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最后的审判 (1105) 佛說彌勒大成佛經 其二十一

发表于 2023-10-19 13:00:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
by The Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva from Kucha

Part Twenty One

“Nets made with jewels will hover over the city of Ketuma. Jeweled bells, blown by breezes, like bells being struck, will chime harmoniously, expounding taking refuge in the Buddha, taking refuge in the Dharma, and taking refuge in the Saṅgha.
    “At that time, in the city there will be a great Brahmin named Brahmāyu. His wife Brahmavatī, gentle in nature, will also be in the Brahmin caste. To them as parents, Maitreya Bodhisattva will be born. His stay in the womb will be like a visit to a celestial palace, and He will radiate great light, unobstructed by dirt and dust.

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's ...
Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

彌勒下生成佛記彌勒成佛經佛說彌勒大成佛經佛典 ... - YouTube


彌勒菩薩- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

弥勒下生经- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Jerusalem: Three religions, three families | Faith Matters


In the following interpretation, notice how many times the word Messiah is mentioned; and intuitively understand what a gatha is.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

Part Twenty One

Nets that made by use of more expensive jewels shall midair hover over the city of Ketuma. Jeweled bells, being blown under the aegis of breezes, exactly in the same way as shiny bells being struck often, shall chime as well as signal harmoniously, expounding taking refuge inward of the Buddha, taking refuge in the major Dharma, besides taking refuge in the Saṅgha.
    “And at that time, inside the limits of the city there will be an extraordinary Brahmin who was named Brahmāyu. Along with, his wife, by the name of Brahmapati, inside the limits of the Brahmin caste in the same fashion, shall be the human being who is so kind
and harmless. Aimed at them in the role of parents, Maitreya Bodhisattva will be born. Whilst His stay in the middle of the womb will be resembling roaming amid a blessed high palace, He will exceptionally give off immense shine, and that unjammed by dust and dirt.


Reference for reading methods after colored letters are combined into words:
Read the bold words first, then the shaded words, then the purple words, then the ocher words, and finally the underlined words. There are also ones that represent names, and their order is: green, brick red, and finally blue, either forward or backward, throughout the context. And compare it with the original text by using one or two translation software.

在以上经文中,Maitreya Bodhisattva和Messiah又一次有了交集。
In the above verses, Maitreya Bodhisattva and Messiah once again intersect.

那时瞎子的眼必睁开、聋子的耳必开通。那时瘸子必跳跃像鹿、哑吧的舌头必能歌唱。(以赛亚书 35:5-6)
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing. (Isaiah 35:5-6)

最高雕像列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


你们看,其中有几个雕像都是为了纪念在不同时期转世的那位上帝。笔者粗略看了一下在美国有两位,在中国至少有四位,在俄国至少有一位。而七大奇迹中唯一幸存的金字塔也有其用意,因为它用包含上帝名字的描述来宣示主权 -- 这就是为什么金字塔并不是地球上所独有的原因。这里有一点描述金字塔的提示:月球上的金字塔,火星上的金字塔,水下的金字塔,任何地方的金字塔。
You see, several of the statues commemorate the God who reincarnated at different times. The author took a quick look and found two in the United States, at least four in China, and at least one in Russia. And the only surviving pyramid of the Seven Wonders also had a purpose, as it asserted sovereignty with a description that included God's name -- which is why pyramids are not unique to Earth. Here's a little hint to describe the pyramids: Pyramids on the moon, Pyramids on Mars, Pyramids underwater, pyramids anywhere.


Great Pyramid's Shocking Precision (Season 12) | History
UFO Researcher Says Pyramids FOUND on Other Planets
(This basic code is the full name of God in English)

金字塔是这样,那么方尖碑呢? 一点提示,这也是上帝提示给埃及女法老Hatshepsut去做方尖碑的:no joins and mends.
The pyramid is like this, but what about the obelisk? A little reminder, this is also God’s prompt to the Egyptian female pharaoh Hatshepsut to build an obelisk: no joins and mends.

Let all God’s angels worship him. (Hebrews 1:6)
That is: humans have faith, and so do the angels. There is no mistaking what the angels believe in, but what about humans? Guess who the angels believe in? And who do humans believe in? What's the difference?

God rules over all earths and all spheres. He is in them and they are in Him. All things are in God and He is in all things. What is was to be, all things begin and end in God.
This alone is wisdom, understand and live forever. (Chapter Seventeen The Kolbrin Bible.pdf)

佛经、圣经、易经、道德经、可兰经、论语等经典都是上帝无数次转世在人间完成的。没有人能够在有生之年完全把这些中英文的经书读完并理解 -- 不仅人类做不到,连天使也做不到。所以,那些通过发表几篇文章或者出版几本书就妄称“紫薇圣人”、“佛陀”和“弥赛亚”的,你们的梦该醒了。

六、七年前,网络上可以找到大量令人惊叹的UFO视频。 近年来,这些相关视频已被屏蔽。


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood (
Part Twenty One)

Jeweled bells, blown by breezes, like bells being struck, will chime harmoniously, expounding taking refuge in the Buddha, taking refuge in the Dharma, in conjunction with taking refuge in the Saṅgha.
“At that point in time, in the city there will be a great Brahmin named Brahmāyu.
Ruin the CCP.

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