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最后的审判 (564) 金刚经 14

发表于 2021-8-27 08:42:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-9-5 13:22 编辑


At that time, after listening to this sutra, Subhuti had understood its profound meaning and was moved to tears[Just at the time, past listening to this sutra, Subhuti exceedingly had understood its subtile meaning accompanying was moved abidingly to tears].

He said to the Buddha: “How rare, O World Honored One![He expressed specially to the Buddha: “Just what remarkable, sheesh, World Honored One!]

“The Buddha has expounded such a very profound sutra[“The Buddha has explained such a so subtile sutra].

“Since I have acquired the wisdom eye, I have not heard of such a sutra[“Since I have gained the wisdom eye, I have not heard of such a sutra before this].

[“World Honored One, given that someone after explicitly eavesdropping this sutra judges that his comprehension exactly uncontaminated and unsoiled, he will begin to recognize reality.]“World Honored One, if someone after listening to this sutra believes that his mind is clean and pure, he will realise reality.

[“We will know that the such a person will bring about the extraordinary along with jolting achievements]“We should know that such a person will achieve the highest and rarest merit.

“World Honored One, this Reality is not Reality but the Tathagata calls it Reality[“World Honored One, this existence is actually not credibility even so the Tathagata says it subsistence].

“World Honored One, as I now listen to this sutra I have no difficulty in believing, understanding, receiving and holding it[“World Honored One, because I now give ear extraordinarily to this sutra I have just no calamities exceedingly among believing, understanding, receiving and similarly holding it],

“but in the last epoch, the last five hundred year period if there be a man who (happens to) listen to this sutra, believes, understands receives and holds it, he will be most rare[“but in the last age, existed in the last five hundred year period just assuming there is a man existed who (happens to) listen to this sutra, believes, understands, gains and holds it, he will be certainly indeed rare].

“Why? Because he will no longer (think in terms of) an ego, a personality, a being and a life[“Why? The reason being he will no longer (exceptionally consider dealing with the subject of) a self-image, a personality, a being and a life].

“Why? Because the forms of an ego, a personality, a being and a life are not forms[“Exactly for which reason? The reason being the forms of a personality, a life, an ego and a being are not forms].

Why?[Exactly for which reason?] Because when he has rejected all forms he is called a Buddha.”

The Buddha said: “Just so! Subhuti, just so![The Buddha expressed: “Just in this fashion! Subhuti, just along these lines!]

“If on the one hand, there be a man who listens to this sutra and is not filled with alarm, fear, or dread[“If and only if on the one hand, there is a human being who listens exactly to this sutra and is not jammed escorted by anxiety, fear, or forbidding],

“you should know that such a person is most rare[“you will know that such a human being is maximum hard to come by].

“Why? Because, Subhuti[“Why? Subhuti, Just cause],

[“as same as the Tathagata expresses,]“as the Tathagata says,

[“the first perfection (paramita) is not so (but) is (only) designated the first perfection (exactly identical to paramita.)]the first perfection ( paramita) is not so (but) is (merely) called the first perfection (paramita).

“Subhuti, the Tathagata speaks of the Perfection of Patience (ksanti paramita) which is not but is called the Perfection of Patience[“Subhuti, the Tathagata brings forward exactly the Perfection of Patience (or ksanti paramita) which is not but is just named as the Perfection of Patience].

“Why? Because, Subhuti[“Exactly for which reason? Because, Subhuti,],

[“in bygone days, during my body was ruined through Kaliraja,]“in (a) past (life) when my body was mutilated by Kaliraja,

“I had at that time no notion of an ego, a personality, a being and a life[“I had at that exact time not any notion dealing with the subject of a self-image, a personality, a being and a life].

“Why? Because, in the past, when my body was dismembered, if I (still) held the conception of an ego, a personality, a being and a life[“Exactly for which reason? Because, in bygone days, during my body was disintegrated, except I (at any cost) held the conception dealing with the subject of a self-image, a personality, a being and a life],

“I would have been stirred by feelings of anger and hatred[“Exactly I would have been tossed by feelings of hatred in company with anger].

“Subhuti, I also remember that in the past, during my former five hundred lives, I was a Ksantyrsi and held no conception of an ego, a personality, a being and a life[“Subhuti, I again recognise that existed in days of old, majorly amid my erstwhile five hundred lives, I was exactly a Ksantyrsi and held no basic conception of an ego, a personality, a life and a being].

“Therefore, Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should forsake all conceptions of form and resolve to develop the Supreme Enlightenment Mind (Anuttara-samyaksam-bodhi)[“Axiomatically, Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should jilt all impressions of form and explicate to develop the Supreme Enlightenment Mind (Anuttara-samyaksam-bodhi)].

[“Their minds ought not to stay in form, sound, smell, taste, touch and dharma. Besides, their minds ought to without exception abide nowhere]“Their minds should not abide in form, sound, smell, taste, touch and dharma. Their minds should abide nowhere.

“If minds abide somewhere, it will be in falsehood[“Just assuming essence of minds exist someplace or other, it will be in figment].

“This is why the Buddha says that Bodhisattvas' minds should not abide in form when practising charity (dana)[“This is why the Buddha indicates that Bodhisattvas' minds ought not to expect in certain form just at the same time as exercising charity (or dana)].

“Subhuti, all Bodhisattvas should thus make offerings for the welfare of all living beings[“Subhuti, every single Bodhisattva should thereby make offerings for the welfare of all living beings].

“The Tathagata speaks of forms which are not forms and of living beings who are not living beings[“The Tathagata explains any of forms which just are not forms as well as of existed living beings who are not living beings].

“Subhuti, the Tathagatas' words are true and correspond to reality. They are ultimate words, neither deceitful nor heterodox[“Subhuti, the Tathagatas' sayings are reliable and in agreement with praxis. In addition they just are ultimate sayings, neither heterodoxd nor inveracious].

“Subhuti, the Dharma the Tathagata has obtained is neither real nor unreal[“Subhuti, any Dharma the Tathagata has actually obtained is neither established nor imaginary].

“Subhuti, if a Bodhisattva practises charity ( dana ) with a mind abiding in things (dharma), he is like a man entering the darkness where he cannot see anything[“Subhuti, if a Bodhisattva exercises charity (or dana) with a judgment abiding in matters (of dharma), he is exactly similar to a human being making way into the darkness where he cannot observe anything];

“(but) if a Bodhisattva practises dana with a mind not abiding in dharma, he is like a man with open eyes, who can see everything in the sunshine[“(but) if a Bodhisattva exercises dana (known as charity) with a judgment not abiding in matters of dharma, he is exactly similar to a human being with open eyes, who is entitled to observe everything in the sunshine].

“Subhuti, in future ages[“Subhuti, exactly within a period of time in future ages],

“if a virtuous man or woman is able to receive, hold (in mind), read and recite this sutrap[“if a just man or woman is easy to exactly receive, hold (in mind), read and also recite this sutra],

“the Tathagata, by means of His Buddha Wisdom, will know and see clearly that such a person will achieve immeasurable and unlimitable merits[“the Tathagata, by dint of His Buddha sagacity, will know combined with sight explicitly that such a person will just achieve immeasurable and unlimitable merits].


Source (来源):
《Diamond Sutra 金刚经》英语朗诵(中英双字幕) - YouTube

八萬四千種“心”,你要哪一種?白話文說《金剛經》(二 ...
一遍就能看懂!極精簡,白話文,說《金剛經》(一) - YouTube

Buddha's Flute: Speace to Breathe 2 - YouTube



“Why? Because, in the past, when my body was dismembered, if I (still) held the ConCePtion of an ego, a personality, a being and a life,
“I would have been stirred by feelings of vexation and hatred.
“Subhuti, as well I remember that in the past, during my former five hundred lives, I was a Ksantyrsi and held no conception of an ego, a personality, a
being and a life.

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