本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2018-2-19 22:17 编辑
My story of course starts from my mum and dad. And here they are, before I was born. 我的故事當然要從爸爸媽媽開始。這就是他們——在沒有我的時候。 As you could see, my father was a very handsome young man. He was also very talented; and the first ever university student in his village. However, his life was full of things that would not have happened in a normal society other than China. I’ve writtenthis article to honor his somewhat extraordinary life. The article won the third prize in the competition launched by the Epoch Media Group to commemorate the occasion when more than 200 million Chinese people have chosen to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its related organization. List below are the links to the Chinese version of my father's story. 正如您眼中所見,我父親年輕時非常英俊。不但英俊,他也非常有才,是他們村第一個考上大學的「村之驕子」。然而,他的一生中充滿許多在正常社會中不會發生的不平常的事。爲此,我寫以下文章紀念他。這些文章在近期大紀元舉行的紀念兩億中國人三退的徵文比賽中獲得三等獎。 My mum, once a sweetheart of the entire county, also has been living an extraordinary life in many abnormal periods since the Chinese Communist Party came into power. So her stories are also worth sharing. And this is a shorter pieceabout her. 我的母親,年輕時在全縣也小有名氣。因她喜穿白色而被稱爲「白娘子」。在一次次的運動中,她也經歷過許多不平凡的故事,也非常值得分享。

Jennifer Zeng''s mother.
Jennifer Zeng's mother often performed dance, singing and folk opera in school, and had a lot of talents in performing arts.
Jennifer Zeng's mother. 曾錚的母親年輕時代照片。那個年代還不能照彩色照片,所以這張照片是在黑白照上用筆像畫畫一樣上的色。有人專門會做這個,要另外加錢哦