naokong005 发表于 2013-11-27 21:37:11


Chinese government secret human experiments-----
Require the attention of the world's people

( Chinese citizens in the United States White House website petition )

Great American government :
Dear President Obama :

I am a Chinese citizen, Wang Yan , the Chinese government , six , Anhui, treated me , including chronic poison secret human experimentation activities , own less than 30 years old, injured cirrhosis, cholecystitis complicated. In China 's Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital , atherosclerosis , hypertension, cardiac diagnosis, also associated with diabetes, my 8- year-old daughter has been experimentally Wang Xin Rui phenomenon, today , by turning off the firewall , come here, request the great the U.S. government and people close attention.

Treat my secret human experimentation activities in China is called mind control experiments by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , and a large number of innocent compatriots die here, typical : Fuzhou, Fujian , Wu Qiao Yan , girl, 28 -year-old victim three years because the injured uterine fibroids, unbearable torture committed suicide , Wuhan, Hubei Province , penggongqian, male, 40 years old, 10 -year-old victim died of gallbladder ampulla .

Can be summarized as mind control is not able to fully control their brain , but professional proficiency, formed to study the human brain , thinking, human mental activity , known as the brain tissue control tissue , usually by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , behind the local Security Authority in secret behind the manipulation of the core is to engage the dead , is the use of special powers to instigate social isolation, discrimination, harassment , humiliation and persecution , coupled with slow poison behind the murder of 24 hours maintenance monitoring read minds , and long-term effects , leading to the victims of mental illness , depression , suicide, illness and death, family cancer deaths over 10 years of chronic poison damage , all the staff , all the horror of death .

Today, I am the spirit of self-help as a temporary control of the victim's life, but , for those innocent Chinese compatriots died , the great , the U.S. government's petition to condemn a person to urge Chinese government to immediately stop the crimes against humanity open secret human experimentation activities ( mind control experiments ) .

This privilege , dark, brutal , terrible secret means engage the dead , the development of today's information age , there is no way to let the public know that this is the treatment of the entire Chinese people , but also the people of the world is an insult and provocation .

Name: Wang Yan
Address: Hill County, Anhui , Anqing City , China
E-mail :
Phone 8613966907178

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