
The other day I shared this message circulated on Chinese social media platform WeiChat ahead of the Xi Jinping-Donald J. Trump summit in April 6-7. This message offered Chinese people $60 in compensation per day to come "welcome" Xi Jinping. It also said that transportation, food, and housing would be taken care off.
Someone left a comment on my post saying that he had studied in Japan and then worked in France. Under the Chinese Consulate’s “ruling”, he and others had welcomed the Chinese president “numerous” times without being paid anything. Then he corrected himself by saying that the “ruling” in his previous post should be “notifying”.
I almost laughed at this “coincidence”, as in Chinese, the pronunciation of “rule” and “notify” is exactly the same. That person must have wanted to type in “notify”, but mistakenly chose “rule” instead.
Then I suddenly thought: Wait a minute. Isn’t “notifying” exactly a form of “ruling”?
For example, I am an Australian citizen living in the US. If I encounter any problems or difficulties, I can contact Australian consulates in the US for help. However, the Australian consulates will never be able to “notify” me anything because they don’t have any of my contact information whatsoever! As a matter of fact, I have never been “notified” anything in the past five plus years during my stay in the US.
Then, the problem comes: How can Chinese consulate be able to “notify” Chinese students living in other countries? Well, among Chinese communities, it is already an “open secret”. Mr. Chen Yonglin, former consul for political affairs and first secretary of the Chinese consulate in Sydney, who defected to Australia in 2005, told me years ago that the Chinese Consulate usually would transfer cash money directly into the personal bank accounts of the presidents of the Chinese students’ unions in different universities for them to organize activities such as picnics. Free food and “free” fun were offered to attract the students. Therefore, Chinese students got to stick together both physically and emotionally.
那現在問題就來了:爲何中領館能把「通知」發到各個國家的中國留學生頭上去呢?這在海外華人中,當然已經是公開的祕密。2005年從悉尼中領館逃出來的前中共政治領事、一等祕書陳用林Yonglin Chen曾親口對我說過,中領館會直接把錢打到各學生會主席的私人銀行帳號上,做學生會的活動經費,比如搞個免費的野餐、聚餐之類的,這樣把大家攏在一起,拉近感情。
Then, when “patriotic” crowds or enthusiasm are needed, “notifications” (or “rulings”) can be delivered to this network in a very timely and organized manner.
Apart from students’ unions, there are also all sorts of townsmen associations, or more active organizations such as “the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China” mentioned in this Sydney Morning Herald report: http://www.smh.com.au/…/huang-xiangmos-prochina-group-denie….
當然,除了學生會之外,還有什麼「海外學生學者聯誼會」,各種同鄉會,以及如澳洲《悉尼晨鋒報》(Sydney Morning Herald)這篇報導(http://www.smh.com.au/…/huang-xiangmos-prochina-group-denie…)中所提到的「澳洲中國和平統一促進會」等等,總之有一個強大的網絡將生活在海外的華人攏在一起。
Has anyone ever seen any consulates other than Chinese consulate so painstakingly trying to “connect”, organize, and “notify (rule)” people who once lived in their countries? Do leaders from countries other than Communist China ever need their consulates to “hire” a crowd for them? If, after living in overseas for many years, we still cannot see how “weird” the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s thinking and ways of handling things are, we are still not part of the free and civilized world. And worse still, we could be still controlled by the evil specter of the CCP, just as the Nine Commentary of Communist Party has pointed out.