Bondgirl 发表于 2005-9-18 10:53:43

精彩英语三百句 - 一日十句 (8)

71. 我们应作命运的主宰,不要作命运的奴隶。
We must learn to be masters of our fate, not slaves to it.

72. 只有懂得生命价值的人才能体验到生活的幸福。
He that can genuinely feel the happiness of life who truly knows the value of it.
73. 人世间祸福难以预料,意外的打击,有时会将人逼上绝路。
In human life, happiness and misfortunes are often beyond our expectations, and an unexpected blow may even drive one up the wall.

74. 这位传奇人物曾饱尝人世的辛酸。
This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life.

75. 他为中国的教育事业奉献了宝贵的一生。
He devoted all his life to the cause of China's education.

76. 人类最可怕的疾病就是怀疑自己有病。
The worst disease for human beings is the suspicion of having had a disease.

77. 生活中的成功者只有一种,那就是能够忍受的人。
There is only one kind of people that are truly successful: those who are brave enough to tolerate.

78. 我是我命运的主宰,我是我灵魂的主人。
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.

79. 在你不走运的时候,事事都不顺心。
On your black letter day, nothing will go your way.

80. 她怀孕了。She is in the family way.
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查看完整版本: 精彩英语三百句 - 一日十句 (8)