55


From: 亦明
To: Shi-min Fang <>; root。。。
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Shi-Min Fang

Dear Dr. Root-Bernstein,

Thanks for including me back into this group. Even though Dr. Fang considers me as his chief enemy, the opposite is not true: Dr. Fang was not, is not, and will ever be not my enemy. The reason is simple: I have never had a personal relationship with him, and his activities, whatever he calls them, did not hurt me personally until last October, by that time, I had already published four books online exposing the truth about Dr. Fang. If Dr. Fang insists that I’m his personal enemy, then he has to provide some kind of evidence. So far, he has provided none.

Back to Dr. Fang’s apology, I agree with Dr. Root-Bernstein’s opinion. The fact is, this case is only one of 60 Fang’s plagiarism cases identified so far. To sum it up, Fang started plagiarizing more than 20 years ago, and such activities continue till today. He has plagiarized scientists all over the world: American, Australian, Briton, Canadian, French, and of course, Chinese, including contributors to his New Threads. Please see attached database for detail (much of the info is in Chinese, but you can use Google Translate to get a general idea.) That’s why his “apology” sounds so strange. To him, plagiarizing is a way of living, and the only way of living.

I have also attached the revised chronicle to this message, since some people have expressed their interest in detailed info.


Xin Ge
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