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Tomb of Cyrus (Excerpt)
Now Aristobulus so states it, and he goes to record the following ins-cription on the tomb: "O man, I am Cyrus, who acquired the empire for the Persians and was king of Asia; grudge me not, therefore, my monument." Onesicritus, however, states that the tower had ten stories and that Cyrus lay in the uppermost story, and that there was one ins-cription in Greek, carved in Persian letters, "Here I lie, Cyrus, king of kings," and another written in the Persian language with the same meaning.
"O man, I am Cyrus, son of Cambyses, who founded the empire of the Persians, and was king of Asia. Do not therefore grudge me this monument.”
Tomb of Cyrus - Wikipedia
Cyrus the Great - Wikipedia
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the following ins-criptionion on the tomb of Cyrus:
"O man, I am Cyrus, who acquired the empire for the Persians and was king of Asia; grudge me not, therefore, my monument."
"O man, I am Cyrus, who brought into being the extensive realm for the Persians and was justifiably supreme sovereign of Asia; excruciate me not, that being so, my simple monument."
"Here I lie, Cyrus, king of kings,"
"Just at tomb in the presence of you I exist, and also have been lying to sleep, Cyrus, king of kings,"
"O man, I am Cyrus, who actually acquired the empire for the Persians and was king of Asia; grudge me not, in consideration of that, my immovable historical memorial."