ikikoiu 发表于 2012-1-29 19:01:39


The world's highest chained carousel, located in Vienna , the height of 117 meters.

维也纳最高秋千 117 米

Thor'sWell "theGates of the dungeon." CapePerpetua , Oregon. At moderate tide and strong surf, flowing water creates a fantastic landscape


Emerald Lake in the crater of an extinct volcano. Tongariro National Park - NewZealand


Restaurant on a cliff on the east coast of Zanzibar . Depending on the tide the restaurant can be reached both on foot and by boat.

岛上餐馆( 非洲)

Office of Selgas Cano in Madrid


Desert with Phacelia (Scorpion Weed). Flowering once in several years.>沙漠


Balloons in Cappadocia.


Dubai. The view from the skyscraper BurjKhalifa. The height of buildings is 828 m (163 floors).

迪拜 163 层高楼鸟瞰其他大楼

And this is the view down

163 层往下看是这样的

These trees grow in the forest near Gryfino, Poland. The cause of the curvature is unknown

波兰的树 没人知道为何会弯曲

ikikoiu 发表于 2012-1-29 19:07:51

The border between Belgium and the Netherlands in a cafe


Twice a year in the Gulf of Mexico rays migrate. About 10 thousand stingrays swim from the Yucatan Peninsula to Florida in the spring and back in the fall.


In the resort town of Skagen you can watch an amazing natural phenomenon. This city is the northernmost point of Denmark, where the Baltic and North Seas meet. The two opposing tides in this place can not merge because they have different densities.

這是波羅的海與北海交匯在丹麥西北端, 兩股海潮因各自的密度不一致, 導致無法融成一體.

In the Chinese province of Shandong is a bridge across the Gulf of Jiaozhou . The bridge length over 36 km is calculated for eight car lanes, and is the longest sea bridge in the world.

山東膠州灣大橋是全球最長的海橋 36 公里

Day and night. The monument in Kaunas , Lithuania

立陶苑石碑 ( 白晝與黑夜 )

An unusual tunnel in California 's Sequoia National Park


This statue, created by Bruno Catalano, is located in France

法國雕刻家 Bruno Catalano 作品

Family photo


The longest traffic jam in the world recorded. Length is 260 kilometers

最長堵車 260 公里 (美國)

Paris computer games store. In fact, the floor is absolutely flat.

巴黎電子游戲店 (其實地板是平的 )

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