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Asia has now lost nearly 5 million pigs 亚洲因非洲猪瘟已损失近五...

发表于 2019-10-11 21:55:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
To date, Vietnam has culled approximately 3million pigs to curb the spread of the disease, raising concerns that ASF couldcontribute to an increase in food insecurity in already-challengedcommunities.


The Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations is urging Asian countries to maintain strict controlmeasures as almost 5 million pigs in Asia have now died or been culled becauseof the spread of African swine fever. First detected in Asia one year ago thismonth, the contagious viral disease is not dangerous to humans, but causes upto 100% fatality in pigs, leading to severe economic losses to the pig sector.


ASF is currently present in six Asiancountries: Cambodia, China, North Korea, Laos, Mongolia and Vietnam. The latestdata provided by FAO indicates that current losses represent more than 10% ofthe total pig population in each of these countries: China, Vietnam andMongolia.


With FAO support, other countries in theregion are ramping up preparedness efforts to prevent further spreading of thedisease.


“As there is no commercially available vaccine, we need to placegreater emphasis on other disease counter efforts. Countries must be vigilantat borders – land, sea or air – in preventing the disease’s entrance and spreadthrough the introduction of infected pigs or contaminated pork products.Outbreaks need to be reported immediately,” says FAO’s chief veterinary officerJuan Lubroth. “We are urging at-risk countries to implement effective biosecuritymeasures to prevent infected live pigs or contaminated pork products fromcrossing their borders.”

“鉴于没有商业疫苗可用,我们需要花大力气采用其他手段来抵抗该疾病。各个国家要在边境保持高度警惕—陆海空都不可掉以轻心—防止疾病通过病猪或携带病毒的猪肉产品侵袭和传播。一旦发病要马上通报,”联合国粮农组织首席兽医官Juan Lubroth表示,“我们鼓励面对较高风险的国家采取有效的生物安全措施来防止染病生猪或携带病毒的猪肉产品过境。”

On top of the Asian outbreak, Europe iscurrently experiencing a slowly-spreading epidemic among some of its wild pigpopulation and some countries have introduced tight restrictions to limit themovement of wild pigs.


Limitingthe disease’s spread


Healthy pigs can become sick throughcontact with an infected pig, particularly where blood is present. Infectioncan also occur if a pig consumes raw contaminated swill or undercooked or rawpork products. Farm workers’ contaminated footwear, clothes, tools or otherequipment can also spread infection.


Emphasizing the importance of bestpractices, FAO urges farmers affected by ASF to not move their pigs or pigproducts, emergency operators and veterinary authorities to oversee pig carcassdisposal through burning or burial on location, and for countries to have soundcompensation strategies in place to support cooperating farmers.




The outbreak is particularly affectingvulnerable small-scale farmers who may lack the expertise or funds to protecttheir animals from the disease. In Vietnam, the pork industry makes up almost10% of the country’s agriculture sector and pork meat accounts for almost threequarters of meat consumed. The country has, to date, culled approximately 3million pigs in an effort to curb the spread of the disease, raising concernsthat ASF could contribute to an increase in food insecurity inalready-challenged communities.


In China, there are at least 26 million pigfarming producers, and about 50% of total pork production is by small-scalefarmers.


“Some farmers have lost their entire pig herd to the disease and itmay take badly-affected countries years to recover from the socio-economiceffects of the outbreak,” Lubroth says.

Lubroth 表示,“一些农户因该疾病损失了所有猪只,而一些受到严重影响的国家需要数年方可从疾病造成的社会经济影响中恢复”。

FAO’semergency response


FAO’s Emergency Management Centre forAnimal Health has deployed several response teams to assist countries incurbing the disease, in collaboration with the World Organisation for AnimalHealth. The teams worked with veterinary services and governmentrepresentatives to increase biosecurity measures in and around farms, andadvise on effective culling techniques that respect international animalwelfare standards.


The EMC-AH has also responded to requestsfrom ASF-free countries in the Asia region for guidance on protecting againstthe disease. In addition, the centre activated an ASF Incident Command Group inorder to streamline FAO’s activities and key messages on the disease.


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