本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2017-4-9 00:36 编辑
Need some extra $$$? Well, you can join the crowd to welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping, dress in red, wave the red flags, and listento the anti US song played again and again. 歡迎習主席有錢拿。直接看圖,不解釋。
This image is a screen shot of recruitment notice circulated amongst Chinese people living in the US via social media. It promises $60 daily payment, free accommodation and transportation if you join the crowd to welcome Xi Jinping during his meeting with President Donald J. Trump from April 6-7. 據說「歡迎」隊伍去了3000,假設旅館費和交通費一人100,吃一人一天50,那這3000人住一天,兩天的「歡迎」成本是126萬美元。這筆錢誰出?
Let's do some simple math here. It was said that 3000 people showed up the Mar-a-Lago resort. So much does the "rent-a-crowd" cost?
60*2*3000+100(suppose this the transportation cost per person)*3000+100(hotel cost?)*3000+50(meal cost per day?)*2*3000=1,260,000
Correct me if my calculation is wrong. The question is, who is going to pay the 1.26 million?