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已有 1082 次阅读2010-2-9 19:02 |个人分类:日志






“史上最牛中医院院长”发表后,众多海内外网友对文章中提及的中纪委刘丽英副书记之子李卫平同志(国家公安部干部)冤死8年还未申冤这一令人惊讶之事, 表示极大的震撼。据记者再次深入详细调查,了解到事件产生主要归结于有关人员不断造假、虚构事实,欺骗各级领导所致,现就其主要责任人上海市卢湾区香山中医院院长康正祥公然违反卫生部指示,对抗司法鉴定,故意制造新伪证,企图永远掩盖李卫平死亡的真相等问题,详细汇编整理如下:

According to a majority of kind netizens’ sincere concern about their shock at the failure to clarify the truth of the medical accident even after 8 years of the death of Li Weiping, which is mentioned in the first issue of our series “The most arrogant president in Chinas history-Seven Sins1)”, we feel it is urgent to expose the whole story to the public, which is a huge injustice involving an innocent former officer of the police killed unjustly as a result of the fault of the Shanghai Xiangshan Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital. What’s worse, instead of undertaking whatever the hospital shall carry out to make up for the tragedy, the most arrogant present president in China’s history, Kang Zhengxiang has been attempting to cover up all the truth for ever by inventing fictional facts, denying the forensic, and even violating the instructions concerned of the China’s Health Department without any sense of kindness, honesty or justice. At the request of the netizens, it’s honored to list all the truth of the story as follows, hoping to provide the public with sufficient evidence to condemn the devil president so as to comfort the dead.

一、       刘丽英同志及其子李卫平同志其人其事:


1977年她亲任林彪及 “四人帮”专案组办公室副主任,并被指任为江青一案的审判员,1986年她督查改革开放以来第一个省级干部倪献策案,






I. Who is Comerade Liu Liying?

Comrade Liu Liying, mother of Li Weiping (the victim of the tragedy mentioned above), is the former deputy secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of China, who is known as the "modern woman Bao" and even awarded one of “the top ten defenders of  China's 30years’ anti-corruption " by the “People Weekly". Despite being such a just officer for our nation, as a mother, Comrade Liu Liying failed to comfort the dead, her beloved son, by clarifying the truth to the public, which has aroused the public anger and is expecting a just repay of the Shanghai Xiangshan Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital.

二、       该事件的详细内情大公开:

II. The truth




1. The start of tragedy;

March 29, 2002, Doctor Jiao Donghai treated Comrade Li Weiping (hereinafter referred to Li) in Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing for the first time;

April 8, Li chose to stay in the Shanghai Xiangshan Chinese Medicine Hospital for further treatment of obesity and its co-existing diseases by using the Chinese and Western medicine treatment. 50 days of treatment achieved significant effect: Li’s weight loss of 24 pounds, accounting for 10% of original body weight, reduced abdominal circumference by 16cm, lower extremity edema subsided, which made everyone cheerful.

May 28, unfortunately, a dramatic and unexpected tragedy took place on the awful day. About 19:50 that day, after using the toilet and walking out of the ward, Li fell to the ground as a result of a heart attack. What was unexpected was that the on-duty doctor Wang Fan was not available at the emergency moment, who was having a bath during working time! Even worse, after returning later, Wang Fan was totally helpless by just letting the non-professional patients present do whatever they thought proper, thus causing Lis blood pressure to decrease to 0, and no heart beating sound for as long as 20 minutes. And then after Wang Fans 5 minutes misdiagnosis and mistreatment, she gave up saving Lis life at lastduring which even oxygen was not supplied when needed. Therefore, Li Weiping was almost caused to die just because of lack of air!


与李同病区的病人陶美芬回忆说:“我与李卫平同志经常在一起打牌,卫平同志待人很好,常拿着一本书去作减肥理疗。想不到他死得那样凄凉,卫平同志跌倒时两位值班医师一个也不在,抢救病人早一分钟好一分钟啊!值班医师到场后手忙足乱,不知道在干什么,病人不懂得抢救方法,硬是连拖带拉把卫平拖死了。医师们见到此情况也不阻止。如果医师不脱离岗位,同时按正常步骤抢救病人,结果病人死了,我们心理也会平衡. 而现在呢,我们内心怎么会平衡呢?”

2. the public’s anger;

One patient in the same ward with Li once recalled, ‘I was always together with Comrade Li Weiping playing cards, and he treated people well. Now he died so desolately. When he fell, neither of the on-duty doctors were available. How valuable every minute is while a life is saved! If the doctors had not been divorced from their posts and had saved Li by following the normal steps, we would have felt relieved, even faced with the same result! But how about now? ‘



3. disregard for human life;

It is the most common sense that the patient should be given oxygen at an emergency. But when Comrade Li Weiping’s life was in danger, he was even killed because of lack of oxygen. Time is life! Lee, who suffered from myocardial infarction, should be immediately put lying on the floor and be rescued at once on the scene. Doctors should strictly keep quiet and do not be nervous, let alone dragging the patient violently. Wang Fan, the doctor on duty, who rushed to the scene, should have immediately measured the patient’s blood pressure, listened to the heart rate and given specific treatment. Li might have survived if given such a timely conventional rescue.



4. the abyss of crime;

What was more appalling was that, in order to shirk their responsibilities, Wu Dingyun, the vice president of medical staff of the Shanghai Xiangshan Chinese Medicine Hospital in 2002, arranged for some staff to distort the medical record concerned overnight. And in the afternoon of the next day, Wu reported to Li’s family and colleagues from Beijing that the hospital had carried out correct diagnosis and treatment, but failed to save Li’s life.




5, Intensified medical accidents concealed;

Fortunately, there was only one professional, Professor Jiao Donghai, the doctor in charge of Li’s whole treatment programme, who showed great doubt about the accident. Professor Jiao not only investigated 7 witnesses involved but also accompanied the lawyers to survey 2 more insider to confirm the truth of Li’s death mentioned above. July 3, 2002, in the face of facts, Wang Fan, accompanied by others, confessed the fact of her off-site to bath. Thus, after learning the truth of the incident, Comrade Jiao Donghai desired to clarify the truth for the dead and the living.

Despite the fact that, with great efforts and difficulties, Jiao has achieved plenty of support from both the authorities concerned, the president Kang Zhenxiang, however, has completely ignored plenty of advice from the experts who are in line with the basic life-saving medical ethics, the instructions of the relevant authority, and even the Court's related decision. Instead, this president still behaves in its own way and even continues committing more crimes.  In the hospital, within half a year, only 30 medical ward beds in traditional Chinese medicine have witnessed two deaths and one injury serious medical accidents; in August 2004, municipal health bureau had attempted to organize experts to discuss the causes of the hospital medical accidents involved in 8 lives. However the president refused to implement the best, and just let the matter rest! Now it seems that, in an attempt to cover up the truth of Li’s death for ever, Kang maliciously and intentionally deprived the relatives concerned of the right of being informed, being reparation and the right of being treated in a fair and impartial way, which is also a violation of social equity and justice.



6, the devil in action;

Comrade Jiao Donghai has never stopped fighting against with the evils for the right by trying every possible legal method to depend the truth of the medical incident for the dead. But in the meanwhile, Kang has always denied every evidence and ignored all the responsibilities the hospital is supposed to undertake, which has gradually revealed the ugly face of Kang.

三、       后续


    III. Follow-up

    For each person’s lifetime, it is possible for him or her not to break the law, but impossible for them to get sick. However, in today's society, there is a popular statement: "No fear of disease but of doctors"! Doctor's job being to save lives, why is everyone afraid of doctors so much? The reason lies in the fact that there are an increasing number of quack and bad doctors. Even worse, many medical institutions and government departments protect each other, thus causing more and more frequent occurrence of medical malpractice. While it sounds horrible that people fear not diseases, that is the true reflection of our modern society.

每个行业都有它的职业道德,任何一个人为了某一种利益违背职业道德,其行为便如同禽兽。欣慰的是在国际大都市上海,有四位香山中医院内的骨干专家(副院长陈敏先主任医师、医务科姚克裘副主任医师、西医内科主任冯忠廉主任医师及国家级有突出贡献专家焦东海),他们为维护医患利益,坚持数年进京上访未果!虽然院长独裁制,信访不完善等重重障碍使得数年的辛苦未果! 但他们还在充满信心地继续战斗着!

Each industry has its own professional ethics. If any person does something contrary to the interests of a certain kind of professional ethics, their behavior. will be like animals. Good news is that in the international metropolis Shanghai, to safeguard patient interests, four experts (the first Vice-President Chen Min, Yao Ke Qiu, late deputy chief physician, Feng Zhonglian, director of Western physicians and Jiao Donghai, the outstanding contributor of China.) adhere to going to Beijin to petition unsuccessfully for ages! Regardless of the president’s dictatorial system and other obstacles having made their try in vain, they are still confident to continue the fight!

  面对权势的威逼利诱,面对医患受到的不公平待遇,面对自己救死扶伤的医德准则,老人们还在不屈地战斗着!为反映真实情况,他们多次遭到威胁。但是他们以一个老同志的革命精神认为:既然脚步已经迈出,就要坚持到底,为了表示自己的决心,焦医生把遗书都准备好了。遗书上写到:万一他在揭发该院的过程中遭到不测,请领导替他正名;他死后,请同志们把他的骨灰撒到青海、甘肃一带盛产大黄的山上,让他与大黄同眠…… (焦医生是国际著名的大黄临床运用研究专家,有“焦大黄”的美誉。)  星星之火一定可以燎原,群众的眼睛是雪亮的,人民的力量是巨大的!正不压邪只是暂时的,用咱们共同的关注和干预来谱写充满曙光的完结篇吧!

Faced with threats and temptations from the power, the patients’ unfair treatment, and their own life-saving medical ethics, these senior professionals are still fighting without any fear! To reflect the real situation, they have been repeatedly threatened. But they firmly hold the belief that, now that the pace has been taken, they must adhere to the end. In order to express his determination, Comrade Jiao Donghai has even prepared his will, among which it reads: if any accident occurred in the course of his reveal of Xiangshan Hospital, his ashes would be  supposed to be scattered into Qinghai or Gansu province which are rich in rhubarb, so that he could be with his beloved herb rhubarb for good ... ... (Jiao is an internationally renowned expert on clinical application of rhubarb.)

A single spark will be able to start a prairie fire! People's eyes are sharp, and the people's power is huge! The right will defeat the wrong at last! Let's compose a perfect ending for the story with combined concerns and efforts by fighting with the temporary evils!










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