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最后的审判 (480) 易經•彖傳•需 解读

发表于 2021-3-30 14:28:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-4-28 20:36 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Xu
Xu denotes waiting. (The figure) shows peril in front; but notwithstanding the firmness and strength (indicated by the inner trigram), its subject does not allow himself to be involved (in the dangerous defile); - it is right he should not be straitened or reduced to extremity. When it is said that, 'with the sincerity declared in Xu, there will be brilliant success, and with firmness there will be good fortune,' this is shown by the position (of the fifth line) in the place assigned by Heaven, and its being the correct position for it, and in the centre. 'It will be advantageous to go through the great stream;' - that is, going forward will be followed by meritorious achievement.

来源Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
易经的奥秘(四)何为八卦- YouTube
一本蘊含最高宇宙法則的的上古奇書,預言人類未來 ... - YouTube

推背圖        第五五象 戊午 ䷄ 乾下坎上 需         

   懼則生戒 無遠勿屆
   水邊有女 對日自拜
   覬覦神器終無用 翼翼小心有臣眾
   轉危為安見節義 未必河山是我送


【高畫質修復版】神話語的權柄與能力(上) | 葉光明講座 ...
【高畫質修復版】神話語的權柄與能力(下) | 葉光明講座 ...


Tuan Zhuan: Xu
Xu denotes waiting. (The figure) shows peril in front; but notwithstanding the firmness and strength (indicated by the inner trigram), its subject does not allow himself to be involved (in the dangerous defile); - it is right he should not be straitened or reduced to extremity. When it is said that, 'with the sincerity declared in Xu, there will be brilliant success, and with firmness there will be good fortune,' this is shown by the position (of the fifth line) in the place assigned by Heaven, and its being the correct position for it, and in the centre[Xu signifys waiting. (The figure) shows peril in front; but notwithstanding the exact firmness and power (indicated by the inner jointed trigram line), its exact main part does not allow himself to be involved in the dangerously narrow transition; - it is right he should not be straitened or greatly reduced to extremity. When it is said that overall, 'with just all the time sincerity expressed in Xu all over, there will be brilliant success, along with very firmness there will be immensely good fortune,' this is exactly indicated by the position (of that just amply resolute fifth line) exactly in the place allocated by Heaven, and its being the key position for it, and its being in the centre]. ' It will be advantageous to go through the great stream;' - that is, going forward will be followed by meritorious achievement[It exactly will be advantageous to be subjected to the great stream;' - that really is, going forward will be extraordinarily followed by deserving and praiseworthy achievement].

Reference: The I Ching, Legge tr.: The Yî King Text: Section I: V. The Hsü ...


Tuan Zhuan: Xu
Xu denotes waiting. (The figure) shows peril in front; but notwithstanding the firmness and strength (indicated by the inner trigram), its subject does not allow himself to be involved (in the dangerous defile); - it is right he should not be straitened or reduced to extremity. When it is said that, 'with the sincerity declared in Xu, there will be brilliant success, and with firmness there will be good fortune,' this is shown by the position (of the fifth line) in the place assigned by Heaven, and its being the correct position for it, and in the centre. 'It will be advantageous to go through the great stream;' - that is, going forward will be followed by meritorious achievement.

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 12:06

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