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Lead of the iceberg and crawled inside

已有 870 次阅读2018-10-22 15:57

Source had become an obsession as head starvation. I was so hungry that I was eating my own fingernails, says our ranger. When the rain finally came four days later, the men stripped off their clothes and showered in a glorious leaves of fresh water, laughing and lapping it up. But it's hi! Ms.

Stopped. They had collected five goons of fresh water in plastic bottles that found floating in the ocean. It was enough for at least a week. If rations were kept to a minimum, roughly eleven days after losing the engine and subsistent on small, bony trigger fish. He caught by hand of a ranger, heard the stock in the night. It was a turtle. He eagerly hauled it aboard. They could eat a turtle.

And during the merlot colored blood to quench their thirst of a ranger now spent entire days hunting for turtles. Cordoba, however, was disgusted by the concealed blood in it. Sparingly of the meat. A brand just used his made into even by presenting the turtle sticks as a delicacy.

He cut the meat into thin strips, dripped unsought water for flavoring, and toasted them in the sun on the outboard motor housing, using the verb ray of the triggerfish as toothpicks. He served his mail on a turtle shell. Turtle meat staved off the worst effects of starvation. The two men were leaving off survival rations, which drove their fertile imaginations to run. Wild oranges bring the oranges a delusion. A cordoba pleaded, okay, i'm going to the store.

I will see if it is open. I will arrange answered, striding the length of the boat after five minutes, he strolled back. The store is closed, but they open in an hour. And they have fresh to tell us. To his surprise it worked.

Cordoba stopped moaning and fell asleep after a couple of months adrift of a ranger has struggled into a routine by five a m he was awake and sitting on the deck. It was joyous because the sun rose up in the east. And I knew somewhere back there was land, he says, that was where my world lay. He then hauled in the traps, curious to see if any fish had been caught overnight, regardless of the hall. He always waited for cordoba to awake before dividing the meager catch.

Naps followed. And then for most of the day, they said m mm in the icebox, despite being strangers when they set out, have a range. And cordoba had formed friendship like adolescents on an adventure. The two men would lie down at night, faces skyward, and doodle with the stars night after night. They try to outdo each other as they invented constellations, each man trying to create a more fantastic drawing. They even fantasized that the planes they tracked across the heavens had been sent to rescue them. At other times. Cordoba said proud renditions of his favorite hymns, often from inside the icebox,where the acoustics were better. I love to listen to him. Sing says of ranger on the evening they estimated was christmas eve.

The men chatted as they prepared their holiday feast bye. Now have a ranger had expanded their menu by hanging the sea birds that pushed on their boat suddenly credible, grown my stomach bubbles in liquid, dribbled from his mouth and he looked as if he would be sick. The men dissected the bird. Poor noble had eaten part of earlier. Inside the stomach was a poisonous snake, no credible recovered in the realm of psychological terror.

The van and had taken possession of him. He rushed at the thought of eating another wall, she bird and withdraw from the world of food over the next two months as credible weather in traveled, his arms look like sticks,and his thighs were reduced to the size of his forearm. He imagined it would better to die in the ocean than to starve to death.

Good bye charter, he said using of a rangers nickname, then prepare to throw himself over the rail and into the shark infested waters over and over powered cordoba. He dragged him along the floor, stopped him into the icebox,and sat on the lid.

Cordoba bashed and rest. Stop thinking about killing yourself. A veranda l did run cordova calmed of a rangers lead of the iceberg and crawled inside. We have to fight, he told his friend to tell our story, but the depression has sunk in a few days later, credible, announced I am dying a veranda. Put fresh water to cordoba smiles, but he's made did not swallow, don't die, should have a ranger parents don't leave me alone. Moments later, cordoba was dead. I popped him on the bench to keep him out of the water, says our ranger the next morning have a render climbed out of the icebox and stared at cordova sitting on a bench like a son better. How do you feel average? Ask the corpse. How was your sleep? I slept. Good.

Have you had breakfast? Every ranger said as if he were cordial. But speaking from the afterlife, yes, I already ate me too.

I ate in the kingdom of heaven. Our ranger had decided the easiest way to deal with losing his companion was to simply pretend he hadn't died. How is that? Is it painful? That is beautiful. I am waiting for you. I don't wanna go retorted. Have a ranger.

I'm not headed that way six days after cordoba died, a bar and a slit, his friend into the water. A veranda was alone, a tiny speck in the vast pacific. I climb inside es box and cried says have a ranger with cordoba gon of arrange concentrated on keeping himself occupied hunting distract him from his daily isolation, as did the fantasy of being rescued. And because his psych required a change of scenery, he designed a shark detection system that permitted him to take brave swims. First, he tossed a half dozen birds feed into the water. If no sharks appeared, he lowered himself in and went for a refreshing, obeyed nerve wracking swim. When the smaller fish that lived under his boat was relaxed, he was relaxed. And when they panicked, he scampered back board. I would imagine I was at the beach with my friends going for a swim. He says, getting off the boat allow me to relax image. It was for five minutes, but more and more of a range of found strained from the long abandoned relationship with fatima. He is now fourteen year old daughter, whom he hadn't seen in years. I started thinking about her for entire days. I dreamed that she was screaming puppy. And that made me so happy. Have a ranger. Imagine his life if he could ever make it home, he would be family men with a clutch of children and feel the full of animals. He begged to the heavens for a final chance, an opportunity to salvage a relationship with fatima. The container vessel that appeared on the horizon was heading directly toward him. It burns until it was so close. I've arranged feared in my slice his boat in half, fifteen years a stern, the ship crossed his path help! Here here of a ranger screamed the three figures standing near the stern fishing laws in hand, the man waved. He had been spotted, but the man didn't move. No one run for help.

And not only was the giant ship not slowly, but the casual waving continued even as they pulled away. Do you think i'm out here on a day trip of orange? Screamed the near miss, devastated, have a ranger. His mind began to weaken and his reflexes load his desire to eat with succumbing to a more basic waving to close his eyes. Our rangers remember the cordoba sports there and lack of interest in food. That same lethargy now contaminated his mind. In eleven months, at sea of a ranger had drifted five thousand miles. At an average speed of less than a one mile an hour. His clothes were shredded, only a sweatshirt that had belonged to caudle, but protected him from the sun, from the waist down. He was naked except for a pair of ready underwear and the random floating sneakers snatched from the sea atop his head, a bold main of copper colored hair, rose and coils from his place, I think beard exploded outward of a ranger, questioned if his journey was a life lesson send by god by all reasonable standard. He should have been dead months later. Was he be allowed to leave for a reason? Had he been chosen to bring a message of hope to those considering suicide? What could be worse than being alone at sea?

That's what I could tell someone thinking about suicide. What further suffering could there be done? This, he says, on january thirty, two thousand fourteen, coconuts bobbed on the water, and the sky was filled with swore birds. A cold rain limited visibility. I will rangers still on the deck staring out a tiny tropical island was emerging from the reigning missed.

It looked wild without roads, cars or homes. His first urge was to dive overboard and swim to shore, but leery of sharks. He waited,it took him half a day to reach land when he was ten yards from shore, he dived off the deck and let a wave carry him in. As the wave pulled away, a brenda was left face down on the beach. I held a handful of sand in my hand, like it was a treasure. He said, have a ranger was discovered by the loan couple who inhabited the island. He had washed ashore on the air, but not all the thousand tip of marshall islands, one of the most remote spots on earth,head of a range of mister abe. And the next likely stop was the philippines, three thousand miles away. After eleven days, our rangers health had stabilized enough for him to travel home to el salvador. Whenever and yourself, a teamer, he grabbed his daughter. I love you!

He said sobbing fatima, hug him even harder. I know I didn't raise you and that all those years are lost. But dad, IT's here to give you an advice to help you learn right from wrong. Have a ranger had completed one of the most remarkable voyages in the history of seafaring. He didn't navigate sail row or paddle.

He drifted unable to other cause he had been forced to build a world of survival. He was extremely unlucky and terribly fortunate at the same time, you know, he was home. That's all for today. And thank you, jessica, for a very well prepared passage. 







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