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发表于 2020-11-29 04:42:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


“...... 却有大批美国人还吃不上饭...... 揭露大批美国人在节日期间面临饥饿,疫情及种族问题等多重危机的窘境......”


  通过视频,以及原文,不难看出这是一篇典型的CNN式正能量采访文,主要是赞扬一个叫Agatha House的“扶贫组织”在感恩节期间为广大贫困人民送温暖的故事。从中也体现了人民群众彼此之间的阶级友爱,以及对美国目前食品救助政策的分析与建议。
  There is a hunger crisis in America this Thanksgiving
  By Vanessa Yurkevich, CNN(记者名字,就不翻译了)
  (CNN) It took just 10 minutes for ReginaStatus to pick up her Thanksgiving basket in front of her Bronx, New York,apartment. A last-minute delivery from Agatha House Foundation, a local foodpantry, arrived just in time.
  But in those few minutes, Status slowlypushed her food cart, fighting the cold and the whipping wind she said took herbreath away. In many ways it represents her life over the past few months.
  Status is one of 50 million Americans whowon't have enough to eat this year, in part because of the pandemic. Accordingto Feeding America, the largest hunger relief group in the United States, thenumber of hungry Americans in the US is trending towards recession numbers,when 56 million Americans were food insecure.

  "I had no turkey," said Status."I didn't even know where that was going to come from. But you know, I'vegot to take it one day at a time."
  “我没有火鸡,"Status说。"我甚至不知道,将从哪里搞到它。但是,你知道,我终于得到了。” (这后半句才是重点,她得到了,引出下面的食品公司)
  Status says she wasn't eligible forunemployment and is living off what she calls her "survival fund" --money she received after her daughters' father died from cancer years ago. Itwas supposed to be for their college fund, but today it pays the bills.
  In the summer, she was relying on multiplefood pantries to make ends meet, but earlier this fall her car was totaled. Nowshe has no way to make her early-morning pantry runs and gets by on aonce-a-week delivery from Agatha House.
  这段其实是整篇的关键点,突出了Agatha House。这段是说夏天的时候Status去好几个食物发放所取食物。但是秋天的时候车坏了,她就只能一周一次靠AgathaHouse了。
  "It's just a relief that I don't haveto purchase all of that," she said of the Thanksgiving basket from AgathaHouse. "It's a relief that somebody is actually thinking about me."
  This week, Agatha House is preparingThanksgiving baskets for families who would otherwise go without a meal. Theyare meticulously curated with fresh fruit, a signature Thanksgiving turkey, andeven a small gift -- candles and picture frames are tucked inside.
  这段就开始赞扬了,说Agatha House为没有感恩节大餐的人们辛勤准备,他们精心准备了新鲜水果,感恩节火鸡,甚至还有藏在篮子里的小礼物,比如蜡烛和相框。(看见正能量了吧)
  "I think we have to look in and try toimagine ourselves in their position, what we would want for ourselves, not justto give them a cardboard box," said Jeanette Joseph-Greenaway, founder ofAgatha House Foundation.

  Joseph-Greenaway says the pantry hasexperienced a 100% increase in need since the pandemic, with many new faces.
  "A lot of them are coming here to makeends meet -- the in-between to just get over the hump. Between their rents andthe rest of the bills that have not stopped, they have to come to the foodpantry," said Joseph-Greenaway.
  这两段创始人继续哔哔,说疫情以来他们供应的人群已经增加了一倍,这些人来这里是为了度过难关 ......

  The Bronx has the highest number ofCovid-19 cases and rate of unemployment of New York's five boroughs. TheBronx's 15th Congressional District has the highest food insecurity rate amongchildren in the country, according to Feeding America. And now that the city'spublic schools are remote-only, it places a higher burden on families toprovide meals.
  "There are 22 million children whoeven before this pandemic relied upon free and reduced lunch," said ClaireBabineaux-Fontenot, the CEO of Feeding America. "When you hear thatschools are closed, not only does that mean that there are challenges forchildren with an education, but it also means lost meals."
  这段是“Feeding America”这个粮食救济组织CEO的话,表明疫情以来有2200万学生因为没上学所以吃不到免费的午餐。学校关了,不光学业受阻,学生也需要在家吃更多的饭了。
  Regina Status' two daughters do remotelearning at home in their Bronx apartment.
  At home with her two high schoolers, Statusnow has to come up with money for three meals a day.
  "I have to constantly buy food becausenow I have to supply food for breakfast. Now I have to supply food forlunch," she said.
  The once-weekly pantry deliveries she getsare essential
  "I get eggs, I get milk. So all I haveto do now is just provide the cereal, because they love their cereal in themorning," Status said.
  Latino and Black households make up themajority of the population in the Bronx. Before the pandemic, Black Americanswere nearly 2 1/2 times as likely to live in food-insecure households as WhiteAmericans, while Latinos were twice as likely, according to Feeding America. Intheir revised food insecurity projections for 2020, 18 of the 25 countiesprojected to have the highest 2020 food insecurity rates are majority Black.
  "Communities of color are two timesmore likely to suffer, not only with the underlying illnesses that make thedisease more lethal, but also with food and security itself," saidBabineaux-Fontenot.
  In April, the USDA allocated $850 millionfor food banks' administrative costs and food purchases through the CARES Act.The Department of Agriculture says it has an additional $873.3 millionavailable to purchase agricultural products for food banks. But Feeding Americasays the need for additional federal aid will grow in the coming months.
  这段歌颂了一下下美国农业部根据CARES法案提供了8.5亿资金,而且说还要再买8.733亿的农产品。但是,这里必须有但是,Feeding America说不够啊!
  "Unfortunately, the need continues. Weestimate that over the course of the next 12 months, the gap between what wehave and what our neighbors are going to need is about 8 billion meals,"said Babineaux-Fontenot.
  The incoming Biden administration willinherit a hunger crisis, but Babineaux-Fontenot said there are steps theadministration can take to get food to the people who need it.
  "There are regulations that requirethat you have certain work requirements in order to receive food, at a timewhen people were shut down and not even able to try to get jobs," saidBabineaux-Fontenot. "So there absolutely are regulatory barriers that makeit even more challenging for vulnerable communities."
  这两段写了拜登政府上台后,Feeding America希望新政府能出台更方便的政策来为弱势群体提供食物。
  This Thanksgiving will look different formillions of Americans. Yet, despite Status' struggle to put food on the table,she's sharing the food she has this Thanksgiving with her elderly neighbor, whois also in need.
  "Even if we didn't get the (food from)Agatha House or we were just having a regular chicken every day, just to saythat you were alive to eat it, it that's a blessing in itself," she said.

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