本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2017-7-28 04:53 编辑
This picture shows 3 contradicting official reports regarding organ sources in China.
(此图片转自網友[禁言的公平與正義] via@g+匆匆過客:最初揭露時間大約是06年,衛生部馬上說是“造謠”;然後,隨著真相逐步披露,衛生部一再改口……手賤地搜了一下,當把新聞連連看的時候,我發現智商已經跟不上。)
Title of report 1: Claims about China Is Harvesting Executed Prisoners’ Organs Are Sheer Lies. Published on April 11, 2006, when the crime of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had just been broken by The Epoch Times;
(曾铮评:报导1发表时,器官活摘罪行刚刚被大紀元 epochtimes.com曝光不久,那时中共还不想承认用死囚,因为即使用死囚,在国际上也是受谴责的。)
Title of report 2: Health Ministry: Executed Prisoners Are the Main Sources for China’s Organ Transplants. Published on March 7, 2012, when the crime of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had become more widely known and too difficult to cover up;
Title of report 3: Health Ministry: We Won’t Reply on Executed Prisoners for Organ Transplants Two Yeas Later. Published on March 5, 2013, when the crime of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had become too difficult to cover up; and when the Chinese Communist Party wanted to “create” a convincing source to continue with the hugely “profitable” business of mass killing innocent people(mainly Falun Gong practitioners) for their organs. Now they just count the killed as “volunteer donors”. What saddens me is that some western doctors and even professional organizations are willingly buying this nonsense!
Original official Chinese reports published at: