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最后的审判 (1053) 重读德斐尔箴言 (五)

发表于 2023-7-28 16:43:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-7-31 19:35 编辑

042.        Ικετας αιδου        Have respect for suppliants        尊重恳求者        
043.        Πασιν αρμοζου        Be accommodating in everything        有容乃大        
044.        Υιους παιδευε        Educate your sons        教育你的儿(孩)子        
045.        Εχων χαριζου        Give what you have        贡献你所拥有的        
046.        Δολον φοβου        Fear deceit        谨防欺骗(诈骗、骗局、诡计)        
047.        Ευλογει παντας        Speak well of everyone        人人言善语        
048.        Φιλοσοφος γινου        Be a seeker of wisdom        成为智慧的探索者        
049.        Οσια κρινε        Choose what is divine        选择什么是神圣的        
050.        Γνους πραττε        Act when you know        明智方行        
051.        Φονου απεχου        Shun murder        不杀生,远离杀害        
052.        Ευχου δυνατα        Pray for things possible        为他人祈祷,为可能发生的(好)事祈祷        
053.        Σοφοις χρω        Consult the wise        请益贤达        
054.        Ηθος δοκιμαζε        Test the character        考验品格        

Delphic maxims
德尔斐箴言- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Delphi: The Bellybutton of the Ancient World - YouTube


晚饭前,上帝交代Micheal,让他转告上帝的意思给地心人,“好吧”,他说 -- 毕竟,他们用心灵感应沟通无障碍。但当上帝洗完澡、刚刚从卧室出来时,正遇上地心人隐形地站在Micheal旁边等着,同时向上帝问好 -- 看来他是执意要亲自请示上帝的旨意。所以,上帝就正式向地心人的领袖们与全体地心人表达问候;上帝对他们的文明程度早有耳闻,表示欣赏;并表示在适当的时候去访问一下。最重要的是,就核废水一事,上帝让他转告地心人的领袖们及科学家们去深入研究一下,在不污染地心人环境和人类环境的前提下,可否由他们引导排入地下某个地方储存一百年。并就排水的方式等等提出了上帝的看法。时间紧急,上帝让他赶紧回去。他再三感谢上帝的接见。*





Delphic maxims (5)

Have popularity for suppliants or interviewees and hopeful young fellow; Be helpful, at the right time and orthodox always in everything; School your sons; And prepare to offer each one of the things you inhold; Worry camouflage, treachery and falsehood, slyness, duplicity or distortion; Appreciate everyone and honour always each person; And be a holy seeker of the Father's wisdom and powers of comprehension; Classify and choose what is spiritual and holy; Take measures as soon as you conjecture and behold; Stay away fatality, heartless, scandal, horror, slaying, spoliation or victimisation; Offer a prayers for each one of the things possible; Rely on the wise person and holy spirit; And research or analyse the formality, heritage, nature, overtone and psychology;

(To be continued)


Delphic maxims (5)

Have respect for suppliants; Be at the right time and acceping in everything...

Ruin the CCP.

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GMT+8, 2024-10-28 19:04

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