101apple 发表于 2006-5-6 04:19:31


  Himalaya Mountains, Nepal, Date Unknown
  Photograph by Barry C. Bishop
   As two Sherpas cross a pole, National Geographic Expeditions members sit on the rocks below. Thirty-two Sherpas were used on the 185-mile (297.2-kilometer) expedition from Banepa, near Kathmandu, to Everest.
   (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Six to the Summit," October 1963, National Geographic magazine)

  Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, 1997
  Photograph by Raymond Gehman
   Classified as threatened as of May 1984, the Utah prairie dog has many predators. When a prairie dog senses danger it begins to chirp and retreat to its burrow.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Vanishing Prairie Dog," April 1998, National Geographic magazine)

  Sukhothai, Thailand, 1994
  Photograph by Jodi Cobb
   Decorated with celebratory color, an elephant participates in an ordination ceremony for new Buddhist monks. The ritual is held annually in April in Sukhothai, Thailand.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Many Faces of Thailand," February 1996, National Geographic magazine)

  Off Roat醤, Bay Islands, Honduras, Date Unknown
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
   Silent beauty beneath the waves lured Leah Riley from a desk job of selling insurance in Oregon, to the Bay Islands, where she co-manages a resort, teaches scuba diving, and leads tours. Off Roat醤, she explores coral formations that, diving enthusiasts say, compare in splendor to Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
  —From "Honduras: Eye of the Storm," November 1983, National Geographic magazine
   寂静曼妙的海底世界使得Leah Riley放弃了原来在Oregon的推销保险的工作,来到Bay Islands跟人合伙经营着一处旅游胜地,做起教人潜水和导游的行当。她在Off Roat醤的海底开发出一片珊瑚群,据潜水发烧友说,那里的壮观程度堪与澳大利亚的大堡礁媲美。

  Machu Picchu, Peru,
  Photograph by Bates Littlehales
   With no written records, historians can only wonder why the Incas built such a mysterious place. Some believe the self-contained Machu Picchu could have been a secret ceremonial city.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Five Worlds of Peru," February 1964, National Geographic magazine)
  由于没有任何文字记录,历史学家们只能对为何印加人建造出如此神奇的地方而感到惊讶了。一些人认为,这座自给自足的城市Machu Picchu,当年有可能是一处举行秘密典礼的地方。
  Costa Rica, 1967
  Photograph by Kip Ross
   Often caught in fishing gear, and wanted for their eggs, meat, oil, and shell, green sea turtles are listed on the Endangered Species Act. Breeding populations found in Florida and on the Pacific coast of Mexico are listed as endangered; the green sea turtle is listed as threatened in all other areas where it is found.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Imperiled Gift of the Sea: Caribbean Green Turtle," June 1967, National Geographic magazine)
  Key West, Florida, 1981
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
   Key West, the southernmost city of the United States, has developed an eclectic culture all its own with tourism a central part of its economy.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic Book America's Atlantic Isle's, 1981)
  美国最南端的城市Key West,发展出一种折衷主义(指糅合了各种来源不同的特色和风格)的文化,其全部的经济是以旅游业为中心的。


  Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa, 2000
  Photograph by Chris Johns
   The vibrant scarlet petals of the Fireball lily, Blood lily, or scadoxus multiflorus, may draw attention away from the animals in Tempe Elephant Park, South Africa. Everything about this flower is large:approximately 200 types of these flowers have blossoms that measure nearly 25 centimeters (10 inches) in diameter.
   (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Without Borders: Uniting Africa抯 Wildlife Reserves," September 2001, National Geographic magazine)
  南非的Tempe Elephant公园里的Fireball百合,Blood百合还有scadoxus multiflorus的花瓣都是鲜艳的猩红色,这也许会引起那里动物的注意。关于这种花的评价只有一个字--大,这类花中将近有200种开花时的直径可 达25厘米(10英寸)。

  Yukon River, North America, 1997
  Photograph by Jay Dickman
   The sun casts a glow on this mountain terrain surrounding the Yukon River. Winding from sea to sea, the Yukon begins only 35 miles (56 kilometers) from the Pacific Ocean, flowing north and west to the Bering Sea.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Untamed Yukon River," July 1998, National Geographic magazine)
  Beqa Island, Fiji, 1993
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
   Tantalizing sunsets, warm beaches, and plenty of activities have made Fiji a tourist hot spot. Tourism has taken over sugar as Fiji's leading industry. Additionally, Fiji is growing in popularity with charter-boat sailors, surfers, and windsurfers.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Two Worlds of Fiji," October 1995, National Geographic magazine)


  Giverny, France, 1989
  Photograph by Farrell Grehan
   Looking a lot like one of his paintings, this water-lily pond in Giverny, France, is one of the many legacies left by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Monet began painting in Giverny, a village on the Seine some 45 miles (74 kilometers) west of Paris, in 1883.
  Few people know that he also designed the gardens he immortalized on canvas, such as this pond and garden near his Giverny home.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Giverny," March 1989, National Geographic Traveler magazine)
   Claude Monet是一位法国印象派画家,图中这个看起来好像他的作品一样的睡莲池位于法国的Giverny,是其留下来的众多遗产之一。Giverny是巴黎以 西大约45英里(74公里)塞纳河旁的一个小村庄,在1883年,Monet就是在那里开始他的绘画生涯的。

  Scotland, 1968
  Photograph by Winfield Parks
   A herd of grazing sheep cross a road in the mountainous glens and lochs of the Scottish Highlands. In the 18th century, sheep took over the Highlands, replacing cattle as the farmers' mainstay. Sheep's wool is an important source of income for the locals.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Scottish Highlands," August 1968, National Geographic magazine)

  Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma), 1983
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  Residents of Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma), participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year.
   Celebrants in the Water Festival merrily douse each other with water by whatever means are available. The purifying ritual, which takes place in April each year, commemorates the participants' belief that water washes away the misdeeds of the previous year.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Time and Again in Burma," July 1984, National Geographic magazine

  Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia, 1995
  Photograph by Sam Abell
   The Australian rainforest, concealed by clouds, is a land full of songs and stories of ancestral beings who traveled across the continent at the dawn of time.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Cape York Peninsula," June 1996, National Geographic magazine)

  Jiayuguan Pass, Gansu Province, China, 1980
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
   Two-humped, or Bactrian, camels roam wild in the Gobi. This one has its shaggy winter coat, which it will shed when the weather warms. Bactrian camels have tough feet for crossing rocky land.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic Book Desert, 1999)

  Easter Island, Chile, 1978
  Photograph by James P. Blair
   The famous stone monoliths of Easter Island weigh an average of 14 tons each. Most were carved from compressed volcanic ash between 1400 and 1600 AD.
  Multiple theories exist as to how these massive statues—thought to represent the spirits of the islanders' ancestors or chiefs—were moved into position miles from where they were quarried. Scientists have also long puzzled over why production of the statues ceased so abruptly, with hundreds left lying half-finished in the quarry. One theory is that deforestation, swelling population, and the intense dedication of resources to building and transporting the monoliths led to the collapse of the islanders' society and economy.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic book, Mysteries of the Ancient World, 1979)
   这些雕塑被认为是岛上居民的祖先或酋长的精神象征,关于古人是如何将这些笨重巨大的雕塑从几英里外的采石场运过来的,存在着多种理论。此外,为何这项工 程如此突然的停止,在采石场留下了几百个半成品,这也长期令科学家们感到困惑。其中一个理论认为,森林的滥砍,人口的膨胀,以及建造和运输这些巨石雕像所 造成的资源大量占用,最终导致岛上居民的社会和经济的崩溃。

  Roatán, Honduras, Date Unknown
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
  Honduras continues to be one of the least urbanized countries of Central America despite rapid urban growth rates.
   (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Honduras: Eye of the Storm," November 1983, National Geographic magazine)

  Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1998
  Photograph by Karen Kasmauski
   Pacific salmon are born in fresh water, but spend most of their adult lives in saltwater. As adults, the only time they return to fresh water is to spawn (in the same stream where they were hatched). Soon after spawning, the adult Pacific salmon will expire.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "In the Wake of the Spill: Ten Years After ," March 1999, National Geographic Traveler magazine)

  Angkor Wat, Cambodia, 1981
  Photograph by Wilbur E. Garrett
   Only a foot long and a beautiful emerald green the Hanuman snake is extremely poisonous, often deadly. It is named for the fearless, superagile leader of the benevolent army of monkeys— "it jumps, it flies, it is skillful like Hanuman in battle."
  (Text adapted from and photograph from "The Temples of Angkor: Will They Survive?," May 1982, National Geographic magazine)

  Yukon River, North America, 1997
  Photograph by Jay Dickman
   Residents in rowhouses try to keep warm along the Yukon River. The 2,000-mile-long (3,219-kilometer-long) Yukon River is home, highway, and hunting grounds to 36,000 people scattered along its wild banks. For residents of the Yukon, there are few modern conveniences and even less modern constraints, which is the way they like it.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Untamed Yukon River," July 1998, National Geographic magazine)
   育空河沿岸的居民正在设法将他们的房子保暖。育空河有2,000英里(3,219公里)长,大约36,000个居民分布在育空河宽广的两岸,这里有他们 的家园,公路和猎场。对于育空的居民来说,那里虽然缺少现代生活带来的便利,但是更没有现代生活造成的束缚,这样的生活才是他们所喜爱的。
  Loango National Park, Gabon, Africa, 2003
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
   In a boat off the coast of Gabon, Africa, Michael Nichols, a National Geographic photographer, rode the waves made by male humpback whales vying for a female.
  (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Gabon's Loango National Park: In the Land of the surfing Hippos," August 2004, National Geographic magazine)
  在非洲加蓬的海面上,国家地理摄影师Michael Nichols正在雄性驼背鲸为了竞争雌性而造成的波涛中,驾驭着他的小船。

  Andes Mountains, Tierra del Fuego, Chile, 1981
  Photograph by Thad Samuels Abell II
  Approximately 13,000 Guanacos, undomesticated members of the camel family, roam wild on the island of Tierra del Fuego.
   (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic Book Secret Corners of the World, 1982)
  Guanacos是骆驼家族中未被驯化的成员,大约有13,000头Guanacos在Tierra del Fuego岛上的野外徜徉。

  County Cork, Ireland, 1993
  Photograph by Sam Abell
   "Score! Red-jerseyed hurlers from County Cork tangle with the lads from Wexford in the league title match. Players use their sticks to whip a hard leather-covered ball toward the goal in hurling, akin to field hockey and Ireland's national sport for more than 2,000 years."
  —From "Ireland on Fast Forward," September 1994, National Geographic magazine
   "球进了!在这场锦标赛中,来自County Cork身着红色运动服的球员正在和来自Wexford的球员进行激烈的争夺。图中进行的运动为康华尔足球,是一种类似曲棍球的爱尔兰游戏,球员挥舞着他 们的球棒,努力将一个硬皮球击入对方的球门里。这项运动在爱尔兰已经有2000多年的历史了。"


  Loango National Park, Gabon, Africa, 2003
  Photograph by Michael Nichols
   "When I first stood on the beach in Gabon, I took off my clothes and contemplated writing home to say: 'Don't worry, Ma, I'm OK. Just don't come looking for me—you'll never see me again, ever.' Christmas morning a decade later, and here I was back on that same beach, where hippos surf and buffalo sunbathe."
  —From "Gabon's Loango National Park: In the Land of Surfing Hippos," August 2004, National Geographic magazine


  Itala Game Reserve, Natal Province, South Africa, 1995
  Photograph by Chris Johns
   Among African animals, the black rhino is one of those most threatened with extinction. The primary reason is poaching: A black rhino’s two horns go for as much as $50,000 on the black market for use as Arab dagger handles or Oriental medicines.
  (Text adapted from "A Personal Vision of Vanishing Wildlife," April 1990, National Geographic magazine)
   (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "A Place for Parks in the New South Africa," July 1996, National Geographic magazine)


101apple 发表于 2006-5-6 04:27:58

  Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia, 1995
  Photograph by Sam Abell
   This lonely mangrove clings to the earth with its massive roots. Cape York Peninsula is a land of extreme scorched in one season and sodden in the next. Five months of monsoon rains causes rivers to burst their banks, then they evaporate during seven months of withering drought.
   (Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Cape York Peninsula," June 1996, National Geographic magazine)
  图中这棵拥有结实巨大的根部的红树,独自坚守在大地上。Cape York Peninsula的土地在一个季节里非常干旱,在下一个季节里又完全湿透了。连续5个月的雨季导致河水冲出两岸,然后又在接下来的7个月旱季中完全蒸发了。

  Sinaloa, Mexico, 1971
  Photograph by Walter Meayers Edwards
   "Festivals and celebrations are a part of life in Mexico. They are meant to honor, unite, and prolong tradition; many of the religious celebrations began before the Hispanic era."
  —From the National Geographic book Great American Deserts, 1972


  McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 1989
  Photograph by George F. Mobley
   Through an opening in the ice, a baby seal pops out of the water and takes a curious glance. All seals leave the water at least once a year to breed. Since seals are pregnant for almost a year, the females (cows) are soon impregnated again right after having their young (pup).
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Antarctica: A Land of Isolation No More," April 1990, National Geographic magazine)

  Monterey Bay, California, 1988
  Photograph by Emory Kristof
   "Sixty miles offshore, in a valley near the canyon, sea anemones hunt at 3,680 meters like those John Steinbeck observed in coastal tide pools, 'inviting any tired and perplexed animal to lie for a moment in their arms.'"
  From "Between Monterey Tides," February 1990, National Geographic magazine
  在离岸60英里(97公里)远的海峡附近的一个深沟里,海葵在3,680米(12,073英尺)深的地方捕食,正如John Steinbeck在岸边的潮间水坑里观察到的那样,"吸引那些累迷糊了的动物在它们的怀抱里小憩。"

  Amazon River, Brazil, Date Unknown
  Photograph by George F. Mobley
   Four canoes cross the Amazon as the sun reflects off the river. Dugout canoes are used to transport fresh goods to the market. Produce from the Amazon region includes fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish.
  (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic book Safari!, 1982)

resfdhgytfgr528 发表于 2006-5-7 21:57:44

这些图片有些好棒唷!!很喜欢...^ ^

Hourder 发表于 2009-12-4 18:49:28

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