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與美國人做「生意」Doing "Business" with Americans









发表于 2017-8-29 02:32:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"Drive Way" of a House  街面上劃出的「車道(Drive Way)

You may or may not have seen this kind of "Drive Way" in relatively "busy" cities in the US. In these areas, many houses don't have a garage; but only have some parking space for one or two cars outside, with a "Drive Way" marked on the street to let people know that nobody should park on the “drive way” to block the parking spots of the houses.
不知您是否見過美國一些相對比較擁擠的城市中的這種「車道(Drive Way)」,它其實不是真正意義上的車道,而只是在街面上劃出的一個範圍,以告知人們這裏不能停車,免得堵住停在居民樓外露天停車位上的車。
I am now living in exactly such a place. I was fortunately enough to have secured the only parking spot of a two-level house; whilst the tenants on the second floor were not as lucky.
One day I was suddenly approached by someone in the neighborhood. He said that he had a "complicated" matter to discuss with me. I asked what that was; he said, "Hm… I am wondering whether you could rent your parking spot to me." He said he ran a plumbing business in the local area, and needed a parking space for his relatively bigger van.
I said, "I'm afraid not, as I also need to park my car; and the spot is only for one car. "
He said, "Look, as you have the parking spot, the drive way is also yours. How about I take your parking spot and you park on the drive way?"
I said, "It seems you need a resident permit to park on the street..."
He said, “I know, I know. You just need to go to such and such a place with your drive license and apply for one."
他說:「你看啊,這個車位是你的,那麼車位外面的車道(drive way)也是你的。你把車位租給我,把你自己的車停在車道上,如何?」
He then gave me very detailed instructions as to where that place located; and offered to pay more than the market price.
But I was still hesitating: "How often do you need to drive in and out? With my car blocking your way, how are you going to drive in & out?"
"Maybe I text you each time I need to drive in & out?"
I thought to myself, "Oh, no, that is no good.” But seeing that he seemed really desperate to have a parking space, I said, "Well, let me consider."
I did consider for two days. Then I figured maybe the only "doable" way was for me to give him a copy of my car key and let him move my car around whenever he needed. And the only problem was, “What if he drives my car away and never comes back..."
Then I shook my head and drove this doubt away (knowing that I had insurance anyway). I texted him by saying that I decided to accept his proposal; and that I would give him my car key for him to move my car when needed.
When I gave him my car key, he looked a little bit moved and said, "Thank you for your trust. I won't let you down." He then gave me a check and paid for one month, without asking for a receipt. Neither of us bothered to talk about signing any agreement either.
Two weeks later, he suddenly texted me and said that he had found a parking space nearer to his house; and that he wouldn't need my parking spot any more. I thought to myself, "Shall I return half of his rent to him as he only used it for two weeks? Or shall I not, as we already had a deal in which he agreed to pay month by month?"
I didn't know the answer. But as he didn't ask me to pay back half of his rent, this matter soon “dropped off” from my mind.

A note found in my mail box, seeking for a parking space. 這張尋車位小紙條,是在我信箱裏發現的。

Several days later, I suddenly thought to myself, since the parking space is so "hot”, why don't I find another "tenant"?
I really put up an ad to the Internet, and got a response on the following day. This time it was a very young man in his twenties. I explained to him the "complicated" situation; and it didn't bother him. He chose to park on the drive way as he needed to drive in and out very frequently, and agreed to give me his car key for me to move his car when needed.
He also immediately paid for one month, then disappeared completely for two weeks.
Two weeks later, he suddenly texted me by saying that he would arrive between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm to park his car, and would give me his car key.
When he arrived, he explained to me that he had been back to another state to move all his stuff to his new apartment, which was 10 blocks away; and now everything had been sorted out. He then gave me his car key and walked away.
For people who grew up in the US, perhaps all these are "business" as usual. But as someone who grew up in Mainland China, I found myself starting to ponder, "Why had he chosen to pay two weeks earlier than he actually needed the space? If he had asked me to hold it for him; and only start to pay when he actually parked here, I would have surely agreed."
Then it struck me that for Americans, they might have never "calculated" things this way. But for us Chinese, calculating and bargaining carefully have almost become our second nature, even for a very "uncalculating" person like me.
I remember that in my childhood, I was once lashed very harshly by my angry father with a feather duster made of rattan, because I refused to go to the market to buy vegetable. I was about 10 at that time, old enough to run errands for the family. So how dared I refuse? He just couldn't work out, especially I was usually very obedient, not rebellious at all.
For example, I never refused to go shopping from a government run shop. Why did I refuse to go this time? Only myself knew the reason, but I never thought I could explain it to anybody, even to my parents: In a government-run shop, everything had a fixed price; and one just needed to pay the money and leave with whatever one had bought.
However, in a farmers’ market, it was a totally different story. Everything had to be bargained.  If you asked, "How much is the carrot?" The seller would tell you 10 cents even if he only expected 5. You must then say, "How about 3 cents?" And you started bargaining from there back and forth until the purchase could actually be done.
For me, the process of bargaining and playing mind games against each other was too painful, too long to endure. You needed to be an expert in psychology if you didn't want to be taken advantage of. And I hated to be asked how much I spent on this and that after I returned home, only to be told that I hadn't bargained hard enough. That was why finally I refused to go to the farmers’ market at all on that day, at the expense of being slashed so badly that I dared not wear skirt for the entire summer lest my classmates would see the bloody scars left on my legs by the slashes.
With this kind of mindset and experiences, I had always thought that I had very little attachment to material interest or personal gains. Especially after I learned Falun Gong(also known as Falun Dafa), which requires its practitioners to let go of all sorts of attachments and to think about others first under any circumstances,  I had been trying hard to meet the standards.
However, after dealing with these two Americans recently, I saw where I was still lacking: even if I thought I would have been “generous” enough to spare two weeks’ rents for those two gentlemen, I was still calculating, even this calculating was for others. Compared with the Americans who don’t calculate at all, I still have a lot to learn!
And another thought was: If I had known that doing “business” with Americans was so easy, I might have tried to smuggle myself to the US when I was 10! If I had, I could have avoided being slashed.

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