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最后的审判 (488) 易經•彖傳•師 解读

发表于 2021-4-8 13:15:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Tuan Zhuan: Shi      

(The name) Shi describes the multitude (of the host). The 'firmness and correctness' (which the hexagram indicates) refer to (moral) correctness (of aim). When (the mover) is able to use the multitude with such correctness, he may attain to the royal sway. There is (the symbol of) strength in the centre (of the trigram below), and it is responded to (by its proper correlate above). The action gives rise to perils, but is in accordance (with the best sentiments of men). (Its mover) may by such action distress all the country, but the people will follow him; - there will be good fortune, and what error should there be?

来源Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project

周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
易经的奥秘(六)易有三义- YouTube

推背圖 第十七象 庚辰 ䷆ 坎下坤上 師         

   聲赫赫 干戈息
   掃邊氛 奠邦邑
   天子親征乍渡河 歡聲百里起謳歌
   運籌幸有完全女 奏得奇功在議和




Tuan Zhuan: Shi   

(The name) Shi describes the multitude (of the host. The 'firmness and correctness' (which the hexagram indicates) refer to (moral) correctness (of aim). When (the mover) is able to use the multitude with such correctness, he may attain to the royal sway. )[The adjoint name Shi exactly describes the association with the main body. The 'firmness and rightness' (which the hexagram says) mention (law-abiding) exactness of idea. When the mover is just able to make use of the maximum with all correctness, he may obtain to the great power]. There is (the symbol of) strength in the centre (of the trigram below), and it is responded to (by its proper correlate above)[There is the symbol of strength in the centre (of the trigram below), and it is responded greatly to (exactly by its apt correlate above)]. The action gives rise to perils, but is in accordance (with the best sentiments of men)[The action just all times gives expansion to all problems, but is in agreement with the highest quality sentiments of human beings]. (Its mover) may by such action distress all the country, but the people will follow him; - there will be good fortune, and what error should there be[Its mover may by such expansion action just distress all harmonies and stir anxieties around the country, but the people will go along with him anyway; - there will be fine favorable destiny, and what ought to be exact deviation that just alarms unease]?

The I Ching, Legge tr.: The Yî King Text: Section I: VII. The Sze ...


Tuan Zhuan
: Shi   

(The name) Shi describes the multitude (of the host). The 'firmness and correctness' (which the hexagram indicates) refer to (moral) correctness (of aim). When (the mover) is able to use the multitude with such correctness, he may attain to the royal sway. There is (the symbol of) strength in the centre (of the trigram below), and it is responded to (by its proper correlate above). The action gives rise to perils, but is in accordance (with the best sentiments of men). (Its mover) may by such action distress all the country, but the people will follow him; - there will be good fortune, and what error should there be?

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