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最后的审判 (584) 对伊什塔尔的皇家赞美诗

发表于 2021-9-14 16:16:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-9-16 18:17 编辑

Translated by ALAN LENZI

1. Sing of the goddess, the most awe-inspiring of the goddesses,
2. Let the lady of the people, the great one of the Igigi be praised!
3. Sing of Ishtar, the most awe-inspiring of the goddesses,
4. Let the lady of the women, the great one of the Igigi be praised!
5. She of excitement, clothed with sexual charm,
6. She is adorned with sexual allure, attraction, and appeal.
7. Ishtar of excitement, clothed with sexual charm,
8. She is decorated with sexual allure, attraction, and appeal.
9. With regard to (her) lips she drips honey, her mouth vivacity,
10. Smiles flourish upon her face.
11. She is resplendent, loveliness is set upon her head,
12. Her tones are beautiful, her eyes colorful (and) iridescent.
13. The goddess—counsel is with her,
14. She holds the destinies of everything in her hand.
15. At her glance happiness is engendered,
16. Dignity, splendor, a protective spirit (and) guardian.
17. She loves attention, passion, (and) contentedness,
18. And she controls concord.
19. The young woman whom/who she calls/has been abandoned obtains a
mother (in her),
20. One invokes her among women/people, one calls her name.
21. Who can rival her greatness? Who?
22. Her cultic ordinances are powerful, supreme, (and) brilliant.
23. Ishtar—who can rival her greatness?
24. Her cultic ordinances are powerful, supreme, (and) brilliant.
25. She is the one whose position is foremost among the gods,
26. Her word is respected, it prevails over them/theirs.
27. Ishtar, whose position is foremost among the gods,
28. Her word is respected, it prevails over them/theirs.
29. She is their queen, they discuss her utterances,
30. All of them kneel before (lit. to) her.
31. They go to her (in) her luminescence,
32. Women and men fear her.
33. In their assembly, her speaking is pre-eminent, supreme,
34. She is seated with them as an equal to Anu, their king.
35. She is wise with regard to/in terms of understanding, knowledge, (and) insight,
36. They confer together (about decisions), she and her householder.
37. They occupy the dais together,
38. In the sanctuary, the abode of jubilations.
39. The gods appear before them,
40. Their (i.e., the gods’) ears are attentive to their (i.e., Ishtar’s and Anu’s)
41. The king, their favorite, the beloved of their heart,
42. Magnificently offered time and again pure offerings to them.
43. Ammiditana, with the pure offering of his hands,
44. In their presence, satisfied (them) with fattened bulls and stags.
45. She has asked for him from Anu her husband,
46. Long, enduring life.
47. Many years of life for Ammiditana,
48. Ishtar has granted, has given.
49. By her command, she makes bow down to him,
50. The entire world at his feet.
51. And all of the inhabited world,
52. She has tied them to his yoke.
53. The desire of her heart, her favorite song,
54. Is suitable for his mouth; he uttered for her the speech of Ea.
55. (When) he heard her praise, he exulted over him,
56. (Saying,) “May he live! May his king love him forever!”
57. O Ishtar, to Ammiditana, the king who loves you,
58. Bestow long, enduring life!
59. May he live!
60. Its antiphonal.

Reading Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: An Introduction (P126-130)

Inanna - Wikipedia
ISHTAR (INANNA) | Facts and Details

苏美尔学:人类历史上最早的文明与文字 - 澎湃新闻


Translated by ALAN LENZI

1. Sing of the goddess, the most awe-inspiring of the goddesses[Happily sing of the goddess, the best awe-inspiring and sexual spiritualistic of the goddesses],
2. Let the lady of the people, the great one of the Igigi be praised[Just allow the Mistress of the people, the extraordinary one of the brilliant Igigi be highly complimented]!
3. Sing of Ishtar, the most awe-inspiring of the goddesses[Be singing of Ishtar, the maximum awe-inspiring of the goddesses],
4. Let the lady of the women, the great one of the Igigi be praised[Just allow the Mistress of the women, the exceptional one of the brilliant Igigi be highly in the public eye]!
5. [She of zing, clothed with sexual fascination,]She of excitement, clothed with sexual charm,
6. She is adorned with sexual allure, attraction, and appeal[She just is ornamented with sexual fascination, desirability, and delight].
7. Ishtar of excitement, clothed with sexual charm[Ishtar of intensity, clothed in company with desirable charmingness],
8. She is decorated with sexual allure, attraction, and appeal[She is decorated with sexual tantalization, joy and magnetism].
9. With regard to (her) lips she drips honey, her mouth vivacity[In the context of her lips she leaks honey, her mouth ebullience],
10. [Laughs flourish lying on her face]Smiles flourish upon her face.
11. She is resplendent, loveliness is set upon her head[She is brilliant, elegance is existed across her head],
12. Her tones are beautiful, her eyes colorful (and) iridescent[Her tones just are mesmeric, her eyes luxuriant and lustrous].
13. The goddess—counsel is with her[The goddess-counsel is being with her],
14. She holds the destinies of everything in her hand[She holds the every destiny of basic everything in her hand].
15. At her glance happiness is engendered[At her glance the exhilaration is jump-started],
16. [Majesty, luxuriousness, a protective spirit combined with guardian]Dignity, splendor, a protective spirit (and) guardian.
17. She loves attention, passion, (and) contentedness[She enjoys attention, bliss and energy],
18. And she controls concord[And she exploits harmony].
19. The young woman whom/who she calls/has been abandoned obtains amother (in her)[The young woman whom she calls has been junked obtains a mother's title in her],
20. One invokes her among women/people, one calls her name[One exactly invokes her among human beings, one yells her appellation].
21. Who can rival her greatness? Who?[Who can be rivaling her greatness? Who exactly?]
22. Her cultic ordinances are powerful, supreme, (and) brilliant[Her cultic regulations are justified and supreme as well as excellent].
23. [Ishtar- exactly who can be rivaling her immensity?]Ishtar—who can rival her greatness?
24. Her cultic ordinances are powerful, supreme, (and) brilliant[In fact her elaborate ordinances are high-powered, extraordinary along with justified].
25. [Amid the gods she is the one whose exact position is major,]She is the one whose position is foremost among the gods,
26. Her word is respected, it prevails over them/theirs[Her word is respectable, it wins through beyond theirs confidence].
27. Ishtar, whose position is foremost among the gods[Ishtar, whose position is big among the gods],
28. Her word is respected, it prevails over them/theirs[Her word is exalted, it gains over theirs trust].
29. She is their queen, they discuss her utterances[She is their unobjectionable master as well as queen, they exchange views on her declarations],
30. All of them kneel before (lit. to) her[All of them bend their knee on ground before her].
31. They go to her (in) her luminescence[They go to her in her brightness],
32. [Men along with women live exactly in fear of her]Women and men fear her.
33. In their assembly, her speaking is pre-eminent, supreme[In their assembly, her speaking is just admired, supreme],
34. She is seated with them as an equal to Anu, their king[She relaxedly is seated together with them as it would be equivalent to Anu, their mighty king].
35. She is wise with regard to/in terms of understanding, knowledge, (and) insight[She is brilliant with regard in terms of experience, realization in conjunction with attainments],
36. They confer together (about decisions), she and her householder[They exchange views in cooperation about decisions with her along with her exclusory chamberlain].
37. They occupy the dais together[They keep busy on the staging inextricably],
38. In the sanctuary, the abode of jubilations[Among the sanctuary, the abode of joy].
39. [Ahead them the gods appear,]The gods appear before them,
40. Their (i.e., the gods’) ears are attentive to their (i.e., Ishtar’s and Anu’s)command[All gods’ ears are expectant to Ishtar’s and Anu’s command].
41. The king, their favorite, the beloved of their heart[To their best-loved Mistress, and the mighty king, both of the loving ones of their heart],
42. Magnificently offered time and again pure offerings to them[Extraordinarily offered just many times extremely refined oblations to them].
43. Ammiditana, with the pure offering of his hands[Ammiditana, with the blameless offering of his hands],
44. In their presence, satisfied (them) with fattened bulls and stags[In their presence, made merry them with fattened bulls in addition stags].
45. She has asked for him from Anu her husband[She has exacted for him from Anu her loved and jealous husband],
46. [Seemingly endless, enduring life.]Long, enduring life.
47. Many years of life for Ammiditana[maximum years of life for reliable Ammiditana],
48. [Ishtar has granted, has absolutely given.]Ishtar has granted, has given.
49. By her command, she makes bow down to him[By her bidding, she makes people bow down to extol him],
50. [All of the world just at a time at his feet.]The entire world at his feet.
51. And all of the inhabited world[All of the existing along with inhabited entire globe],
52. She has tied them to his yoke[By using his baffling yoke, fixingly she has tied them on].
53. The desire of her heart, her favorite song[Her enjoyable melodies, the excited ambition of her heart],
54. Is suitable for his mouth; he uttered for her the speech of Ea[Are suitable for his mouth; and he brought in for her the very speaking of Ea].
55. (When) he heard her praise, he exulted over him[By the time he listened to her eulogium, he exulted over him],
56. [Announcing unobjectionably“May he subsist! May his exalted king value him forever!”](Saying,) “May he live! May his king love him forever!”
57. O Ishtar, to Ammiditana, the king who loves you[O Ishtar, to Ammiditana, the brilliant king who loves you indeed],
58. Bestow long, enduring life![Bless him with long, inexhaustible duration of life journey!]
59. May he live![And May he live!]
60. Its antiphonal.



6. She is adorned with sexual entiCement, attraCtion, and aPpeal.
7. Ishtar of excitement, clothed with sexual charm,
8. She is decorated with sexual allure, attraction, and appeal.
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