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Wei Liu/Plain Water Revolution 452: International Arbitration, Communist Loses,

发表于 2016-7-17 06:31:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

公友/民主人士/觉醒人士/普通百姓       刘蔚        2016年7月16日   星期六

Wei Liu/Plain Water Revolution 452: International Arbitration, Communist Loses, Saved South China Sea Fish

Human Rights Worker/Democratic People/Awakened People/Common People

Wei Liu   July 16, 2016 Saturday



        Abstract: From 2013 to 2016, the International Court of Hague has worked on the dispute between Communist China and Philippine and has made the arbitration on July 12, 2016 that Communist China does not have any exclusive economic zone in South China Sea and shall not disturb other countries’ activities including fishing in that area. Chinese Communist Party says that it does not participate, does not accept and does not obey the arbitration. It also says there are 40 countries in the world that support its point, but can it name any one that is related to this issue? None of the related countries support it. Philippine, Japan, South Korea, Australia, the United States, European Union all state that every country should observe the Arbitration on South China Sea 2016. Russia states that it does not support any country on South China Sea issue. No matter what, the fish in South China Sea is saved. We all see in China, where the Communist has the exclusive administration, the fish were poisoned by the pollution in the river. And in Bohai Sea, a sea exclusively administrated by the Communist, the fish and shrimp were poisoned by pollution to death and disappeared. We suppose the fish in South China Sea and people in the world should be very happy at the International Arbitration on South China Sea 2016.


我刘蔚更多文章见我的海外博讯boxun网站的博客,加上前后的www, com 我名字在首页底部的作者群中。More writings of mine see my blog at www.boxun.com, under my name “刘蔚”, or you can google me by “刘蔚回忆录,” “白开水革命”,“Wei Liu Memoir”, “Wei Liu Revolution”, “Plain Water Revolution”.我们在这里说的,也是对全中国民众说的,都是我们认为真实的情况。欢迎各位,各媒体传播,登载,救自己,救别人,救中国。







公友/民主人士/觉醒人士/普通百姓    刘蔚      2016年6月5日更新

All-People Revolution in China              Plain Water Revolution   白开水革命

Human Rights Worker/Democratic People/Awakened People/Common People

Wei Liu    June 5, 2016 Renewed

中国能否实现民主人权,直接关系到每个人能否拿回一份土地,住房,食品,环保等生存福利人权,你最好读完这篇长文。2010年起中国已经进入了全民革命阶段,本文就是中国全民革命篇。你可以从Google translate/谷歌翻译听文章的朗读。你可告诉你外国朋友/老师我写的英文。他们可以在google上用“Wei Liu Revolution” or “Wei Liu Memoir”搜寻出我的文字。更多文章见我的海外博讯boxun网站的博客,加上前后的www, com 我名字在首页底部的作者群中。从2007年到2016年5月,我博客的显示点击量已达一千万,而按博讯说的各博客的实际点击量是显示点击量的10倍以上,那我博客的实际点击量到2016年5月已达一亿了。我们的文字是对中国民众说的,是我们认为真实的情况,欢迎各位,各媒体.转载,传播。一个人给5个以上人讲我们《中国全民革命篇》中的1项国际公约,2项活动主张,2幢中共政权楼地址,步枪/冲锋枪使用4步,4项基本人权,8项优秀活动,民众兵器弹弓枪,等起义事宜,壮大进步力量,救自己,救别人,救中国。

    Since 2010, China has entered the stage of All-People Revolution. Google translate can read text aloud for you. If you have foreign friends/teachers, you may tell them to read the English part of my essay. They can google me out by “Wei Liu Revolution” or “Wei Liu Memoir”. More articles of mine can be seen in my blog at “boxun”, with “www” in the front and “com” in the back, my name Wei Liu/刘蔚 is at the bottom of the homepage. From 2007 to 2016, my blog has 10 million displayed visits, and the website says that the actual visits is 10 times as the displayed visits. Then the actual visits of my blog is 100 million. What we say here we hold is true and is for 1.3 billion Chinese people. Every one is welcomed to publish, to spread our words, one person tells 5 or more persons, about the 1 international  convention, the 2 uprising opinions, the 4 fundamental human rights, the 8 excellent activities, the couple of addresses of the Communist regime buildings in the local county, the uprising elements like the slingshot of people’s weapon. Anyway, we expand the democratic strength to save ourselves, our friends and our country.


  Abstract of “All-People Revolution in China”:

      Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Regime has robbed all Chinese people of land, of welfares like housing and food and then thrown people into its battlefields of war including the Korean War, movements persecuting innocent people, the Cultural Revolution, the Grand Examination to College, the unlimited production, the unlimited pollution and the unlimited corruption. In the 2010s, the expenses of basic livings including housing, food, education and medical care have been over 8 times as that of people’s income. Over 98% of Chinese adults cannot solve all the four livings of housing, food, education and medical care by themselves and rely on their family for a living. Meanwhile, the environment in China has seen its debacle, living there one day is like smoking a pack of cigarette. Thus, the 1.3 billion Chinese people are fully justified to overthrow the Chinese Communist Regime to establish a democratic new China. We common people hold that the Land Right, the Welfare Right, the Voting Right and the Cash Right are the 4 Fundamental Human Rights. World history has shown over and over than human value lies in how much effort one makes in the fields of democracy, culture and science, not how much material/wealth one consumes.

   21世纪世界有120个国家实行了民众一人一票选举总统,州长/省长,县长,议员的民主制度。那里的民众即使没有收入,也有住房,食品,教育,医疗四项生存/福利,物质生活无忧。2010年代从中国来到民主国家的华人至少是一千万人了。不少人发现在民主国家,如果一个人不开车,不吃海鲜,实际上不上班都可以。美国给低收入者的食品票是约每人每月88美金,而1美金可以买约1斤鸡肉,就是说可以买88斤鸡肉了。一个人根本吃不了。这是横向比。纵向比,中国历代几千年,每人有老天给他生存的上万平方米的土地,过着无忧无虑的生活。诸葛亮,杜甫,孟浩然都是普通的农人,刘备请诸葛亮当副统帅,他还不愿意。就是这些普通的农人创造了以唐诗宋词为高峰的灿烂的中华文明。而来自西方的马列中共党掠夺全民土地,掠夺全民福利,给中国带来的不是幸福,而是苦难;不是进步,而是退步。在民众生活困苦的同时,中共高官子弟日进斗金。2006年中国3000名高官子弟拥有的财富就是2万亿元人民币,平均每人6.7亿元。进入2010年代,中国1%的人占有中国99%的财富。不掠夺老天给我们每个人生存的一份土地,中共几万名县级(含)以上高官,一个人可能获得比我们普通百姓一个人多千倍,万倍的财富吗?可见,中共高官是中国有史以来唯一的反革命,反动派,汉奸。几十年来,中国13亿人的苦难就是因为这个反动政权在祸国殃民。这正是“农夫心内如汤煮,公子王孙把扇摇。” 中国民众应该有宗教信仰自由,虽然中共高官一再打压信仰自由。八九民运好,法轮大法好,基督教好。

    Abstract of “All-People Revolution in China” continued:

   We also hold that democracy, faith, masterpieces, mahjong, chess, go, walking, ping pang as the 8 Excellent Human Activities, because they do not consume materials and do not cause pollution and give the player and others happiness. Producing 1 pound of meat will consume over 10 tons of water. Spirit/information, not material/wealth gives people constant happiness. In the 2010s, China has about 100 million Falun Gong believers, 100 million Christians, 300 million Bushtits. Though the Communist regime oppresses believers in China, Chinese people should have the religious freedom just like the people in other countries. All the democratic countries in the world, including the United State, Canada, Australia, Britain, Japan, and etc. should all participate in democratizing China. In the 21st century, millions of Chinese people have walked on street every year to protest against the Communist regime for various kinds of reasons, and thousands of people every year attacked the regime personnel, using fist, knife, gun, explosive, and the Communist regime every year deploys over 1 million soldier/time to deal with people’s uprising. It appears that the All-People Revolution in China is already under way. We wish all those largely agree on our ideas call each other “Human Rights Worker”, “Democratic People”, “Awakened People” or “Common People” and tell at least 5 people about our ideas of “4 Fundamental Human Rights” and “8 Excellent Human Activities”, to save ourselves, to save our friends and to save our country. Chinese people should have their religious freedom. The 1989 Democratic Movement, Falun Gong and Christianity are all excellent.


   The solution is to build up a fair, democratic new world, including a fair, democratic new China. Any human is entitled to the 4 Fundamental Human Rights including the land right, the welfare right, the decision-making right and the cash right. For the 4 Fundamental Human Rights, we are willing to have a universal vote and reckon that the pros will be more than the cons. So we bring them forward in the following.

1.  土地权:满18岁的每位成年人拥有老天给他生存的2000平方米的土地去生存,包括建房,种地,死后不遗传,交还民选政府由后来满18岁的人领取,一人一份。

2. 福利权:占用了老天给民众生存的土地的政府有责任给每人提供住房,食品,教育,医疗四项生存福利,一人一份。如果公民自己已解决,则不再从政府领取。

3.  表决权:法律,政策,如企业税率,政府预算分配比例,全国应有多少万军队,学生一天上多少节课,应由民众一人一票表决,决定是否实行。不要再谈什么社会主义,资本主义,左派,右派,人类只该有一个主义/派别,就是全民一人一票决定国家的法律,政策。不愿意13亿民众有决定权的人绝不会是真正的爱国者。实践本身不会说话,经历了实践的民众一人一票的表决才是检验真理的唯一标准。

4.  现金权:属于民众的现金应该全民一人一份。如一年民选政府收到海内外捐款2600亿元给中国民众,此款就应在13亿人中平分,每人该年应获得2600/13=200元。




刘.蔚    2015年



Here we welcome all countries in the world to oppose the Communist regime including using military and liberate Chinese people. Start from 2010, once there is military conflict between Communist China and any one of the United States, Russia, Japan, India, Britain, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma and etc, every country of them should destroy the two regime buildings of Communist Party Building and the Police Building in each county. In the 2010s, China has about 3,000 counties and 20,000 towns. These democratic countries above should find out the coordinate/longitude and latitude of those buildings now and once a war/conflict starts with Communist China, it is very possible to use air force, missile, or even artillery to destroy those regime buildings. To make this real, start from February 2016, every country above should broadcast to China and call 1.3 billion Chinese people uprising, and we should see effect in half a year after transmitting the democratic information by Internet and broadcasting to China. The government of the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Philippine and etc, using 100 people for every day broadcasting and 400 people for handling fighter, missile to prepare to destroy the Communist regime buildings in China, and the power/influence of this battalion will be much more than three divisions.

The words for broadcasting are like this: “The Communist regime in China has robbed Chinese people of the land, of the welfares of housing, medical care, etc., and has hurt people in the world. One day if we have conflict/war with Communist regime, we will destroy the two regime buildings, the Party Building and the Police Building, in multiple counties, and in multiple towns. We want Chinese people to get prepared. Once that happens, Chinese people should uprising and declare to form the Democratic Government of China! Chinese people should have the courage to regain the Four Fundamental Human Rights. Those are: 1. Land Right. Every Chinese is entitled to half an acre of land; upon one’s death, it does not pass to one’s children and it returns to the democratic government to give the later born people. 2. Welfare Right. Every Chinese is entitled to have the welfares of housing, food, education and medical care. 3. Voting Right. Every Chinese has the right to vote for the president, the governor, the mayor, the congress member of China. 4. Cash Right. All donations for Chinese people should be divided evenly among 1.3 billion Chinese people. 1989 Democratic Movement, Falun Gong, Christianity are all excellent. Let us overthrow the Communist regime and build a new Democratic China!” These words should be broadcasted to China one time every hour by each of the above countries. What the Communist regime fears the most is not the atom bomb; it is people’s uprising. Since 2008, Communist China has become the biggest greenhouse air emitting country and has made the global warming serious. It is the duty of the democratic government of the above countries like the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Philippine to reduce the power of the Communist regime and protect their own people. All people in the world who love democracy and peace, let us work together to remove the Chinese Communist regime, have a new democratic China and return peace to the world.

历史是一面镜子,告诉我们该怎么做。历史/民众从不肯定物质消耗或者富豪,肯定的是为民主,文化,科学有所努力的人。没有一分钱的杜甫,其人生意义是那些富豪的千万倍。唐朝的富豪是谁,今天谁也不知道了,但知道杜甫。一个人物质生活就需要使用面积40平方米的厨卫住房,每天1斤食品,清洁空气,清洁的水四样物质。除此之外,更多的物质消耗对人,环境都是有害无益。生产1公斤牛肉要消耗32吨水。而2000年以来中国上亿人得了高血脂,高血压,糖尿病等所谓富贵病,营养过剩。吃得过多与吃得过少同样有害。我们普通百姓没钱买饮料,更何况中共国的产品包括牛奶多是假冒伪劣,所以我们喝白开水,我们的革命也可以叫白开水革命,英语叫Plain Water Revolution。各位可以看看,在中国是农村人身体比城市人好,而农村人远没有消耗城市人那么多贵的食品。再看如果靠消耗更多物质真的对人的身心有益,中共高官,富豪早就万寿无疆了。人的快乐只能靠精神,这也是几千年的人类历史证明了的。我们普通百姓认为民主,信仰,名著,麻将,象棋,围棋,步行,乒乓球是人类8项优秀活动,因为它们基本上不消耗物质,不损害他人,就给自己,给别人带来了快乐。人生的意义不就是在不损害他人,不损害环境的条件下快乐吗?









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