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发表于 2005-10-3 07:57:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Do you make him kiss your butt so often he needs knee-pads, or are you the one who's whipped? Find out.

1. When you two get into a fight, how do you deal?  

  A. Stew for a bit, then try to talk it out.(1)  

  B. Kiss and apologize immediately.(3)  

  C. Throw a tantrum or withhold nooky.(0)  

2. You accompany your man to his old frat buddy's birthday party and are sooo bored. You:  

  A. Get another cup of warm beer. (3)  

  B. Say "C'mon, I want to leeeeeave!"(0)  

  C. Strike a deal: You'll stay if he comes to your pal's party next week.(1)  

3. When are you likely to spoil him with a fab meal or massage?  

  A. Whenever. He's a hot guy, and if you don't give him TLC, he'll W-A-L-K.(3)  

  B. After you've yelled at him or hurt him in some other way and feel a tad guilty.(1)  

  C. When he has news worth celebrating or after he's done you a favor.(0)  

4 . Pretend your man was just invited to a party at the Playboy Mansion. You'd:  

  A. Secretly cringe but tell him to enjoy himself -- and buy him a disposable camera and a water gun so he can have fun.(3)  

  B. Beg him not to go and if he went anyway, you'd call him incessantly on his cell.(1)  

  C. Say okay, but joke that you'll be at a strip club called Guys Gone Wild.(0)  

5. When you sleep next to each other in bed, you...  

  A. Give him 75 percent of the bed.(3)  

  B. Hog the covers.(0)  

  C. Take up half the space.(1)
6. Who shows up late more often when you meet for dates?  

  A. Him. But it's no big deal -- you play solitaire on your cell phone.(3)  

  B. You. Hello, every woman should keep her man waiting just a little!. (0)  

  C. Both of you are equally punctual.(1)  

7. Are you more excited to talk about his day...or yours?  

  A. Yours, naturally!(3)  

  B. Depends on who has more going on.(1)  

  C. His -- you feel selfish blabbing first.(0)  

8. How often do you expect your guy to pay for things?  

  A. Let's put it this way: The only time you'll open your wallet is to buy tampons.(0)  

  B. You'll swipe the tab occasionally.(1)  

  C. You wind up footing the bill a lot of the time, but that's okay -- you don't really mind.(3)  

9. Do you ever make your man watch chick flicks or sit in boutiques while you shop?  

  A. Never! He'd laugh in your face.(0)  

  B. Honey, that's the story of your weekend -- even Super Bowl weekend.(1)  

  C. Occasionally, but you've also endured NASCAR-and-buffalo wings nights(3)  

  First class girlfriend. You are always willing and eager to subsume your interests and desires to his. In fact all you desire is for him to be comfortable and satisfied. This is secretly what all men want so if you can manage it, and it's not easy, then you will earn the love of any man who goes out with you.  


  You are more of a compromise queen.  

  Your style is give and take. Though this means that sometimes the relationship feels a bit like a business with negotiation and balance of interests. always taking place your man will probably respect you for looking after your own. Ultimately you are perhaps the kind of girlfriend who will last.  

Under 5  

  Uh oh, you're big trouble. A right little madam is what you are! I'd be surprised if you had ever managed to hold on to a guy with any character for very long. Only ever thinking about yourself and oblivious to your selfishness you had better sort yourself out if you want to pin a man down for good.
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