附图1. 中国大陆政府开办的用来关押流浪猫狗的所谓“留检所” (动物监狱)中狗狗们在没有水,没有食物的恶劣情形下,为了活下去,只能吃同伴死尸,或同类相食(大吃小,体壮的吃病弱的)。中共当局以这种野蛮残忍的方式让狗狗们“自己解决” 一个个渴死、饿死、病死...... 境况之凄惨,在这个世界上,你永远找不到第二个!! The Pictures from the dogs jails of China。
附3.:中共各地留检所(动物监狱)链接: A few Video links of Chinese dogs jails & Police kill dogs on the street. http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz= ... NTYzMw==&scene=6#rd
包头留检所惨烈的现场!Video of the dogs jail of Baotou city.
2014 内蒙巴彦淖尔市临河区, 警察开枪杀狗视频
南京石佛寺流浪犬留检所Video of the dogs jail of Nanjing city.
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcxNTE4NjIw.html(留检所----动物地狱:Dogs jails of China)那是天津留检所。北京留检所将抓来的狗狗们活活烧死!上海留检所开50度高温空调将狗狗们活活热死!有英文字幕(English subtitles)!Video of the dogs jail of Tianjin city.
The Dogs jails of Shanhai: high temperature air-conditioning heat to
Death (dogs are conditioned alive dead heat).
The Dogs jails of Beijing: dogs be burned alive