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吃是人生一大事  教你如何在国外点餐










发表于 2006-3-19 22:14:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Toast土司   cake蛋糕   eggs蛋   cereal谷物   milk牛奶
soybean  milk豆奶  fruit juice果汁

What do you usually have for lunch?
Hamburger汉堡  fried chicken炸鸡  salad沙拉  French fries炸薯条
pizza 比萨   coke可乐   soda苏打水   shake奶昔
What do you usually have for dinner?
Beef牛肉  chicken鸡  pork猪肉  fish鱼  rice饭  vegetables蔬菜
soup汤  noodle面

What would you like for dessert?
What ho you usually have for dessert?
Ice cream冰淇淋  pudding布丁  pie派  cake蛋糕  fresh fruit新鲜水果
vanilla香草  strawberry草莓   cookie饼干
Would you bring us a few napkins, please? 请拿一些纸巾给我们,好吗?
Soup spoon汤匙 fork叉 knife刀子 plate盘子 straws吸管 bad/sack袋子
Small小杯 regular中杯 large大杯 extra large特号 enormous巨大
beer mug啤酒杯  wineglass葡萄酒杯  napkin餐巾纸   bowl碗  
will you be eating here or is this to go?在这里用餐或带走
Eat here or to go.在这儿吃还是带走.
For here or to go?
For here 在这儿吃
Take out, please.带走
This is a take out order.这是外带的
I would like some French fries.
Can I sit here?我可以坐这里吗?
With ketchup or mayonnaise? 加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?
with ketchup, please. 请加蕃茄酱
A sandwich, please. 请给我一份三明治
Whole wheat, please. 请给我全麦面包
Can I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗?
What do you want to drink?你要喝什幺?
Give me orange juice.请给我柳橙汁   
Bourbon with soda water, please.请给我波本酒苏打水
I’ll have a small hamburger, milk and one large order of French fries.
Can I have a hot dog, please? 请给我一份热狗
How about onions or mustard? Yes, please. 要加洋葱或芥末吗?好的
Which would you like for bread? 你想要什幺口味的面包?
White or whole wheat? 白面包或全麦面包?
I’d like roast beef with Swiss cheese, tomato and lettuce.
Where can I get a knife and fork? 我在那里可以拿到刀与叉
Could you pass me the salt? 请把盐传给我
I’d like a glass of water, please? 请给我一杯水
May I have a bottle of mineral water?请给我一瓶矿泉水
May I have some more bread, please.请再给我一些面包
I’d like a dessert, please.请给我一些甜点
Would you bring me the salt, please.能请你帮我拿盐来吗?
Would you bring me another fork, please?能请你给我另一支叉子吗?
May I have some cheese? 可以给我一些芝士吗?
What kind of cheese is this?这是什幺口味的芝士
May I have just a little of it?可以给我一点这个吗?
Do you have any ketchup?你们有蕃茄酱吗?
Anything else?还要什幺吗?               
   That’s all.这些就好       
What do you want to drink?你要喝什幺吗?       
Yes, give me orange juice.好的.请给我柳橙汁
Please give me a cup of hot tea.请给我一杯热茶
A cola, please.一杯可乐
Regular or large?中杯或大杯的   
Large, please.大杯
There you go.
Thanks. How much is that?多少钱
$1 (dollar) .一美元
Thank you .谢谢
You're welcome.不用客气
What flavor?什幺口味   
How would you like your coffee?你喜欢怎样的咖啡
Cream and sugar please.奶精和糖
How would you like your steak? 牛扒要怎样的
Well done, please.全熟的

会 话
Customer:Menu, please.  
Waiter:Here you are,  
Customer:Thanks….. I'd like some soup….   
Waiter:Tomato soup?
Customer:Yes, and I'd like a steak.  
Waiter:Rare, medium, or well-done?
Customer:Well-done, please.
Waiter:Which vegetables would you like?
Customer:I'd like some potatoes, some peas…oh, and a green salad.
Waiter:Certainly, Would you like dressing on your salad?  
Waiter:Which salad dressing would you like,?
               French? Italian? Thousand Island?.
Customer:French, please.            
Waiter:And would you like anything else?          
Customer:No, that's all.          
Waiter:All right. I'll be back in a moment.         
Customer:O.K. Thank you.            
Help the hard-to-understand customer to order food in the restaurant.
Waiter:Are you ready to order?
Customer:Yes, I'll have the egg breakfast, please.     
Waiter:Yes, And how would you like your eggs?
               Scrambled or fried?  
Customer:Fried, please.
Waiter:And would you like wheat or white toast?
Customer:Wheat toast, please.
Waiter:O.K. And are you going to have the ham, bacon or sausage  
               with that?
Customer:Ham, please.
Waiter:Would you like the pancakes or waffles?
Customer:Pancakes, please.
Waiter:And would you like anything to drink?
Customer: Yes, A glass of orange juice.
Waiter:Large or small?
Waiter:And would you like anything else?
Customer:No, that's all.
Waiter:All right. I'll be back in a moment.
Customer:O.K. Thank you.   
A:Do you have reservations?  
B:Yes , we have reservations for two, at eight o’clock.
A:This way, please.
C:Good, we’re very hungry.
A:The special today is vegetable lasagna.
      Would you care for something to drink?
C:Red wine, please.
A:Are you ready to order?
B:She”ll have the shrimp scampi, and I'll have the jambalaya.
C:I have to use the rest room.
B:Excuse me, waiter
A:How can I help you?
C:Where are the rest rooms?
A:Right over there.
A:Would you like more wine?
C:Yes, please.
A:Would you like to order dessert?
C:We’d like coffee, and what are your desserts?
A:We have cheesecake, apple pie, and carrot cake.
C:I’d like a piece of cheesecake.
A:Anything else?
B:No thank you, just the check, please.
A:Here’s your check. Thank you.
B:Do you accept credit cards?
A:I’m sorry, we only take cash.
Sandwich三明治   hot dog热狗   cheese起司   crab蟹   roast beef烤肉
tuna fish鲔鱼    bread面包   oatmeal燕麦粥    lamb羊排   sea food海鲜
lobster龙虾   dish菜   beverage饮料   milk牛奶   coffee咖啡   tea茶
beer啤酒   water水   chewing gum口香糖   popcorn爆米花 ice cubes冰块  
Dessert甜点   pie派   cake蛋糕   ice cream冰淇淋   cream butter奶油
cream奶精 sugar糖 candy糖果 salt盐  wine葡萄酒  lemonade柠檬水
Relish调味料   ketchup蕃茄酱   hot sauce辣酱  pepper胡椒   vinegar醋
mustard芥末   Vegeta-rian素食  jelly草莓酱  honey蜂蜜   yogurt优格
steak牛扒   toast土司    cake蛋糕   eggs蛋   juice果汁  hamburger汉堡   
fried chicken炸鸡    French fries 薯条    pizza比萨    coke可乐   fish鱼   
soda苏打水    shake奶昔  hot dog 热狗    bread面包 lamb羊排   rice饭
Beef牛肉  chicken鸡   pork猪肉   soup汤  noodle面   mineral water矿泉水
spaghetti意大利面条   cereal麦片  
Fruit 水果
orange橘子  cherry樱桃   pear梨子   strawberry草莓     vanilla香草
apple苹果   banana香蕉   grape葡萄   peach桃子   plum李子   nut胡桃
pineapple菠萝   watermelon西瓜   tomato蕃茄   grapefruit柚子  lemon柠檬
carrot红萝卜 potatoes马铃薯  peas豌豆  mushrooms蘑菇  onion洋葱
lettuce莴苣  beans豆子  green pepper青椒  corn玉米  cucumber黄瓜
pickle泡菜  peanut花生









发表于 2006-4-11 20:53:18 | 显示全部楼层

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