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China's Voluntary Donation System IS A "Crime Laundry" Fabrication









发表于 2019-6-30 23:12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 曾铮 于 2019-6-30 23:27 编辑

Hello! My name is Jennifer Zeng. I am an author, a blogger, and, recently, a YouTuber. I am also a survivor of China’s labor camp system. I gave evidence and testimony to the China Tribunal regarding the forced organ harvesting crimes of the Chinese Communist Party, CCP; and my evolvement in this and my story were widely covered by major media outlets such as BBC, Sky News, The Guardian, Reuters, etc.
On June 17, the China Tribunal delivered its final verdict, saying that “The Tribunal’s members are certain - unanimously, and sure beyond reasonable doubt - that in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.” and “Commission of Crimes Against Humanity against the Falun Gong and Uyghurs has been proved beyond reasonable doubt”.

When Sir Geoffrey Nice, the chair of the China Tribunal, delivered the final judgment, I was personally in the court listening. I was particularly struck by some facts and figures he mentioned, which are the voluntary donation system in China, the huge difference between the ratios of registered donors VS  ‘eligible’ donors between China and the US.

Basically, according to the Tribunals numbers, in 2017, in China, the declared number of registered donors was 375,000 and these resulted in 5146 ‘eligible’ donors. (meaning people who have died and have, or are assumed or taken to have, consented to donation of their organs). So, this resulted in a so-called “conversion rate” of 1.4%, if you divide 5146 by 375,000.

Let’s then look at the same numbers of the U.S, where there exists a transparent, and well established and managed organ donation and allocation systems.

In the US, in the same year, which is 2017, there were 140 million registered donors, and these resulted in 10,824 eligible donors. So the conversion rate is only 0.008%.

Why was I particularly struck by these numbers? Because I did some exactly similar calculation and analysis two years ago, in 2017, with the numbers of 2016.

Here I’ll skip the numbers I used and the process of my calculation, and go directly to this conclusion:

Both my calculation and that of the China Tribunal’s came to the same result: China’s  “conversion rate”  of ‘eligible’ donors vs. registered donors is more than 100, or nearly 200 times higher than the   “conversion rate”  of America’s.

What does that mean?

It means that the registered donors in China have to be dying more than 100 times, or nearly 200 times faster, or easier than the registered donors in the US.

Or, to put it another way, the possibility of a registered donor in China to die and to become an eligible organ donor is more than 100 times, or nearly 200 times higher than that of a registered donor in the US.

Is this possible? I think for any reasonable person, it is not possible whatsoever.  Either you have to purposely kill the registered donor in China for them to be used for an organ transplant; or, the numbers, or/and the entire system of the so-called “voluntary organ donation system” in China are all faked.

For me, it was crystally clear that this so-called “voluntary organ donation system” in China was only a “crime laundry” fabrication when I wrote my article titled “Alarming Figures, Calculations and ‘Crime Laundry’ Attempts” 2 years ago.

We’ve all heard the term and understand very well the concept of “money laundry”. So to borrow this concept, this so-called “China Organ Donation System” can only be called an attempt of “crime laundry”.

Why do I say this? Let’s see the titles of  three Contradicting Chinese official reports regarding Organ Sourcesfirst.

The title of the first  report goes like this: “ Claims About China Is Harvesting Executed Prisoners’ Organs Are Sheer Lies.” This report was published on April 11, 2006, when the crime of forcedorgan harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had just been broken by The Epoch Times.

At that time the CCP didn’t want to admit that it was using executed prisoners as organ sources, as they knew that was also against the international norms.

The title of the second report goes like this: “ Health Ministry: Executed Prisoners Are the Main Sources for China's Organ Transplants”. This report was published on March 7, 2012, when the crime of forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had become more widely known and was too difficult to cover up. So the CCP chose to admit that they were using executed prisoners, instead of killing people on demand for their organs. They thought that if they had to choose between two accusations, they’d better choose the less harmful one.  So they shamelessly admitted that they had been using executed prisoners, a crime that they had been furiously denying.

The title of the third report goes like this: “Health Ministry: We Won't Reply on Executed Prisoners for Organ Transplants Two Yeas Later.” This report was published on March 5, 2013, when the crime of forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners had become too difficult to cover up; and when the CCP wanted to "create" a convincing source to continue with the hugely "profitable" business of mass killing innocent people for their organs.

Given the fraudulent nature of the so-called “voluntary donation” system in China, one can assume that they are either fabricating the entire thing, or they are now just counting the killed as "voluntary donors".

Even if they did manage to suddenly and “miraculously” recruit so many “donors”, they still need to explain the organ sources of transplants they had done prior to the establishment of the so-called “donation system”.

As a matter of fact, investigators of “The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong” have conducted a number of investigations regarding the number of registered donors with organ donation registration centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Sichuan, Shenzhen, Anhui, Harbin, etc. Stuff from many of these centers complained that they didn’t get many registrations or any at all; whilst Tianjin got altogether 170 registered donors in 12 years since their establishment in 2003; Sichuan province got 150 donations in 4 years, up to 2016.

However, the purpose for me to do this video is not to talk about how fraud the CCP’s organ donation system is. Since the very reputable, independent China Tribunal has already handed out it verdict that the CCP is guilty of mass murder and anti-humanity crime.

The purpose for me to create this video is to discuss another very important issue: What kind of a role is the West playing in this anti-humanity crime of the CCP’s? If anybody with a math level of a fourth-grade primary school student can do such a simple calculation of China’s “voluntary organ donation system” to find out its fraudless, why were the experts of The Transplantation Society so easily be fooled by what they saw at “several transplant centers in China”? And why did they so readily endorse such a fraud system?

I will discuss this important issue in my next video.

Thank you for watching. And please do subscribe to and share my channel.

See you next time!

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