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最后的审判 (791) 毗湿奴往世书 第五部第八章

发表于 2022-7-25 16:16:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Vishnu Purana Book V CHAP. VIII.
translated by Horace Hayman Wilson [1840]

The demon Dhenuka destroyed by Ráma.

AGAIN, tending upon the herds, Keśava and Ráma wandered through the woods, and on one occasion came to a pleasing grove of palms, where dwelt the fierce demon Dhenuka, feeding upon the flesh of deer. Beholding the trees covered with fruit, and desirous of gathering it, the cowherds called out to the brothers, and said, "See, Ráma; see, Krishńa; in this grove, belonging to the great Dhenuka, the trees are loaded with ripe fruit, the smell of which perfumes the air: we should like to eat some. Will you throw some down?" As soon as the boys had spoken, Sankarshańa and Krishńa shook the trees, and brought down the fruit on the ground. Hearing the noise of the falling fruit, the fierce and malignant demon Dhenuka, in the form of an ass, hastened to the spot in a great passion, and began to kick Ráma on the breast with his hinder heels. Ráma, however, seized him by both hind legs, and whirling him round until he expired, tossed his carcass to the top of a palm tree, from the branches of which it struck down abundance of fruit, like rain drops poured upon earth by the wind. The animals that were of kin to Dhenuka came running to his aid; but Krishńa and Ráma treated them in the same manner, until the trees were laden with dead asses, and the ground was strewed with ripe fruit. Henceforward the cattle grazed unobstructed in the palm grove, and cropped the new pasturage, where they had never before ventured.


The Vishnu Purana: Book V: Chapter VIII - Sacred Texts

Vishnu - Wikipedia


往世書- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
The Vishnu Purana Index - Sacred Texts
往世书选译2:毗湿奴二十二化身 - 知乎专栏
古印度宗教经典:往世书(Purana)什么内容? - 趣历史


The Vishnu Purana Book V CHAP. VIII.

(In other words)
AGAIN, tending upon the herds, Keśava and Ráma wandered through the woods, and on one occasion came to a pleasing grove of palms, where dwelt the fierce monster Dhenuka, feeding upon the flesh of deer. Beholding the trees covered with fruit, and desirous of gathering it, the cowhands screamed to the brothers, and said, "See, Ráma; see, Krishńa; in this grove, belonging to the great Dhenuka, the trees are loaded with ripe fruit, the smell of which perfumes the air: we should like to eat some. Will you throw some down?" The second the boys had spoken, Sankarshańa and Krishńa shook the trees, and brought down the fruit on the ground. Hearing the noise of the falling fruit, the untamed and ill-starred demon Dhenuka, in the form of an ass, hastened to the spot in a great passion, and began to hard kick Ráma on the breast with his hinder heels. Despite that, Ráma, seized him by both hind legs, and whirling him round until he expired at last, tossed his carcass to the top of a giant palm tree, from the branches of which it struck down abundance of fruit, like rain globules poured upon earth by the wind.

(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name is green. The second and third names are brick red. And the last name is blue.

The Vishnu Purana Book V CHAP. VIII.

The demon Dhenuka destroyed by Ráma.

AGAIN, tending upon the herds, Keśava and Ráma wandered through the woods, and on one occasion came to a pleasing grove of palms, where dwelt the fierce demon Dhenuka, feeding upon the flesh of deer[By again baby-sitting upon the herds, Keśava and Ráma cruised acrossXthe silent and mellow woods, and on one juncture came to a so intoxicating grove of palms, where billeted the dangerous demon Dhenuka, by feeding upon the flesh of deer]. Beholding the trees covered with fruit, and desirous of gathering it, the cowherds called out to the brothers, and said, "See, Ráma; see, Krishńa[Beholding the trees covered with fruit, and exceedingly craving of gathering it, the cowhands screamed to all of the young bros, and said, "Just see, Ráma; see, Krishńa]; in this grove, belonging to the great Dhenuka, the trees are loaded with ripe fruit, the smell of which perfumes the air: we should like to eat some[existing among this grove, belonging to the typical Dhenuka, the trees are being loaded with satisfying ripe fruit, the intoxicating smell of which unobjectionably perfumes the air: we ought to delight in to eat some]. Will you throw some down?" As soon as the boys had spoken, Sankarshańa and Krishńa shook the trees, and brought down the fruit on the ground[Will you pick off some?" As soon as the young boys had expressed, Krishńaa along with Sankarshań began hammering the fruit trees, and brought down a lot of juicy fruits onto the ground]. Hearing the noise of the falling fruit, the fierce and malignant demon Dhenuka, in the form of an ass, hastened to the spot in a great passion, and began to kick Ráma on the breast with his hinder heels[By hearing the noise of the falling fruit, the untamed and malignant demon Dhenuka, into the form of an ass, anxiously hastened to the region, and began to hard jab Ráma's breast with his hinder heels]. Ráma, however, seized him by both hind legs, and whirling him round until he expired, tossed his carcass to the top of a palm tree, from the branches of which it struck down abundance of fruit, like rain drops poured upon earth by the wind[Even so Ráma, seized hold of him by both hind legs, and whirling him round until he expired, abandoned his body to the topping of a palm tree, by doing this, beginning out of the twigs of that it dropped down ample amounts of fruit, exactly like rain drops poured upon ground by the wind]. The animals that were of kin to Dhenuka came running to his aid; but Krishńa and Ráma treated them in the same manner, until the trees were laden with dead asses, and the ground was strewed with ripe fruit[The animals that were of kin and family members to Dhenuka just came rushing to his exigent aid; however Krishńa and Ráma offered them in the same manner, waiting for the different palm or fruit trees were being overfilled with bereft of life asses, and the ground was thoroughly covered surrounded by ripened fruit]. Henceforward the cattle grazed unobstructed in the palm grove, and cropped the new pasturage, where they had never before ventured[As an automatic result the cattle being grazed unconfined and relaxed in the palm grove. And they cropped the just done farm, whereas in days of yore they had never thoroughly considered].



The Vishnu Purana Book V CHAP. VIII.

Ráma, however, seized him by both hind legs, and whirling him round until he expired, tossed his CarCass to the toP of a palm tree, out of the twiglets of which it struck down abundance of fruit, like rain drops poured upon earth by the wind.

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