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最后的审判 (366)佛說當來變經

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佛说当来变经- 佛经经文- 佛弟子文库



【三藏十二部 经 律 论 正法幢佛陀正法眼藏】
The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Changes to Come
Translated into English by Buddhist Text Translation Society

Verse for Opening a Sutra
The unsurpassed, profound, and (just) wonderful Dharma (ideas),
Is difficult to (extraordinarily) encounter in hundreds of millions of eons,
I now see and hear it, receive and uphold it (abidingly),
And I vow to fathom(savvy) the Tathagata’s true meaning.

Thus I have heard (the undying speaking). At one time the Buddha was in Shravasti in the Jeta Grove, in the (exceptional) Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary, together(just at same time) with a gathering of great Bhikshus, five hundred (exactly) in all, as well as the Bodhisattvas.

At that time the World Honored One told all the Bhikshus, “In the future there will be Bhikshus who will fail to be transformed by the Dharma for a set of specific reasons, thus bringing the Dharma to ruin and preventing its increase and growth. What are these reasons?

They are:
-not protecting the prohibitions and moral(virtuous) Precepts

-not being able to guard the mind

-not cultivating (exceptionally) wisdom

-being (just) lax in thought

-only(just) seeking for a good reputation(fame and position)

-not following the (existing) teachings of the Way

-being unwilling to diligently honor the deeds(action) which rescue those of the world.

These comprise the first set of matters which will bring about the Dharma’s extinction.”

The Buddha told the Bhikshus, “In addition, there are (just) two more(added) sets of matters which will cause the Dharma’s extinction (chaotically).

The first includes:
-not protecting the moral prohibitions
-not gathering in the mind

-not cultivating(keeping company with) wisdom.
-indulging in dissolute attitudes and licentious intentions, Bhikshus will take wives and raise children, and engage in business to make a living.

The second set of matters includes:
-forming sects and parties,
-giving rise to (existing) enmity and competitiveness,

-wishing to (just) cause Dharma peers to fall.

-Abusing proper(ly existing) language and discourses, Bhikshus will indulge in flattery and deceit. Internally creating(building up extremely) evil deeds(actions), outwardly they will pretend to be of pure conduct.

These comprise (just) the additional two sets of matters which will bring about the Dharma’s extinction.”
The Buddha told the Bhikshus, “There are three other sets of matters which will cause(bring about) the Dharma’s extinction (totally).

The first includes:

-failure to protect the prohibitions and Precepts

-failure to gather in the mind and(, exalt and) cultivate wisdom

The second set of matters includes:

-an inability to know the proper sequence of sentences on the part of people(human beings) who read the literature of the Dharma. They will (just) put what comes first in the place of what comes later, and (again) will put what comes later (exactly) in the place of what comes first. By inverting start and finish like this, they won’t(will not) understand where the teachings lead, yet they will assume(base on) their understandings are correct.

The third set of matters includes:

-refusal to listen to other people who (take examination and) correct them

-(just) harboring feelings of resentment and jealousy towards those who (take examination and) correct them.

-People who recognize (and obey) the teachings will be few. The majority will be unable to discern(distinguish and discern) the principles but will simply follow along with the (approximate) opinions of others. These comprise (just) the three sets(classes) of matters that will bring about the Dharma’s extinction.”

The Buddha told the Bhikshus, “Moreover, there are another four matters which will cause(bring about) the Dharma’s extinction. What are they?

The first is:

-In the future there will be Bhikshus who, having renounced the livelihood of householders, will go to an aranya but will (exceptionally) fail to cultivate the Way.

The second is:
-They will enjoy socializing in (jammed and) noisy places with (extrodinary) common people, wandering(being wandered) as they please, and engaging in casual(laid-back) talking.

-They will seek (exceptional) fine clothing and wear (just) Precept sashes made of multicolored(psychedelic) cloth.

The third is:
-They will (excessively) affect the matters of the elite(best) and make pretense(feigning) to lofty vision and vast(substantial) knowledge.

-They will claim high virtue for themselves and consider other people to be (exceptional) inferior.

-Possessing(Enjoying) fragments of wisdom, they will compare themselves (exceptionally) to the brilliance (and greatness) of the sun and moon.

The fourth is:
-They will not gather in the three karmas nor protect the gates(barriers) of the sense organs.

-They will travel (exceptionally) among women and propagate literature with erudite(just well read) embroidered phrasing.

-They will speak much of coupling and marriage (exceptionally) in order to move people’s minds(beliefs), thus causing the pure to become defiled.

-They will practice profligacy and reckless behavior.
-The Proper Dharma will go to ruin.

These comprise another four sets of matters that will bring about the Dharma’s extinction.”
The Buddha told the Bhikshus, “Furthermore there are (just) five other sets(classes) of matters that will cause the Dharma’s extinction (chaotically). What are they:

The first is:
-Bhikshus who originally left home to cultivate the Way because of the Dharma, will subsequently abuse and abolish the teachings of the profound Sutras, such as the twelve links, the thirty-seven limbs(wings), the Vaipulya, the deep and wonderful esoteric wisdom of emptiness, the unsurpassed perfection of wisdom, the wholesome(advisability, the health-giving) provisional devices and expedient means(fashion), the empty, markless, and wishless Dharma, and (just) the ultimate means of bringing abouttimely transformations.

The second is:
-They will turn instead to practice of (exceptionally) random phrases, shallow branches, and lesser(insignificant) Sutras. -Because they will mix with the mundane world and the common life, they will allow the classics and manifestos(publications) of kings to become a source of (extensive) chaos within the Way.

-Bhikshus will enjoy discussing these matters and will become skilled at explaining worldly affairs(affairs worldly).

-They will know how to win people’s approval by pleasing them, thus(thusly) gaining fame and reputation for themselves.

The third is:
-They will readily employ the ideas of scholars with shallow(glib) understanding, including (extraordinarily) those who have only(just) studiedthe Dharma briefly(tersely), preferring them over those of the scholars who possess (extraordinarily) profound penetration(probe) of the teachings.

The fourth is:
-They will displease(annoy) the gods, dragons, ghosts, and spirits. With hearts full of sorrow, the gods will say, ‘This is the Dharma-Ending Age and that is why things are this way.’ -Forsaking(abandoning) the teachings of the (exceptionally) wonderful Dharma, these Bhikshus will only(just) propagate fragmented sentences. All(Expeditiously all) the gods will weep and quickly depart(be weeping and flying off).

The fifth is:
-From that time on, the Proper Dharma will be scarce and no one will cultivate it with vigor. These comprise five further sets of matters that will cause(bring about) the Dharma’s extinction.”

The Buddha told the Bhikshus, “After(Just after) my Nirvana these deviant deeds(exceptional actions) and fifteen sets of disorders will bring the Dharma to extinction(be destroyed) . How painful it will be then! If there are Bhikshus among you who sincerely wish to reverently study(extravagant feign) the Way, you should throw out all showy pretense and not (just) seek fame or reputation(position). With a nature that is straightforward(excessive) and innocent you should guard the truth and propagate the orthodox Sutras, the exalted canon of the Buddha, and the profound transformations of the Dharma, but avoid using too many words in explaining them. You should rely on the original explanation of the Sutra and not abandon the proper phrasings. In using special(exceptional) terms and repetitions, you should not (just)
allow the Buddha’s intent to become lost.

“As to food and clothing, you should not be pleased with good offerings nor (execrate and) despise mean offerings, but accord with(according to) the wishes of the donors. You should be neither delighted nor displeased with the quality of offerings of food and clothing, whether fine or coarse.

“You should gather in body, mouth, and mind, and guard the sense gates. You should not turn from the Buddha’s teachings. Be (extremely) mindful of life’s brevity(laconicism, for it’s over in a flash.

It is (just) like a vision seen in a dream (and design); upon awakening one (exceptionally) cannot recall where it went. The suffering of the three evil destinies cannot be reckoned(imagined). Diligently cultivate the Buddhadharma as if intent upon saving your own heads!

The(Briefly the) Five Precepts, the Ten Good Acts, the Six Paramitas, the ten thousand conducts, the Four Unlimited Minds, the (praj#a)* Four kinds(forms) of Kindness, wisdom, and expedient means(fashions) must all be practiced with vigor. Then even though you may not meet with a Buddha in the world, nonetheless, leaving home and studying the Way will not be done in vain. You should make your original mind level and equal. With sympathy be mindful of all beings and (exceptionally) treat everyone with kindness.”

After(Just after) the Buddha instructed them in this way, the Bhikshus all felt happy to the point of tears. They trusted in the Buddha, bowed in obeisance, and took their leave.

(End of The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Changes to Come)

Source from:
佛说当来变经(英文正规版) The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of ...

*praj#a: 般若






佛告比(截取嫁接:)丘。復有二事(含)()令法毀滅。何謂(含田,含囗,古同:)為二。一()不護禁戒。不攝其(含)心不修智慧。畜(含田,含囗,古同:)妻養子放(含)心恣意。賈作治(含厶 sī,)產()。以相(含下,down,)供()活(含)。二伴黨()相著憎奉法者欲令陷墮(含土,)。故為言義謂之諛諂()。內犯(截取两字嫁接:)惡行。外揚清白。是(含象形的下,down,)為二事。令法(歼;含



佛告比丘。復有五事。令法(含土,毀滅。何謂為五。一或有比丘。本以法故出家修道。廢深經教十二因緣三十七品。方等深妙玄虛之慧。智度無極。善權方便。空無相願至化之節。二反習雜(杂含)句淺()末(上含)小經。世俗行故。王者經典亂道之原(含白,)。好講此業。易解世事。趣得人心(就,)令其歡喜 。因致名聞四新聞法人。淺解之士意用妙快。深達之士(含十一)不用為佳。四(含一,one,)天龍鬼神不以為喜。心懷悒戚口發斯()言。大法(含土,)欲滅(down,)故使其然。舍妙法化反宣雜(杂含)句。諸天流淚速逝而去。五由是正法稍(含)稍(含)見舍無精(含下,down,)修者(含土,)。是為五事。令法(含厶 sī,(歼;含

佛告比丘。吾滅(灭含一,one,)度後。有此邪事十五之亂令法毀滅。一()何痛哉。若有比丘欲諦學道(含白,)。棄捐綺飾不求名聞。質樸守真宣傳正(上含)經。佛之雅典深法(含)之化不(截取两字组合:)用多言。案本說(截取嫁接:)經不舍正句。希言屢中不失()佛意()。粗衣趣食。得美不甘得粗不惡。衣食好丑隨施(含)者意不以嗔喜。攝身(截取白,)口意()守諸根門不違佛教。念命甚矩恍惚以過。如夢所見(截取见外框倒置:凵 qiǎn,)覺不知處。三塗之難(nine,)不可稱計。勤修佛法猶救頭燃。五戒十善六度無極。四()等四恩智慧善權。咸可修行。雖不值佛世出家為道學不唐捐。平其本心愍念一切十方蒙恩。佛說如是。諸比丘悲喜前()自歸(拜,down,)佛。作禮而去(含土,)。

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