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最后的审判 (451) 蘇美爾王表 (三) 解读

发表于 2021-2-16 06:42:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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埃安(左边含字中字)的Mesh-ki-ang-gasher,Utu之子(又字义:) : 324 年
Mesh-ki-ang-gasher 走向大海並(又音:)且消(截取点撇放竖钩两边←)失了。
Enmerkar,建立(截取聿上首,下接丿←)了烏努格 : 420 年(烏努格是烏魯克別稱)
烏努格的Lugalbanda,牧羊人 : 1200 年

烏努格的吉(取彩色拼音字母:Ji)爾伽美什Gilgamesh,父親是"a phantom",為Kulaba的長官 : 126 年(王表中唯一半神半人的帝王【偈语。第一字:神是九笔画,取一半,即4.5笔画;取右半边去掉中间竖,再加左半边第二笔的一半;将左竖移到中间、小横嫁接到右边中间,再取人字的一半“丿”重合到中间。第二字:取神的金文、甲骨文左半边示字的下半部第三字:两个半共十笔画,取一半是五笔画。即:将半的竖左移,截取下竖放入两横之间的右边与左竖对称,取上面撇点分放下面,再取人字的另一半捺调转90°变成为撇,放到上面】)
烏努格的Ur-Nungal : 30 年
烏努格的Udul-Kalama : 15 年
烏努格的La-Ba'shum : 9 年
烏努格的En-Nun-Tarah-Ana : 8 年
烏努格的Mesh-He : 36 年
烏努格的Melem-Ana : 6 年
烏努格的Lugal-Kitun : 36 年

来源:蘇美王表- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia


First rulers of Uruk

Ruler                Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments

Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana                "the son of Utu"        324 years        Late Uruk Period        
"Mesh-ki-ang-gasher entered the sea and disappeared."

Enmerkar                "the son of Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, the king of Unug, who built Unug (Uruk)"        420 years        Late Uruk Period        

Lugalbanda                "the shepherd"        1,200 years        Late Uruk Period        
Dumuzid (Dumuzi)        
Marriage of Inanna and Dumuzi.png
"the fisherman whose city was Kuara."
("He was taken captive by the (single) hand of Enmebaragesi.")*        100 years        Jemdet Nasr period        A new translation has been made, which exchanges Enmebaragesi as the one who captured Dumuzid.[24]
Gilgamesh        Gilgamesh in a Sculptured Vase, Shara Temple, Tell Agrab, Iraq.jpg        "whose father was a phantom (?), the lord of Kulaba"        126 years        EDI        contemporary with Aga of Kish, according to Gilgamesh and Aga[23]
Ur-Nungal                "the son of Gilgamesh"        30 years               
Udul-kalama                "the son of Ur-Nungal"        15 years               
La-ba'shum                        9 years               
En-nun-tarah-ana                        8 years               
Mesh-he                "the smith"        36 years               
Melem-ana                        6 years               
Lugal-kitun                        36 years               
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."

Source: Sumerian King List - Wikipedia


First rulers of Uruk

Ruler                Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments

Lusty Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana, became the first king, extolled highly among crowd, people just called him "the son of Utu", he exactly dominated for 324 years. His period was being called Late Uruk Period by historians. "Mesh-ki-ang-gasher began to go into the sea gradually and then exactly disappeared into the sea."

His Majesty, popular Enmerkar was the next king. This period was also being called Late Uruk Period by historians. He built Unug (Uruk), exactly dominated for 420 years. People just called him "the son of Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, the extraordinary king of Unug".

The subsequent king Lugalbanda, actually reigned for 1,200 years. His period was still being called Late Uruk Period. He was extolled highly among crowd, people just called him "the shepherd.   

Next king was Dumuzid or Dumuzi. He brilliantly reigned for 100 years in total. His period was being called Jemdet Nasr period. His wife was exactly Inanna, the goddess of love. People just called him "the fisherman whose exact city was Kuara of Uruk." Based on Sumerian cuneiform, regrettably he was taken captive by Enmebaragesi's single hand. A new translation exposed a short time ago, which just exchanges Enmebaragesi as the extraordinary one who captured Dumuzid.   

The subsequent king Gilgamesh, who reigned for 126 years in total. He was being extolled highly among people. His time was majorly named Early Dynastic Period. He was so strong that he was extremely wresting a pair of bulls then, according to a sculptured vase, a stone piece, which was being carved vividly with such scene. There was basic saying "his exact father likely was the lord of Kulaba, or just phantom ruler of Sumer". He was exactly simultaneous with brilliant king Aga of Kish, as stated by Gilgamesh and Aga epic.

The subsequent king Ur-Nungal exactly dominated for 30 years. People just called him "the son of Gilgamesh".

Next king Udul-kalama. His period was unluckily bitter. He was the son of Ur-Nungal and only reignd for 15 years.

The subsequent king experienced harder period. His Majesty La-ba'shum reigned as short as 9 years.

Next king En-nun-tarah-ana was crowned. He was not a brilliant king, only reigned for 8 years.   

The subsequent king Mesh-he exactly dominated for 36 years. People just called him "the smith".  

Next king Melem-ana was crowned. His basic domination length lasted just 6 years in total.   
The subsequent king Lugal-kitun exactly dominated for 36 years.   

"Then Unug was just damped, the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."              



First rulers of Uruk         

Ruler                Epithet        Length of reign        Approx. dates        Comments

Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana                "the son of Utu"        324 years        Late Uruk Period        
"Mesh-ki-ang-gasher entered the sea and disappeared."

Enmerkar                "the son of Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, the king of Unug, who built Unug (Uruk)"        420 years        Late Uruk Period        

Lugalbanda                "the shepherd"        1,200 years        Late Uruk Period        
Dumuzid (Dumuzi)        
Marriage of Inanna and Dumuzi.png
"the fisherman whose city was Kuara."
("He was taken captive by the (single) hand of Enmebaragesi.")*        100 years        Jemdet Nasr period        A new translation has been made, which exchanges Enmebaragesi as the one who captured Dumuzid.
Gilgamesh        Gilgamesh in a Sculptured Vase, Shara Temple, Tell Agrab, Iraq.jpg        "whose father was a phantom (?), the lord of Kulaba"        126 years        EDI        contemporary with Aga of Kish, according to Gilgamesh and Aga
Ur-Nungal                "the son of Gilgamesh"        30 years               
Udul-kalama                "the son of Ur-Nungal"        15 years               
La-ba'shum                        9 years               
En-nun-tarah-ana                        8 years               
Mesh-he                "the smith"        36 years               
Melem-ana                        6 years                 
Lugal-kitun                       36 years            
"Then(And then) Unug was defeated(conquered) and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."

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