seikeiok 发表于 2011-8-22 16:33:34


方舟子在《科学是什么》一文中所提出的观点与罗伯特教授惊人的相似。《科学是什么》全文1600字,其中约有900字几乎原文引自罗伯特教授的《神创论是科学的理论吗》一文,构成了《科学是什么》的主要观点。但并未注明这些观点的出处。    Root-Bernstein教授明确公开授权所有感兴趣的人翻译并传播其过去及将来的公开信,认为越多人知情越好。    Root-Bernstein教授向一位询问者确认其指控及一系公开信的真实性译文:
亲爱的Valerie Wu,    1) 那封公开信是真实的。我在此邮件中附上该信。你不久还会接收到另一封我致方博士的信,进一步表达我的关注。    2) 我在一系列的公开信中指责方博士剽窃与侵犯版权,方博士都接收到了。如果他的说法与之相异,则是他在撒谎。    3) 如果方先生仅仅是引用一个观点,当然他说不必获得我及含有我的章节的书的出版商(牛津大学出版社)的授权就是正确的。但方博士不仅仅引用我的观点:在写他的文章时,他几乎是逐字照抄地复制了我的章节中的六段话,来自我的章节的文字起码占据了他文章内容的一半以上。没有明确授权而抄录这么多的内容不为我所知道的任何出版商与教育机构所允许,这不论方博士是直接翻译我的原文语言,还是仅仅大量复述我的论证及例证都成立。此外,方先生使用“合理使用”的借口不能成立,因为他写博文与书从他的非盈利机构获利,因此是不合理地借用他人作品而获利。    4) 是的,你可以翻译并转载我的原公开信,以及你还会在不久收到的更多的公开信。实际上,我给任何想译我的公开信为中文的人此项授权,条件是保证翻译全面准确。越多的人能接触到这个争议的内容,越多的不同翻译版本可供比较参阅,越有利于评估这些问题。
非常感谢你对这个问题的关注。Root-Bernstein教授向一位询问者确认其指控及一系公开信的真实性英文原文:     Dear Valerie Wu,    1) The letter is real. I have appended it to this email. You will be receiving another response to Dr. Fang shortly that expands on my concerns.    2) I have accused Dr. Fang of plagiarism and copyright infringement in several public letters that Dr. Fang has received copies of. If he says otherwise, he is lying.     3) If Mr. Fang were merely citing the source of an idea, then he would be correct in asserting that he does not need my permission, nor the publisher of my book chapter (Oxford University Press). But Dr. Fang did not just cite my ideas: he copied, almost verbatim, half-a-dozen paragraphs from my chapter in writing his article, and the material from my chapter constitutes at least half of his article. Using this much of someone else's material without their explicit permission is not allowed by any publisher of which I am aware, nor any educational institution, and this is true whether Dr. Fang actually translated my words directly, or merely reworded such a substantial amount of my argument and its examples. Moreover, Mr. Fang cannot use the excuse of relying on "Fair Use", since he personally is paid by his non-profit organization to write his blog and books, and therefore profits from his unfair borrowing of other people's material.    4) Yes, you may translate and post my original letter, as well as the additional letters you will be receiving shortly. Indeed, I grant this right to translate my letters into Chinese to anyone who wishes to do so, with the sole proviso that the translation be complete and accurate. The more people who have access to the entire controversy and the more translation versions there are to compare, the better the issues can be decided.    Many thanks for your interest in this problem.    Sincerely,    Bob Root-Bernstein附:Root-Bernstein教授简介
美国麦克阿瑟“天才”奖(MacArthur Fellows)(1981-1986)得主。
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