Bondgirl 发表于 2005-9-7 10:48:44

精彩英语三百句 - 一日十句 (3)

21. 别动不动就发火,记住:要保持冷静。
Don't fly into a rage at the drop of a hat. Remember: keep cucumber cool!

22. 骄者必败。Pride goes before a fall.

23. 他这几天趾高气扬的。He is on his high horse these days.

24. 他不懂事。He has no sense.

25. 他是一个难对付的家伙。He's a hard nut to crack.

26. 我真搞不懂为什么他好象和几乎每个人都有仇似的。
I can't make out why he seems to have a bone to pick with almost everyone.

27. 他对老婆乖的不得了,看到她总是必恭必敬的。
He's just like a lamb with his wife and always comes to her hat in hand.

28. 他这个人很自负,这使得他不是和厂里的同事过不去就是得罪于老板。
He has a high opinion of himself which makes him either get cross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.

29. 那天她可把我惹火了。She really drove me mad that day.

30. 我是认真的. I mean it.

mafa39 发表于 2005-9-13 20:39:37

Thank for your sharing.
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