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给美国 FBI, CIA,DOJ, DHS 当局的公开信(他们只懂英语)









发表于 2020-11-29 21:23:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Open letter to FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS & all sworn Republic defenders & Constitution loyalists:

I retained great respect for you guys & gals to the very moment of early morning of November 4th, 2020 when the notorious Biden Curve shooting up in MI, WI, & PA. I was still hoping everything were under your control & you would soon close in on the crime scenes of major election headquarters & seize the 1st hand direct evidence with the criminal operatives still red-handed. The whole world watched & waited. We expected you were of some use in fighting #1 high crime against our nation. But you failed us again. All were so quiet for you. About 110,000 DOJs, 35,000 FBIs, 21,000 CIAs, 240,000 DHSs ($51 billion a year for DHS alone) remained inactive when the greatest crime in human history unfolded right before all eyes. It is a shame!  Whole America felt the SHAME.  But mostly, THE SHAME IS ON YOU!

Your job is to defend the Republic. You swear to be loyal to our Constitution. But we see thru you. You are coward!  You are just a bunch of pitiful cowards facing job insecurity.  You were mostly heroes in Hollywood movies & acted approvingly as such before. But past 20 years of massive job-offshoring has seen steady decline of your morale to do work. You become the Deep State, an insecure job clinging sect besides the Swamp, which lives on corruption by selling off American jobs overseas. You were originally innate foes in cat & rat relations. But now you chose the Swamp to defend rather your sworn dear Motherland.  Trump’s Calls to ”drain the Swamp” & clean the Deep State actually have your interest in mind. Unlike the Swamp Elements typified by Clinton-Obama-Biden cliques whose livelihoods totally depend on global corruption, the Deep State Components are largely bureaucratic essential workers for any functioning nations. When your sense of sacred duty is restored, most of you are in the realms of ”Back-the-Blue” Trump’s Policy.

However, Election Coup 2020 has witnessed total inertia on the part of most well-fed & well-paid Sworn Republic defenders like you. You‘d rather conspire with Fascist Medias, Poll Frauds, & China Collusion to overthrow Trump illegally & despicably. You’d rather be the laughing stock of global watchers. You are so cold-blooded that I can bet you would remain inactive even if you see your own Mother being raped. You fools ever see the disasters ahead?  Obama-Biden would not hesitate selling their Mother to China if they could get 10% kickback. Our systems do not foresee such a roundabout way of corruption.  When Trump is trodden, China is our master.  In China’s eye, Clinton-Obama-Biden are but its American servants never to garner slightest respect. Trump is who China awes.  Trump is the last obstacle for China’s global domination, as China shows so successfully in United Nations. When China rules over us, all we have fought for with millions of American lives lost, all we have so far valued, cherished, taken for granted, shall be lost forever. Our best economy, best science / tech, best military shall all be China’s harvest.  Your future jobs would be ironically secure again, only as the miserable & despised guardians of such China Harvest!  Because you do not cherish your free Motherland, the end would fit what you deservedly earned by job guilt.

What you can do now to redeem your immeasurable sin:  1. Form special joint Taskforce groups in each heavily fraud-suspect states( PA, GA, MI, WI, NV, AZ )& major suspect cities.  2.  Secure all Mail ballot envelopes, real or forged.  3.  Match all legal voters with real ID, real dates, real postal data.  4. Use your normal probing & interrogating protocols for chief fraud suspects & subversive ring-leaders such as Secretaries of State in PA, MI, GA.  5. Probe each illegal vote for cause, means, process, results, & all chain events / personnel involved.  6. Offer pardon, rewards, crime tools in various situations of organized crimes to crack down the ultimate high crime culprits.  7. Report to the world how you do it.  Ask for global forgiveness for your initial selfish follies not keeping faith in & loyalty to America Republic in the deadly threat of Organized Biden treachery.

May God bless you still. God Bless America.
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